LFIT Practice Exam (Quizzes 1-5)

What is located at the centre of the Wellness Wheel?
Spiritual fulfillment
You, the individual
Nutrition and a healthy weigh
Cardiovascular fitness
Healthy relationships
The five factors commonly found to affect well-being according to longitudinal population studies include all of the following except:
Tobacco use
Alcohol use
All of the following are ten-year goals set by the United States Department of Health and Human Services for healthy people in 2020 except:
Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all
Eliminate preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death
Promote healthy development and healthy behaviours across every stage of life
Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups
Increase enrolment of all groups in the Affordable Care Act
Holism claims that the reality of human life is:
Not matter
Only the mind
Mind and body
Only the body
Which effects have studies found to be associated with aerobic exercise?
Decreased long-term potentiation
Decreased insulin-like growth factor
Increased brain volume
Decreased brain-derived neurotropic factor
None of the above
Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on:
All of the above
According to the Centres for Disease Control (CDC), which chronic disease is the leading cause of death in our society?
Alzheimer's disease
Unintentional injuries
Heart disease
What percentage of today’s most challenging chronic diseases is most likely due to lifestyle?
The second brain is found in the:
Brain stem
Central nervous system
Left brain
Right brain
Who is associated with philosophical immaterialism?
Will Durant
B. F. Skinner
When trying to adopt new healthy behaviours, it is important to:
Recognise this involves your whole being
Respect the complexity of thorough change
Be flexible
Be patient
All of the above
€�No one is an island” is a saying that best reflects which of the following constructs?
Extrinsic motivation
Those who believe that "behaviour is identity" display:
Fixed mindset
Growth mindset
Intrinsic motivation
The SMART acronym identifies all of the following goals except:
The behavior and the value of each individual can be kept distinct from each other. This is best accomplished by having
Any kind of self-esteem
High self-esteem
Low self-esteem
Self-acceptance self-esteem
Achievement self-esteem
Kristen joined her best friend's recreational league because she finds soccer personally rewarding. Emma, her best friend, also enjoys the game but is deeply driven by the desire to win the league trophy. Emma's primary motivation is:
Kelly has a gym membership but has stopped working out because her neighbour who used to drive them there has moved to another city. Kelly is experiencing what kind of barrier to behaviour change?
None of the above
Social stress regarding weight is most strongly felt by which group:
Hispanic girls and women
White girls and women
African-American girls and women
Asian girls and women
People who live in poorer regions
Justin constantly compares himself to others. After failing to keep his New Year's Resolution of working out five times a week, he sees himself as a failure. Justin suffers from:
Social anxiety
Procrastination disorder
Contingency, or achievement, self-esteem
The support of others enhances our:
All of the above
The action of the branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is most similar to which of the following metaphors?
Climbing a tree
Playing piano to the tempo of a metronome
Balancing on a skateboard
Running a marathon
Playing drums in a rock band
Regular physical activity may reduce the risk for all of the following except:
Certain cancers
All of the following are true about exercise except:
No pain, no gain.
Exercise comes with an inherent risk linked to intensity and frequency.
Risks associated with exercise are lower than those associated with not exercising.
Whether you are exercising or not, your body is producing heat.
Exercise cannot cause a cardiac event unless there is underlying heart disease.
The Exercise Prescription Model (EPM) is a guideline for:
Cardiorespiratory exercise for children
FITT individuals
Individuals beginning a new exercise program
American adults
Frequency, intensity, time, and type of cardiorespiratory exercise (FITT)
Cardiorespiratory fitness is especially effective:
For increasing a person's capacity to work
For reducing the risk of Type II diabetes
For reducing the risk of heart disease
All of the above
Which is the most likely resting heart rate (RHR) for the average person, not an elite athlete?
VO2 max is a good predictor of:
Heart disease
Mental toughness
Type II diabetes
Cardiorespiratory fitness
Competitive instinct
All of the following are true of interval training except:
It increases cardiorespiratory fitness in less time than traditional exercise.
It has the potential to improve the working of the parasympathetic nervous system.
It is an appropriate program for even the average person.
It involves keeping your pulse as high as possible between intervals.
It can be broken up into segments during the day.
The overload principle means that:
Stress is required to improve the cardiorespiratory system
Overloading on exercise leads to the principle of reversibility
Weight training is the best way to increase endurance
Being overweight keeps you from being active
You should carry weights when you jog or walk
All of the following are true of the cool-down after exercise except:
It discourages hypotension, dizziness, and fainting.
It may decrease the risk of cardiac irregularities in high-risk individuals.
It reduces heart rate and temperature.
It decreases lactic acid levels and promotes recovery from fatigue.
It facilitates the venous movement of blood from the heart.
NSAIDs are
Designed to increase levels of serotonin
Steroids designed to increase testosterone levels
Imbued with 10 times the amount of caffeine found in a soda
Associated with increases in stomach and kidney problems
A crucial component to functional fitness
Dynamic flexibility helps to maintain
Better posture
More attention to the muscles
More oxygen in the lungs
Cartilage in the joints
Ligament soreness
All of the following items are benefits of appropriate cardiorespiratory activities except:
Strengthened heart muscle for more efficient pumping
Development of more blood vessels
Increased resting heart rate
Increased level of good cholesterol (HDL)
Increased metabolism
Neurogenesis, the development of new neurons:
Improve one's metabolic rate
Is essential to improved mental health
Results in improved cardiorespiratory fitness
Results from mental exercises to improve the brain
Is linked to regular physical activity and exercise
Cardiorespiratory fitness improves fitness in all of the following ways except:
Improves ability to relax
Reduced stress
Increases energy for one's daily routine
Improves sleep
Promotes healthier diet
Functional fitness helps correct dysfunction by:
Participating in a sport
Creating a solid foundation
Weight training
Orthopaedic surgery
Exercising the cardiorespiratory system
The percentage of Americans who, at some point, experience low-back pain is:
Functional fitness is proper muscular strength and endurance designed to:
Win gold medals
Make you as strong as possible
Make you buff
Perform daily activities
None of these
Of the various inadequacies in performing the functional fitness assessments, which should be addressed and remedied first?
Muscle weakness in lifting exercise
Imbalances or asymmetries between left and right sides
Deviations in posture assessment
Heels coming off the ground when performing a deep squat
Cardiorespiratory fitness
Good posture is:
Balance of the left and right hips
Proper alignment of the musculoskeletal system
Proper alignment that feels stiff
Proper alignment of the head and back
Balance of the left and right shoulders
Compared to men, progressive resistance training by women:
Results in women exceeding the muscle mass for men
Increases their strength but not to the extent in percentage or amount seen in men
Can result in a greater percentage increase in arm and leg strength
Results in a superior resting metabolic rate
Produces changes that are essentially the same as those seen in men
The amount of exercise needed to maintain muscular fitness gains is _________ the amount it takes to achieve it.
Correlated with
Unrelated to
Less than
The same as
Greater than
Muscles burn calories and help maintain normal body weight:
During heart rate variability
During and after exercise
During exercise
All of the above
None of the above
The minimum amount of resistance or overload needed to ensure progression is what percentage of the maximum force that a muscle or muscle group can exert during one repetition?
Muscular fitness can help hypertensive individuals:
Lower diastolic blood pressure
Lower systolic blood pressure
Raise both systolic and diastolic blood pressure
Raise systolic and lower diastolic blood pressure
Lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure
A strength training session can affect RMR by:
Increasing it by as much as 40%
Increasing it by as much as 20%
Reducing it by as much as 20%
Reducing it by as much as 40%
None of the above
The fundamental principles included in any health-related fitness program are the principles of progression, overload, reversibility, and:
Specificity of training
Muscle endurance
A healthy level of muscular strength and endurance can:
Enhance cognitive functioning
Improve confidence
Reduce stress
Increase self-respect
All of the above
Cool down after a bout of strength training by:
Consuming a high protein drink
Taking a cold shower
Light stretching for 10 minutes or more
Taking a hot shower
Resting until the heart rate reaches its resting rate
A basic guideline for breathing properly while lifting includes:
Holding your breath during the eccentric phase and exhaling during the concentric phase
Inhaling during the eccentric phase and exhaling your breath during the concentric phase
Holding your breath throughout the lift
Inhaling during the eccentric phase and holding your breath during the concentric phase
Inhaling your breath during the concentric phase and exhaling during the eccentric phase
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