Pharmacology Final (26-50)

Create a detailed and professional illustration of a nurse in a clinical setting reviewing medication charts with various medical charts and vials in the background, emphasizing a focus on pharmacology and patient care.

Pharmacology Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge and understanding of pharmacology with this comprehensive quiz designed for nursing and healthcare professionals. With a total of 54 questions covering a range of critical topics, you will challenge your expertise and identify areas for improvement.

Key features of the quiz include:

  • Multiple choice and checkbox questions
  • Covers a wide array of pharmacological concepts
  • Immediate scoring for self-assessment
54 Questions14 MinutesCreated by LearningMedic302
Which question does the nurse ask before administering a medication to the patient? Select all that apply
Can you tell me your name?
How long have you been ill?
Do you have any other medical illnesses?
Do you have any drug-related allergies?
Did anyone in your family have the same illness?
Which measure is taken by the hospital administration to prevent medication errors? Select all that apply
Avoid providing detailed information when writing short prescriptions
Multiple systems of checks and balances must be used by nurses and pharmacists
Avoid handwritten prescriptions and incorporate electronic prescriptions
Student interns must not be allowed to check the prescription of patients
Current drug literature must be made accessible to all health care providers
Which step(s) would the nurse follow when administering oral medications to prevent the risk for complications? Select all that apply
Administer irritating oral medications with food
Refrain from mixing oral medication in infant formula
Encourage patients to take water when administering medications sublingually
Refrain from administering oral medications to patients who do not have a gag reflex
Mix enteric-coated medication with fluid or crush it if a patient is unable to swallow
Which action(s) by the nurse indicates (indicate) an understanding of the principles of medication administration? Select all that apply
Pouring liquids from below eye level on a flat surface
Storing all drugs away from the sunlight and at room temperature
Documenting on a real-time basis after administering medication
Avoiding touching topical and inhalation medication preparations
Avoiding administering drugs prepared by another nurse or colleague
Which patient parameter would the nurse assess before administering medications to a patient? Select all that apply
Vital signs
Contraindications to certain medications
Laboratory values
Level of consciousness
Which condition is an adverse effect of oxytocin? Select all that apply
Cardiac arrhythmias
Which complication will the nurse monitor for in the woman in labor receiving oxytocin?
Early fetal heart rate decelerations
Seven uterine contractions in 20 minutes
Contractions lasting at least 1 minute
Which initial dose of flumazenil would the nurse administer over 15 seconds if the health care provider has instructed the nurse to administer flumazenil to a patient experiencing a diazepam overdose?
0.1 mg
0.2 mg
0.3 mg
0.5 mg
The health care provider orders 2 mg of lorazepam to be given IV for a patient who is anxious and restless following a laparoscopic procedure. Based on the patient's vital signs posttreatment with lorazepam, which action would the nurse take first when the patient does not respond to names or light shaking?
Continue to monitor vitals every 5 minutes
Administer 0.2 mg of flumazenil IV
Notify the health care provider
Update the patient's family member in the waiting room
A patient received lorazepam for sedation prior to having magnetic resonance imaging. Flumazenil was administered after the procedure. Based on the assessment findings given during report, which action will the nurse take next when caring for this patient
Check on the next dose of phenytoin
Administer ondansetron
Review the amount of flumazenil administered
Consult the health care provider to discontinue the lorazepam
Which type of enteral feeding formula is most appropriate for a patient who lacks proper digestive functioning?
A patient is taking 450 mg of lithium by mouth twice a day for bipolar disorder. Based on the assessment data, which action would the nurse perform first
Obtain a lithium level
Monitor the patient's urinary output
Place the patient on bedrest
Increase the patient's oral fluid intake
Which food item would the nurse remove from the breakfast tray before providing the tray to a patient with bipolar disorder who is receiving lithium?
Salt packet
Which intervention is the priority for a patient who recently began taking lithium?
Monitoring the patient's intake and output
Assessing the lithium levels every other week
Monitoring for the recurrence of manic activity
Asking the patient if the patient has a metallic taste in the mouth
Which item(s) would the nurse instruct a patient to avoid if the patient has bipolar disorder and has been prescribed lithium citrate? Select all that apply
A patient with neutropenia is being treated with sargramostim. Which cue in the patient's medical record would concern the nurse? Select all that apply
HCG level
Which medication can be added to enhance the effectiveness of amoxicillin?
Claulanic acid
Which nursing action ensures safe drug administration when the nurse notes that pharmacy has supplied a generic drug instead of a brand-name drug?
Notifying the primary health care provider
Checking the composition of the brand-name drug
Checking for the primary health care provider's note in the prescription
Comparing the dose of the brand-name drug with the prescribed dose
Which reference would provide the nurse with the most comprehensive information related to US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warnings regarding the uses of multiple medications prescribed for an older adult patient?
Prescriber's Letter
Handbook of injectable drugs
Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics
Which resource provides accurate and complete information on nearly all prescription drugs marketed in the United States?
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics
The handbook on injectable drugs by Lawrence Trissel
American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) Drug information
Which resource would be best for the nurse to use to promote patient strategy when caring for a patient with diabetes who has been prescribed insulin therapy and also takes herbal medication for memory enhancement?
Prescriber's Letter
Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics
American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS)
Which drug resource is recommended as a reference for finding information on the side effects, dosage, adverse effects, and clinical studies of newly approved drugs?
Prescriber's Letter
Handbook of injectable Drugs
Medical letter
Which response would the nurse give a patient newly prescribed erlotinib for the treatment of pancreatic cancer who asks, 'Why do I need to stop smoking?'
Your addiction to nicotine will be enhanced
Tobacco decreases the effectiveness of this drug
Taking this drug while smoking increases your risk for bleeding
Tobacco alters the pH of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract; therefore it interferes with this drug's absorption
Which information would the nurse include when teaching a patient about the administration of erlotinib?
Take the drug with an H2 receptor antagonist like famotidine
It will be important to stop smoking when receiving this drug
This medication is best absorbed if taken on a full stomach
It is important to take the two daily doses 12 hours apart
Which herbal therapy can improve immune system functioning? Select all that apply
Saw palmetto
Which alteration in fluid and electrolyte balance would the nurse assess for in a patient taking fludrocortisone?
Which statement describes how superinfection can occur?
It can occur when the serum level of an antibiotic is too high
It can occur when the patient has a gram positive bacterial infection
It can occur when the patient has a gram negative bacterial infection
It can occur when the antibiotic eliminates the normal bacterial flora
Which electrolyte alteration would the nurse suspect in a patient experiencing nausea, cardiac dysrhythmias, and shortness of breath?
Acute dehydration
Which information would the nurse incorporate into the plan of care for a patient who reports snacking on licorice regularly and having lethargy, confusion, low blood pressure, and a reduced appetite?
Drink milk daily
Restrict intake of salty foods
Consume a glass of lemon juice daily
Consume foods rich in potassium
Which action would the nurse perform first, based on the information, if a patient presents to the urgent care center reporting leg cramps, nausea, and blurred vision?
Administer oral digoxin
Address the serum potassium level
Give scheduled sliding scale insulin
Obtain orthostatic blood pressures
Which adverse effect is associated with furosemide?
Which drug may be administered both orally and intravenously?
Which legislation has implications regarding the role of the nurse in asking about informed consent and risk-benefit ratios?
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Revitalization Act
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Modernization Act
Prescription Drug User Fee Act
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
The nurse is reviewing the informed consent paperwork prior to the client signing the forms. Based on the image, which information is missing from the checklist? Select all that apply
Risks of drug study
Reimbursement fees
Description of procedures
Emergency contact number
The nurse is caring for a patient in the emergency department who appears to be hallucinating. Which substance may be positive on the patient's toxicology screen that would explain the patient's presentation? Select all that apply
Mescaline (Peyote)
Phencyclidine (PCP)
Synthetic cathinones
Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
Which instruction will the nurse provide to a patient who has been prescribed atorvastatin as an antihyperlipidemic drug to maximize lipid-lowering effects?
Take atorvastatin at bedtime
Adhere to the blood test schedule
Avoid all alcoholic beverages
Engage in moderate exercie
Which drug would the nurse include in a teaching session on antihyperlipidemic medication? Select all that apply
Nicotinic acid
Bile-acid sequestrants
Cholesterol absorption inhibitors
Which explanation will the nurse provide a patient on statin therapy?
Periodically check the serum liver enzyme level
Muscle pain may occur, which does not need to be reported
Discontinue the drug in case of any adverse effect
Report if there is any gastrointestinal discomfort
Which statement by a patient taking perphenazine for psychosis indicates a need for further teaching?
I should rise slowly from sitting or lying to the standing position
I should use sunscreen and protective clothing when stepping out in the sun
I should take lozenges or hard candy if I have dry mouth for more than 2 weeks
I should avoid driving and other hazardous activities in the initial phase of my treatment
Which answer would the nurse provide if asked how phenytoin works to control seizures?
Excites the neuronal cell membranes
Prevents an influx of sodium into cells
Suppresses calcium movement into cells
Intensifies action of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Which information will the nurse include when providing discharge instructions to a 30 year old female patient admitted with new onset seizure disorder and a new prescription for phenytoin XR 300 mg PO every day? Select all that apply
Notify the health care provider (HCP) of bleeding or bruising
Obtain serum drug levels every month
Use alternate methods of birth control
Avoid driving until follow-up appointment
Perform oral hygiene with soft toothbrush
Which patient teaching point will a nurse share with a patient who is prescribed zolpidem tartrate for insomnia? Select all that apply
Have an alcoholic drink before bedtime to help you relax
Avoid drinking coffee after dinner
Listen to soothing music before sleep
Limit the drug's use to less than 10 days
Drink plenty of water after taking the drug
Which Act resulted in response to the thalidomide tragedy?
Kefauver-Harris Amendment to the 1938 Act, 1962
Durham-Humphrey Amendment to the 1938 Act, 1952
Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 2003
Which federal legislation will the nurse refer to when preparing a teaching plan for a patient on drug safety and labeling?
Controlled Substances Act
Drug Regulation Reform Act
Kefauver-Harris Amendment to the 1938 Act
Durham-Humphrey Amendment to the 1938 Act
A reduction of which physiologic measurement alters the volume of distribution of drugs in the older adult? Select all that apply
Body fat
Bone mass
Visceral fat
Lean body mass
Total body water
Before administering the daily dose of digoxin to a patient, the nurse notes that the patien is experiencing nausea, headache, malaise, and blurred vision. The patient's pulse rate is 54 beats per minute, and the patient states that yellow halos are seen around objects. Which action would the nurse anticipate taking in this situation? Select all that apply
Hold the dose
Draw a digoxin level
Notify the health care provider
Administer digoxin-immune Fab
Place the patient on a cardiac monitor
Which symptom will a nurse monitor in a patient with suspected digoxin toxicity? Select all that apply
Dry cough
Visual disturbances
Cardiac dysrhythmias
The nurse is providing education to a patient who will begin digoxin. Which food would the nurse instruct the patient to consume to increase serum potassium levels? Select all that apply
Orange juice
Which information would a nurse include in discharge teaching to a patient prescribed digoxin and hydrochlorothiazide for the management of heart failure? Select all that apply
Obtain pulse before taking digoxin dose
Do not take over-the-counter medications without talking with a healthcare provider
Include foods high in potassium in the diet
Report signs of toxicity such as blurred vision
Hold the drug for heart rate less than 60 beats per minute
Which information will the nurse consider when caring for a patient who has been prescribed digoxin once daily?
The body eliminates excess digoxin within 1 day
The patient must be monitored frequently for drug toxicity
The drug has a half-life of 12 hours in patients with normal renal function
The body reaches a steady state of drug concentration in 3 days
Which drug is contraindicated for a patient with heart failure who is taking digoxin?
Which drug alleviates nausea caused by chemotherapy? Select all that apply
Cyclizine HCl
Which drug would be most beneficial to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy?
Ondansetron hydrochloride
Which member of the health care team is responsible for conducting a clinical review of the patient's drugs to ensure the appropriateness of therapy and reduce the risk for polypharmacy in the older adult?
Primary health care provider
{"name":"Pharmacology Final (26-50)", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge and understanding of pharmacology with this comprehensive quiz designed for nursing and healthcare professionals. With a total of 54 questions covering a range of critical topics, you will challenge your expertise and identify areas for improvement.Key features of the quiz include:Multiple choice and checkbox questionsCovers a wide array of pharmacological conceptsImmediate scoring for self-assessment","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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