1. ក្នុងរូបខាងក្រោមនេះ តើមួយណាជា treatment procedures ដែលត្រឹមត្រូវ សម្រាប់ធ្មេញនេះ?
σ Surgical crown lengthening post and core full coverage crown.
σ Orthodontic extrasion post and core full coverage crown.
σ Amalgam core full coverage crown.
σ Extraction implant placement implant supported prosthesis.
2. តើគេត្រូវធ្វើការពិនិត្យលើអ្វីខ្លះនៅដំណាក់កាលclinical try-in of a crown? ជ្រើសរើសចំឡើយដែលមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ.?
σ Biting force
σ Marginal adaptation
σ Good stability
σ Contours
3. តើគេប្រើអ្វីដើម្បីពិនិត្យ proximal contact of a fixed prosthesis?
σ Artifoil
σ Pink wax
σ Disclosing wax
σ Light bodied silicone
4. តើគេពិនិត្យ occlusion សម្រាប់ single crown យ៉ាងដូចម្តេច? ប្រយោគទាំងនេះសុទ្ធតែត្រឹមត្រូវ លើកលែងតែ:?
σ The occlusal contacts of all teeth should be identical with or without the restorations.
σ Check in lateral excursion first then MIP.
σ Working & non-working interferences must be removed.
σ Final occlusion check should be done with 0.0005-inch shim stock. The restorations must hold the shim stock as firm as the natural teeth & release when in lateral movement except group function is chosen as the occlusal scheme.
5. ហេតុអ្វីបានជាយើងមិនអាចប្រើ pure metals in dental castings?
σ pure metals have the appropriate physical properties to function in different types of restorations
σ pure metals are too expensive in the fabrication of restorations
σ pure metals do not have the appropriate physical properties to function in different types of restorations
σ pure metals do not have enough corrosion resistance for the fabrication of restorations.
6. Metals ខាងក្រោមជា noble elements, លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Gold
σ Platinum
σ Silver
σ Iridium
7. Metals ខាងក្រោមជា non-noble elements, លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Palladium
σ Copper
σ Chrome
σ Titanium
8. Metals ខាងក្រោមជា rare noble elements, លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Osmium
σ Rhodium
σ Gallium
σ Ruthenium
9. High noble alloy មាន noble metal content ……..wt%?
σ <25 wt %
σ >60 wt %
σ >25 wt %
σ >70 wt %
10. Noble alloy មាន noble metal content ……..wt%?
σ <25 wt %
σ >60 wt %
σ >25 wt %
σ >70 wt %
11. Base metal alloy មាន noble metal content ……..wt%?
σ <25 wt %
σ >60 wt %
σ >25 wt %
σ >70 wt %
12. Base-metal alloys ត្រូវបានបែងចែកជា 2 subcategories គឺ:?
σ Nickel- & cobalt-based alloys
σ Silver- & nickel- based alloys
σ Cobalt- & chromium- based alloys
σ Silver- & chromium- based alloys
13. ប្រយោគខាងក្រោមសុទ្ធតែត្រឹមត្រូវ លើកលែងតែ:?
σ single-phase alloy is one that most of its components dissolve in one another.
σ single-phase alloy is easier to cast.
σ single-phase alloy has lower corrosion rate than multiple-phase alloy
σ single-phase alloy is stronger than multiple-phase alloy.
14. ប្រយោគខាងក្រោមសុទ្ធតែត្រឹមត្រូវ លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Multiple-phase alloy is one that one or more alloy are not soluble in the other.
σ Multiple-phase alloy has higher corrosion rate than single-phase alloy.
σ Multiple-phase alloy is stronger than single-phase alloy.
σ Multiple-phase alloy cannot be etched for bonding cause of its higher corrosion rate.
15. Yield strength of the dental casting alloy គួរតែមាន …………. MPa ដើម្បីចៀសវាង fracture of alloys នៅ high-risk areas ដូចជាចន្លោះ pontics of a multiple-unit fixed restoration.?
σ <300 MPa
σ >300 MPa
σ <200 MPa
σ >200 MPa
16. Solidus is:?
σ the locus of temperatures above which a given substance is completely solid.
σ the locus of temperatures below which a given substance is completely solid.
σ the locus of temperatures below which a given substance is partially solid.
σ the locus of temperatures below which a given substance is starting to melt.
17. The casting alloys:?
σ Expand when cool
σ Distort when cool
σ Shrinks when cool
σ Stay the same size when cool
18. Alloy ដែលមាន high solidus temperature ច្រើនតែ:?
σ Shrink more than the lower one.
σ Shrink less than the lower one.
σ Shrink in the same amount as the lower one.
σ Shrink two times less than the lower one.
19. . High gold alloy អាចរួមមាឌប្រហែល (shrink for)…………%?
σ 0.3 to 0.5%
σ 0.5 to 0.7%
σ 0.7 to 1 %
σ 0.1 to 0.2%
20. Base-metal alloys អាចរួមមាឌប្រហែល (shrink for) …………..%?
σ 1.5%
σ 2%
σ 2.5%
σ 3%
21. Alloy ដែលមាន low solidi មាន:?
σ Greater risk of ill-fitting restorations.
σ Less risk of ill-fitting restorations.
σ The same risk of ill-fitting restorations.
σ No risk of ill-fitting restorations.
22. តើមានវិធីអ្វីខ្លះដើម្បីប៉ះប៉ូវ (compensate for) dental alloy shrinkage នៅក្នុងការធ្វើ a restoration? ជ្រើសរើសចម្លើយដែលខុស.?
σ Expansion of the die Application of die spacers
σ The use of more alloy than necessary
σ The use of special expanding investment mechanisms
σ Increasing the burnout temperature of the investment.
23. Corrosion អាច:?
σ Strengthen the strength of the restoration.
σ Release of oxidized components is harmless.
σ Produce galvanic shock
σ Produce a wooden taste.
24. Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the alloy ត្រូវបានគេធ្វើឲ្យវា……CTE របស់ porcelain ដូចនេះ porcelain អាចស្ថិតនៅក្នុង compression state នៅពេលដែលវាចុះត្រជាក់.?
σ More than
σ Less than
σ Equal to
σ Either more or less than
25. The porcelain ធន់ទ្រាំនឹង ………………ខ្លាំងជាង tensile strength ដោយសារតែ brittle characteristic របស់វា. ?
σ Shear strength
σ Compressive strength
σ Bond strength
σ Fatigue
26. Porcelain bonds ទៅនឹង casting alloys តាមរយៈ ………………..ដែលកើតមាននៅលើ metal surface ក្នុងកំឡុងពេល degassing stage of porcelain application.?
σ Etched metal surface
σ Retentive beads
σ Bonding agent
σ Metal oxide
27. Nickel- and cobalt-based អាចបង្កើត ?
σ Thicker oxides than noble- & high-noble alloys.
σ Thinner oxides than noble- & high-noble alloys.
σ The same amount of oxides as noble- & high-noble alloys.
σ No oxides as noble- & high-noble alloys.
28. Oxide-forming metals ដែលចាំបាច់ក្នុងការដាក់ចូលទៅក្នុង noble-alloys គឺ:?
σ Ag & Sn
σ Sn & Ga
σ Pb & Ga
σ Cu & Ag
29. Glasses in dental ceramics មានធាតុផ្សំចម្បងពី:?
σ Quatz
σ Feldspar
σ Alumina
σ Zirconium
30. ហេតុអ្វីបានជាគេបន្ថែម filler particles ទៅក្នុង base glass ceramic? ជ្រើសរើសចម្លើយដែលខុស.?
σ To improve mechanical properties of the material
σ To control optical effect of the material
σ To increase the coefficient of thermal expansion of the material
σ To make the ceramic more translucent.
31. ប្រយោគទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោមសុទ្ធតែត្រឹមត្រូវ លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Polycrystalline ceramics have no glassy component.
σ Polycrystalline ceramic’s atoms are densely packed into regular arrays.
σ Polycrystalline ceramics are less tough than glassy ceramics.
σ Polycrystalline ceramics tends to be more opaque than glassy ceramics.
32. Polycrystalline ceramics រួមមាឌប្រហែល (shrinks around):?
σ 10%
σ 20%
σ 30%
σ 40%
33. materials ទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោមគឺជា glassy ceramics លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Felspathic ceramic
σ Leucite-reinforced feldspathic ceramic
σ Lithium disilicate ceramic
σ Aluminum oxide ceramic
34. materials ទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោមគឺជា polycrystalline ceramics លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Zirconium oxide
σ Aluminum oxide
σ Yttrium-transformed zirconium oxide
σ Lithium disilicate ceramic
35. ពាក្យបច្ចេកទេសខាងក្រោមគឺជាវិធីក្នុងការផលិត ceramic restorations លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Powder condensation
σ Slip casting
σ Heat polymerization
36. តើប្រយោគណាមួយខាងក្រោមដែលនិយាយសំដៅលើ powder condensation technique?
σ Applying a moist porcelain powder with an artist’s brush & removing excess moisture to compact the powder particles. The porcelain is further compacted by viscous flow of the glassy component during firing under vacuum.
σ Forming a mold or negative replica of the desired framework geometry & pouring a slip into the mold. The resulting ceramic is a very porous & must be either infiltrated with a molten glass or fully sintered before veneering porcelain can be applied.
σ Lost wax method is used to fabricate the molds and the ingots are heated to a temperature at which they become a highly viscous liquid & then slowly pressed into the lost wax mold.
σ Ceramic ingots are milled or cut in a computer-controlled milling machine using software. The computer software must compensate for the shrinkage occurs during sintering to achieve good accuracy fit.
37. តើប្រយោគណាមួយខាងក្រោមដែលនិយាយសំដៅលើ slip casting technique?
σ Applying a moist porcelain powder with an artist’s brush & removing excess moisture to compact the powder particles. The porcelain is further compacted by viscous flow of the glassy component during firing under vacuum.
σ Forming a mold or negative replica of the desired framework geometry & pouring a slip into the mold. The resulting ceramic is a very porous & must be either infiltrated with a molten glass or fully sintered before veneering porcelain can be applied.
σ Lost wax method is used to fabricate the molds and the ingots are heated to a temperature at which they become a highly viscous liquid & then slowly pressed into the lost wax mold.
σ Ceramic ingots are milled or cut in a computer-controlled milling machine using software. The computer software must compensate for the shrinkage occurs during sintering to achieve good accuracy fit.
38. តើប្រយោគណាមួយខាងក្រោមដែលនិយាយសំដៅលើ hot pressing technique?
σ Applying a moist porcelain powder with an artist’s brush & removing excess moisture to compact the powder particles. The porcelain is further compacted by viscous flow of the glassy component during firing under vacuum.
σ Forming a mold or negative replica of the desired framework geometry & pouring a slip into the mold. The resulting ceramic is a very porous & must be either infiltrated with a molten glass or fully sintered before veneering porcelain can be applied.
σ Lost wax method is used to fabricate the molds and the ingots are heated to a temperature at which they become a highly viscous liquid & then slowly pressed into the lost wax mold.
σ Ceramic ingots are milled or cut in a computer-controlled milling machine using software. The computer software must compensate for the shrinkage occurs during sintering to achieve good accuracy fit.
39. តើប្រយោគណាមួយក្នុងចំណោមប្រយោគខាងក្រោមនេះដែលមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ?
σ Cast post and core can better fit to the root canal than prefabricated post.
σ Prefabricated post provides immediate restoration possible.
σ Cast post and core requires less laboratory and chair time than prefabricated post.
σ Prefabricated post is best suited for teeth with circular canals than those with other anatomical shape.
40. ប្រយោគទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោមសុទ្ធតែត្រឹមត្រូវចំពោះ cast post and core design លើកលែងតែ:?
σ The post preparation should minimally alter the internal anatomy of the root canal.
σ Ideal post is approximately 2/3 the length of the root or at least half the length of the root in bone.
σ Once the post space has been prepared, the post should be cemented as soon as is practical to reduce the risk of apical leakage.
σ The most commonly accepted guideline for this ferrule is a minimal height of 3 to 4 mm if intact tooth structure above the crown margin for 360° encirclement.
41. ដើម្បីចៀសវាង violation of the apical seal, តើគេគួរទុក apical gutta percha ឲ្យនៅសល់ប្រវែងប៉ុន្មានមម.ពី the apex of a tooth?
σ 1 to 2 mm
σ 2 to 3 mm
σ 3 to 4 mm
σ 4 to 5 mm
42. តើមានអ្វីកើតឡើងទៅលើធ្មេញបើសិនជាអ្នកប្រើ post ដែលមានប្រវែងខ្លីជ្រុល (inadequate length (short) post)?
σ Increase the possibility of root fractures because of the stress placed on the gingival margins.
σ Increase the possibility of finishline fractures because of the stress placed on the gingival margins.
σ Increase the possibility of apical seal violation because of the stress placed on the gingival margins.
σ Increase the possibility of post fracture because of the stress placed on the gingival margins.
43. Minimal height of ferrule ដែលចាំបាច់សម្រាប់ fixed prosthesis ឲ្យទទួលបាននូវ good prognosis គូរមានប្រវែងប៉ុន្មាន?
σ 1 to 1.5 mm
σ 1.5 to 2 mm
σ 2 to 2.5 mm
σ 2.5 to 3 mm
44. ក្នុងរូបខាងក្រោមនេះ តើមួយណាជា treatment procedures ដែលត្រឹមត្រូវ សម្រាប់ធ្មេញនេះ?
σ Surgical crown lengthening post and core full coverage crown.
σ Orthodontic extrasion post and core full coverage crown.
σ Amalgam core full coverage crown.
σ Extraction implant placement implant supported prosthesis.
45. ប្រយោគទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោមរៀបរាប់ពី characteristic of an active post, លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Active posts are threaded and are intended to engage the walls of the canal.
σ Active posts are more retentive than passive posts but introduce more stress into the root than passive posts.
σ They also can be used safely in tooth roots with less remaining dentin.
σ Their use should be limited to short roots in which maximum retention is needed.
46. ប្រយោគទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោមរៀបរាប់ពី characteristic of a passive post, លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Passive posts are retained strictly by the luting agent and their threads.
σ Passive, tapered posts offer the least retention of the prefabricated posts.
σ If adequate canal length is available, they are a good choice, particularly in thin roots.
σ Additional retention can be gained with a parallel post, by the use of resin cement.
47. ប្រយោគទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោមរៀបរាប់ពី true characteristic of a ceramic and zirconium post, លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Provide good esthetic.
σ Weaker than metal posts.
σ Zirconium posts can be etched providing additional retention.
σ Retrieval of zirconium and ceramic posts is very difficult.
48. ប្រយោគទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោមរៀបរាប់ពី advantages of fiber posts លើកលែងតែ:?
σ More flexible than metal posts
σ Modulus of elasticity to that of dentin
σ Distribute force more evenly in the root when bond with resin cement, results in fewer root fractures.
σ Difficult in retrieval.
49. ប្រយោគទាំងឡាយខាងក្រោមត្រឹមត្រូវចំពោះ gingival displacement for fixed prosthodontics លើកលែងតែ:?
σ The goal of the procedure is to irreversibly displace the gingival tissues in a lateral direction so that a bulk of low-viscosity impression material can be introduced into the widened sulcus and capture the marginal detail.
σ A bulk of impression material is required to obtain maximum accuracy and to improve the tear strength of the material so that it can be removed from the mouth intact with no tearing.
σ The critical sulcular width in this regard seems to be approximately 0.2 mm.
σ It is imperative that a small amount of impression material flows beyond the prepared margin. This permits accurate trimming of the recovered die.
50. ខាងក្រោមនេះជាបច្ចេកទេសក្នុងការធ្វើ gingival displacement លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Mechanical
σ Chemical
σ Gingivectomy
σ Surgical
51. ខាងក្រោមនេះជាបច្ចេកទេស mechanical-chemical methods of gingival displacement លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Single-cord
σ Double-cord
σ Triple-cord
σ Infusion method
52. The retraction cord ដែលគេជ្រើសរើសមកប្រើគួរតែមានទំហំ:?
σ Of largest size possible that can be atraumatically placed in the sulcus.
σ Of smallest possible that can be atraumatically placed in the sulcus.
σ Of any size possible that can be atraumatically placed in the sulcus.
σ Of medium size possible that can be atraumatically placed in the sulcus.
53. Generic names ខាងក្រោមគឺជា hemostatic medicaments ប្រើសម្រាប់ធ្វើ gingival retraction in fixed prosthodontics លើកលែងតែ:?
σ Aluminum sulfate,
σ Aluminum chloride
σ Epinephrine.
σ Aluminum oxide
54. ហេតុអ្វីបានជាយើងចាំបាច់ត្រូវរង់ចាំរយៈពេល 8 to 10 minutes មុនពេលទាញ retraction cord ចេញហើយធ្វើការខាំពុម្ព?
σ The cord needs time to expand, and the medicament needs time to create a metabolism in the soft tissue.
σ The cord needs time to effect adequate lateral displacement, and the medicament needs time to create hemostasis and crevicular fluid control.
σ The cord needs time to expand, and the medicament needs time to create a chemical reaction in the soft tissue.
σ The cord needs time to expand, and the medicament needs time to create a bleeding phenomenon from the soft tissue.
55. ក្នុងបច្ចេកទេស double-cord gingival displacement, គេ:?
σ Leave both cords in the sulcus and make the impression.
σ Remove both cords and make the impression.
σ Remove the first cord and make the impression with the second cord in place.
σ Remove second cord and make the impression with the first cord in place.
56. ក្នុងបច្ចេកទេស single-cord gingival displacement, គេ:?
σ Leave the cord in the sulcus and make the impression.
σ Remove the cord and make the impression.
σ Remove the first cord and make the impression with the second cord in place.
σ Remove second cord and make the impression with the first cord in place.
57. ក្នុងបច្ចេកទេស double-cord gingival displacement, cord ដំបូងដើរតួនាទី:?
σ Horizontal tissue displacement
σ Vertical tissue displacement
σ Horizontal and vertical tissue displacement
σ Nothing
58. ក្នុងបច្ចេកទេស double-cord gingival displacement, cord ទីពីរដើរតួនាទី:?
σ Horizontal tissue displacement
σ Vertical tissue displacement
σ Horizontal and vertical tissue displacement
σ Nothing
59. Light-bodied polyvinyl siloxane impression material អាចកត់ត្រា surface detail of:?
σ 15 µm
σ 25 µm
σ 50 µm
σ 75 µm
60. Heavy-bodied lolyvinyl siloxane impression material អាចកត់ត្រា surface detail of:?
σ 15 µm
σ 25 µm
σ 50 µm
σ 75 µm
{"name":"FixedProthodontics", "url":"","txt":"1. ក្នុងរូបខាងក្រោមនេះ តើមួយណាជា treatment procedures ដែលត្រឹមត្រូវ សម្រាប់ធ្មេញនេះ?, 2. តើគេត្រូវធ្វើការពិនិត្យលើអ្វីខ្លះនៅដំណាក់កាលclinical try-in of a crown? ជ្រើសរើសចំឡើយដែលមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ.?","img":""}
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