The Dating Game: Bard Edition

A whimsical illustration of a bard character sitting by a campfire, surrounded by musical notes, fantasy creatures, and a starry night sky, embodying themes of love and romance.

The Dating Game: Bard Edition

Welcome to The Dating Game: Bard Edition! Discover your romantic style and personality through whimsical multiple-choice questions designed to tickle your fancy and spark joy. Will you find your bard soulmate or just have a great time exploring your traits?

  • Fun and engaging questions
  • Discover your romantic persona
  • Ideal for fans of fantasy and music
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by PlayingLute27
Do you drink alcohol?
Not really. If I do, I prefer the fruity kind. Like blackberries or mangos. But those things ruin my voice!
How else can you have a good night on the town!
Occasionally I'll have a drink or two. Or... A few.
I pretend to drink so I can get money from the drunks.
Define... alcohol.
How would you rate your butt?
*Tad bit confused* Yes?
On a scale of one to ten? Eleven.
Odd question, don't you think?
10/10, honey.
I like it! Do you?
Are you a morning or night person?
Morning. Nothing can ruin the great atmosphere of fresh dew slipping off fresh green leaves. Along with the sounds of all the wildlife roaming about!
I love the night life too much. I have my best concerts then. Besides, the stars are too beautiful to miss.
I'm rarely awake before noon.
Night <3
I'm not a person, silly! But I like both. The morning is when all the lovely little birds are out and the night is when the lovely little stars are out!
What's your best quality?
Obviously my voice and looks.
I'm a rather amazing adventurer.
What isn't my best quality?
A nice smile
I like being able to climb a near 90 degree angle.
What's your worst quality?
How dare you assume I have any.
I tend to be too humble. *coughs* I am also a conman.
I care far too much for others. I give far *far* too much to those who are undeserving.
I've been told I'm too stubborn
What's your favorite animal?
Ducks. They roam the land, water, and sky. They are such weird creatures. Why tarnish your feathers in such a way?!
Swans are rather beautiful, aren't they? They mate for life. Could you imagine loving someone for your entire life. *quietly* I'd like to.
Lions are beautifully daring creatures.
I adore ravens
What's your dream home like?
Somewhere in the woods, but in the mountains where my tunes can echo through the trees.
On a beach in a little cottage. Misty and forested. Away from town, but not too far.
A castle that looks over the town.
A quiet cottage in the middle of the forest.
Anywhere with you, sweetie! <3
Do you believe in love at first sight? What about true love?
No, only those lucky enough can consider such a thing.
I believe deeply in both. Although, love doesn't have to be romantic. The second I saw my best friend, I loved them. It is the truest love I've ever known.
I'm unsure. True love sounds pleasant, though.
I don't believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in true love.
Oh, of course!
What's the longest relationship you've been in? How/why'd it end?
The longest was my past partner. They caught me committing a crime and was taken away. We were together for a year and a half.
Ah. I don't... Like talking about the past. He left. I stayed.
Define... relationship.
The longest relationship I've had was five years. I held onto them too tight... They wanted to be free and "explore their options". It was my fault in the end. Their loss anyways-
I've never been in an actual relationship. But I'd love to be! I want to be in love with someone and for them to be in love with me. It'd be rather sad for one to not.... :(
What's your biggest regret? Would you go back and change it if you could?
I once had a lover who was into mischievous things. Just like a rogue, but she was caught and sentenced to death. I tell their tales through my songs in hopes of keeping them alive. My regret was never going to help them that day. If I had, they never would've been caught... I would if I could.
I survived something I shouldn't have. I'm unsure if I'd go back and... Maybe it would mean those who perished would...
I helped someone I shouldn't have. I left them too. I'm unsure which I regret more. Or if I'd change it.
I should've tried harder in my studies, but I wouldn't change a thing. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be the bard you see today.
I don't regret anything. Everything happens for a reason.
What's your most prized possession? Why?
My most prized possession would be my instruments. Without them, I couldn't be where I am now!
My pan flute. It is from my best friend. I cherish it.
My beautiful voice, of course.
An earring my father gave me. It was the last thing he gave me before he disappeared.
My bosom.
What color best describes you and why?
Obviously tea green. It compliments me very well!
Red. Firey and passionate.
Blue. It goes with my eyes. *blink blink*
Dark green, because it's a gorgeous color. And I am gorgeous!
Pink! Or green. Or yellow. Or blue.
Describe yourself in three words.
You know it.
Dashing. Charming. Witty.
Your true love *wink*
Loyal, stunning, and creative.
A very nice person :)
Are you religous?
The only god I believe in is the art of music *winks*
Yes and no. The gods have been dead to me for some time, but something deep down... Needs to believe still.
Only fools believe in higher power.
Not anymore.
Yes! I love the world that the gods have created.
Do you want to go out on a date?
How could I say no to a face like yours? *holds out hand*
Of course, love.
Do the stars shine, even when you feel they shouldn't?
Of course, honey!
Oh! Yes, I would love to!
{"name":"The Dating Game: Bard Edition", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to The Dating Game: Bard Edition! Discover your romantic style and personality through whimsical multiple-choice questions designed to tickle your fancy and spark joy. Will you find your bard soulmate or just have a great time exploring your traits?Fun and engaging questionsDiscover your romantic personaIdeal for fans of fantasy and music","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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