Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 23 Oct 20
[2010.11200] Rajas Chari, Roderich Moessner, Jeffrey G. Rau: Magnetoelectric generation of a Majorana-Fermi surface in Kitaev's honeycomb model
[2010.11214] Yuri D. van Nieuwkerk, Jörg Schmiedmayer, Fabian H.L. Essler: Josephson oscillations in split one-dimensional Bose gases
[2010.11219] Ricardo Gutiérrez, Carlos Pérez-Espigares: Generalized optimal paths and weight distributions revealed through the large deviations of random walks on networks
[2010.11233] Qiang Luo, P. Peter Stavropoulos, Hae-Young Kee: Spontaneous Chiral-Spin Ordering in Spin-Orbit Coupled Honeycomb Magnets
[2010.11268] Bastien Lapierre, Per Moosavi: A geometric approach to inhomogeneous Floquet systems
[2010.11291] Naëmi Leo, Matteo Pancaldi, Sabri Koraltan et al.: Chiral switching and dynamic barrier reductions in artificial square ice
[2010.11298] Drew Lilley, Jonathan Lau, Chris Dames et al.: Impact of Size and Thermal Gradient on Supercooling of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage
[2010.11308] Vincent Liu, Yi Yang, John D. Joannopoulos et al.: A Three Dimensional non-Abelian Generalization of the Hofstadter Model
[2010.11329] Ashley Cronk, David Larson, Francesca M. Toma: Development of a low flow vapor phase electrochemical reactor without catholyte reliance for CO2 electrolysis to high value carbon products
[2010.11394] Scott M. Mills, Dmitri V. Averin, Xu Du: Localizing fractional quasiparticles on graphene quantum hall antidots
[2010.11404] Yoshihiko Okamoto, Kenta Niki, Rikuto Mitoka et al.: Electrical and Thermal Transport Properties of the beta-Pyrochlore Oxide CsW2O6
[2010.11412] K. C. Kharkwal, Roumita Roy, Harish Kumar et al.: Structure, magnetism and electronic properties in 3$d$-5$d$ based double perovskite (Sr$_{1-x}$Ca$_x$)$_2$FeIrO$_6$ (0 $\leq$ $x$ $\leq$ 1): A ...
[2010.11414] Jiaxin Wu, Suxin Chen, Changpeng Chen et al.: Thermal stability and Thermal conductivity of pillared black phosphorene hybrid nanostructures:A molecular dynamics Study
[2010.11424] Chengxin Xiao, Jianju Tang, Pei Zhao et al.: Chiral channel network from magnetization textures in 2D MnBi2Te4
[2010.11451] Xiao-Ming Zhao, Cui-Xian Guo, Su-Peng Kou et al.: Defective Majorana zero modes in non-Hermitian Kitaev chain
[2010.11466] Jifeng Shao, Yuntian Liu, Meng Zeng et al.: Pressure-tuned intralayer exchange in superlattice-like MnBi2Te4/(Bi2Te3)n topological insulators
[2010.11485] Frederik Nathan, Rongchun Ge, Snir Gazit et al.: Quasiperiodic Floquet-Thouless energy pump
[2010.11493] Gyanu Prasad Kafle, Christoph Heil, Hari Paudyal et al.: Electronic, vibrational, and electron-phonon coupling properties in SnSe$_2$ and SnS$_2$ under pressure
[2010.11494] E. V. Repin, Y. V. Nazarov: Weyl points in the multi-terminal Hybrid Superconductor-Semiconductor Nanowire devices
[2010.11508] Kejie Bao, Haolin Liu, Kinfai Tse et al.: Kinetic Processes and surfactant design of Group I elements on CZTS (1-1-2-) surface
[2010.11511] Adrià Gràcia-Condal, Tino Gottschall, Lukas Pfeuffer et al.: Multicaloric effects in Metamagnetic Heusler Ni-Mn-In under uniaxial stress and magnetic field
[2010.11532] Masao Iwamatsu: Free-energy landscapes of intrusion and extrusion of liquid in truncated and inverted truncated conical pores: implications to the Cassie-Baxter to Wenzel transition
[2010.11534] Yu-Hao Deng: Transfer of graphene onto arbitrary substrates via sublimable carrier
[2010.11554] Davide Valentinis, Jan Zaanen, Dirk van der Marel: Observing the propagation of shear stress in strongly interacting metallic Fermi liquids
[2010.11558] Costanza Ronchi, Federico Soria, Lorenzo Ferraro et al.: Absorption mechanism of dopamine/DOPAC modified TiO 2 nanoparticles by time-dependent density functional theory calculations
[2010.11564] P. Piekarz, D. Legut, E. Baldini et al.: Trimeron-phonon coupling in magnetite
[2010.11572] J. Kalt, M. Sternik, B. Krause et al.: Lattice dynamics of endotaxial silicide nanowires
[2010.11588] Anže Božič, Matej Kanduč: Relative humidity in droplet and airborne transmission of disease
[2010.11599] R. Adhikari, K. Doesinger, P. Linder et al.: Low temperature and high magnetic field performance of a commercial piezo-actuator probed $via$ laser interferometry
[2010.11608] Pramod Kumar Mishra: A nano polymer aggregate on a substrate: A Theoretical study
[2010.11621] Nguyen Thi Han, Vo Khuong Dien, Ming-Fa Lin: Excitonic Effects in the Optical Spectra of Lithium metasilicate (Li2SiO3)
[2010.11624] Viktória Kádár, Gergő Pál, Ferenc Kun: Record statistics of bursts signals the onset of acceleration towards failure
[2010.11673] Len Kimms, Diddo Diddens, Andreas Heuer: Microscopic Understanding of the Lithium Ion Transport in Concentrated Block-Copolymer Electrolytes
[2010.11693] Armando Pezo, Bruno Focassio, Gabriel R. Schleder et al.: Disorder effects of vacancies on the electronic transport properties of realistic topological insulators nanoribbons: the case of bis...
[2010.11736] V.Ya.Aleshkin, G. Alymov, A.V.Antonov et al.: Auger recombination in narrow band quantum well CdxHg1-xTe/CdyHg1-yTe heterostructures
[2010.11739] I.B.Elius, A.K.M. Zakaria, J.Maudood et al.: Structural and Magnetic Characterization of CuxMn1-xFe2O4 (x= 0.0, 0.25) Ferrites Using Neutron Diffraction and Other Techniques
[2010.11753] Thiago Lobo, Minos A. Neto, Marcio G. da Silva et al.: Effect of carbon nanotube on ballistic conduction through single-quantum-dot
[2010.11758] Tae-Young Jeong, Soungmin Bae, Seong-Yeon Lee et al.: Valley Depolarization in Monolayer Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides with Zone-Corner Acoustic Phonons
[2010.11772] Shashank Mishra, Soumyadipta Maiti, Beena Rai: Computational property predictions of Ta-Nb-Hf-Zr high-entropy alloys
[2010.11774] Sahin Buyukdagli: Nanofluidic charge transport under strong electrostatic coupling conditions
[2010.11777] Chengping He, Xue Ming, Qing Li et al.: Synthesis and physical properties of perovskite Sm$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$NiO$_3$ (x = 0, 0.2) and infinite-layer Sm$_{0.8}$Sr$_{0.2}$NiO$_2$ nickelates
[2010.11795] Masahiro Sato, Hiroaki Ishizuka: Spin-current version of solar cells in non-centrosymmetric magnetic insulators
[2010.11798] Robert James Scales, David Edward John Armstrong, Angus J Wilkinson et al.: On the Brittle-to-Ductile Transition of the As-cast TiVNbTa Refractory High-entropy Alloy
[2010.11807] Chia-Hao Liu, Christopher J. Wright, Ran Gu et al.: Validation of non-negative matrix factorization for assessment of atomic pair-distribution function (PDF) data in a real-time streaming con...
[2010.11830] Atteia Jonathan, Lian Yunlong, Goerbig Mark Oliver: Skyrmion zoo in graphene at charge neutrality in a strong magnetic field
[2010.11864] J.A. Secrest, J.M. Conroy, H.G. Miller: Applying the Maximum Entropy Technique to the Gaussian Dispersion Plume Model
[2010.11878] Manuel Müller, Rukan Nasri, Lars Tiemann et al.: Development, Processing and Applications of a UV-Curable Polymer with Surface Active Thiol Groups
[2010.11883] Matías Berdakin, Esteban A. Rodríguez-Mena, L. E. F. Foa Torres: Spin-polarized tunable photocurrents
[2010.11885] Paul C Bressloff: Asymptotic analysis of extended two-dimensional narrow capture problems
[2010.11903] Ik Soo Lim: Stochastic Evolutionary Dynamics of Trust Games with Asymmetric Parameters
[2010.11938] Reza Baghdadi, Ekkehart Schmidt, Saman Jahani et al.: Enhancing the Performance of Superconducting Nanowire-Based Detectors with High-Filling Factor by Using Variable Thickness
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 23 Oct 20","img":""}
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