How sensitive are you?

When I use my cell phone I
Get uncomfortable quickly and repeatedly have to stretch or pop my joints
Try not to spend too much time to avoid discomfort
Can go for hours without any discomfort whatsoever
Sitting around all day
Is my life!
Is boring! I'd rather do stuff!
Is super uncomfortable
Isn't so bad
Is taxing but I can handle it
Is painful, but only after
Is probably going to be the death of me, it hurts during, after, and possibly even before...
Is my favorite thing to do in my spare time!
Is something I only do when I have to. My hand gets tired eventually.
Makes my hand hurt. A lot.
Is no problem for me.
Meh. It means nothing to me
Being poked
Is annoying and I hate when people do it
... It's just a poke... Who flippin'cares?
Sometimes it bothers me, but whatever
It hurts a lot. I'm constantly worrying someone will hurt me
Did someone say HEAVEN IN MY MOUTH!?
I only eat it because I have to, but it tastes pretty good I guess
I am a very picky eater
Food is great! I love food!
Good, bad, whatever. It's not going to kill me
I hate skunk smells and stuff, but otherwise, it doesn't affect me much
Gross smells could kill me, good smells are heavenly
I could probably die if there are too many smells at once, even if they're good smells usually
I hate walking, ESPECIALLY hikes!
It's just walking, who cares? You gotta walk, desk with it
Hikes hikes hikes! I think I'll hike right now!
I like to walk I guess. It can be fun
I think you pronounced "the devil" wrong
Aw yis! Let's slide down some on a mattress!
I walk up them when I have to
I love doing those stair things at the gym! Woo hoo!
I'm itchy...
All the time
Hardly ever
Because that is my life! My fingernails are ready for this, I've had lots of training
Popping joints
Ew!!!! I hate that!
I pop mine pretty often
I don't usually do it, but sometimes you just gotta
I have to pop mine every day, sometimes more
Aw yeah, you're paying, right?
I would love to get a massage once in a while
I wish I loved them, but they HURT!
I feel like I need one every day!
In your family, you're more likely to say...
"I barely touched you!"
"Stop fighting!"
"How did that even hurt?"
Are here to help, they're awesome!
Are pill pushers
I wish I loved them, but they don't listen
I appreciate them when I need them
On a scale from 1-10, how much does it hurt to get slapped?
2, be a man!
7, it'd hurt anybody
10, slaps are the worst!
12, I'd almost rather die
{"name":"How sensitive are you?", "url":"","txt":"When I use my cell phone i, Sitting around all day, Exercise","img":""}
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