Neuroscience Quiz

Do you agree to the terms and conditions of this competition?
1. About how much does the human brain weigh
2 pounds
1 pound
3 pounds
2. About how many nerve cells (or neurons) are in the human brain?
1 billion
10 billion
100 billion
3. Name the contact points where one neuron typically communicates with another:
Axon terminals
4. What conclusion can be made about the relationship between the brain and behavior or function?
Complex behaviors are primarily regulated by areas in the rear of the brain
Each region of the brain is solely responsible for a single behavior or function
No single region of the brain is solely responsible for a single behavior or
5. Which lobe of the cerebral cortex primarily processes visual information?
The occipital lobe
The temporal lobe
The parietal lobe
6. The “white matter” in the brain contains:
Fat deposits that develop when brains don’t get a routine workout
Axon bundles and a substance called myelin that insulates axons
Scars from strokes that have healed themselves
7. The parts of the mammalian brain in which significant numbers of new nerve cells are born throughout the lifespan are:
The hippocampus and the olfactory bulb
The olfactory bulb and the corpus callosum
The hippocampus and corpus callosum
8. The peripheral nervous system is derived from what embryonic structure?
Neural tube
Neural crest
9. Which of the following nerve(s) originate from the posterior midbrain:
Oculomotor nerve
Trochlear nerve
Optic nerve
10. All of the following are involved in articulation of language EXCEPT:
All of the primary motor cortex must be highly activated
Specific phonemes must be selected to form words
Muscle movements of facial muscles must be precisely coordinated
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