Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Mon, 2 Nov 20
[2010.15838] Thomas W. Grimm: Moduli Space Holography and the Finiteness of Flux Vacua
[2010.15858] David Damgaard, Livia Ferro, Tomasz Lukowski et al.: Momentum Amplituhedron meets Kinematic Associahedron
[2010.15890] Sergei Gukov, Po-Shen Hsin, Du Pei: Generalized Global Symmetries of $T[M]$ Theories. I
[2010.15894] Aldo Riello: Symplectic reduction of Yang-Mills theory with boundaries: from superselection sectors to edge modes, and back
[2010.15903] Chiara Crinò, Fernando Quevedo, Roberto Valandro: On de Sitter String Vacua from Anti-D3-Branes in the Large Volume Scenario
[2010.15913] Mariana Carrillo Gonzalez, Qiuyue Liang, Mark Trodden: An Effective Field Theory for Binary Cosmic Strings
[2010.15915] Hugh Osborn, Andreas Stergiou: Heavy Handed Quest for Fixed Points in Multiple Coupling Scalar Theories in the $\varepsilon$ Expansion
[2010.15933] Vikas Aragam, Sonia Paban, Robert Rosati: The Multi-Field, Rapid-Turn Inflationary Solution
[2010.15970] Clifford Cheung, James Mangan: Scattering Amplitudes and the Navier-Stokes Equation
[2010.16017] Subhra Debnath, Abhik Kumar Sanyal: Canonical equivalence in anisotropic models for higher order theory of gravity
[2010.16080] Hidetoshi Taya, Toshiaki Fujimori, Tatsuhiro Misumi et al.: Exact WKB analysis of the vacuum pair production by time-dependent electric fields
[2010.16166] Yongjun Ahn, Viktor Jahnke, Hyun-Sik Jeong et al.: Classifying pole-skipping points
[2010.16174] Marcos Marino, Tomas Reis: Three roads to the energy gap
[2010.16222] Matthijs Hogervorst, Chiara Toldo: Bounds on multiscalar CFTs in the epsilon expansion
[2010.16398] Juan Hernandez, Robert C. Myers, Shan-Ming Ruan: Quantum Extremal Islands Made Easy, PartIII: Complexity on the Brane
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