What is your favourite type of movie to watch with your spouse?
What's your ideal date night?
Dinner & a movie
Netflix & take-out at home
Spending time outdoors
Heading to the Big City for a live show/sporting event/concert
Who is your favourite celebrity couple?
Barack & Michele
Hans Solo & Princess Leia
Dave & Pia
Ruth & Boaz
What do you think about PDAs? (Public Displays of Affection)
Ew. Gross.
There's nothing wrong with it!
That's not biblical!
'Why don't we do that..?'
How long does it take you to get ready for a date-night?
15-20 minutes
I need a few hours to look this good.
It's an all-day process.
The 2 minutes it takes me to brush my teeth.
What's your ideal number of dates in a month?
Once a month
Does FaceTime over lunch count?
Every night is date night.
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