C. No, I am struggling a little bit in this aspect.
How is your physical and mental health?
A. Both are very healthy!
B. They are healthy most of the time.
C. They are not very healthy.
Do you have supportive people in your life?
A. Yes, I have many.
B. I have a few
C. I don't have many.
Are you currently in a relationship?
A. Yes, it's been very stable and healthy.
B. No, but I am looking to be in one.
C. I do not want to be in a relationship.
Does your career take up much of your time?
A. No, it does not take away too much time.
B. It takes away a bit of time, but I manage fine.
C. It takes away a lot of my time.
How do you feel about household tasks (Cooking, cleaning, etc.)?
A. I enjoy them!
B. I don't mind doing them.
C. I don't like them.
Are you living in a child-safe environment?
A. Yes, my home is very fit for children.
B. It is mostly fit for children.
C. It is not a very good home for children.
Would you consider yourself to be a mature person?
A. Yes, I am quite mature.
B. I am typically a pretty mature person.
C. I am not the most mature.
Do you have any experience with children?
A.Yes, I have some experience.
B. I do not have too much experience.
C. I barely have any experience at all.
Are you good at managing your stress?
A. Yes, I manage it very well.
B. I sometimes manage it well.
C. I do not manage it well very often.
Would your partner be open to having children?
A. Yes.
B. Not sure.
C. No.
Are you good at correcting a child’s behavior?
A. Yes, I am!
B. I can be at times.
C. Not at all!
Would you be willing to share your home with little children?
A. Yes, for sure!
B. I wouldn't mind.
C. Not really.
Do you think you would make a good parent overall?
A. yes, totally!
B. I think I might be.
C. Not at all.
{"name":"Ready to be a Parent?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"How do you feel about children?, What is your main goal for your life?, How old are you?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}