Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 11 Aug 20
[2008.03303] F. Förster, G. Cabrera-Vives, E. Castillo-Navarrete et al.: The Automatic Learning for the Rapid Classification of Events (ALeRCE) Alert Broker
[2008.03306] R. P. Ratnasingam, P. V. F. Edelmann, T. M. Rogers: Two-Dimensional Simulations of Internal Gravity Waves in The Radiation Zones of Intermediate-Mass Stars
[2008.03309] Rodrigo Carrasco-Davis, Esteban Reyes, Camilo Valenzuela et al.: Alert Classification for the ALeRCE Broker System: The Real-time Stamp Classifier
[2008.03311] P. Sánchez-Sáez, I. Reyes, C. Valenzuela et al.: Alert Classification for the ALeRCE Broker System: The Light Curve Classifier
[2008.03312] Stephen R. Green, Jonathan Gair: Complete parameter inference for GW150914 using deep learning
[2008.03314] Francesca Loi, Matteo Murgia, Valentina Vacca et al.: Spectro-polarimetric observations of the CIZA J2242.8+5301 northern radio relic: no evidence of high-frequency steepening
[2008.03320] Jianhui Lian1, Gail Zasowski, Sten Hasselquist et al.: The chemical properties of the Milky Way's on-bar and off-bar regions: evidence for inhomogeneous star formation history in the bulge
[2008.03329] Rahul Basu, Wojciech Lewandowski, Jarosław Kijak: Subpulse Drifting and Periodic Nulling in single pulse emission of PSR B2000+40
[2008.03335] Xilu Wang, Nicole Vassh, Trevor Sprouse et al.: MeV Gamma Rays from Fission: A Distinct Signature of Actinide Production in Neutron Star Mergers
[2008.03342] Michael F. O'Boyle, Charalampos Markakis, Nikolaos Stergioulas et al.: A Parametrized Equation of State for Neutron Star Matter with Continuous Sound Speed
[2008.03348] Angelos Vourlidas, L. A. Balmaceda, H. Xie et al.: The Coronal Mass Ejection Visibility Function of Modern Coronagraphs
[2008.03351] YuxiLu, Ruth Angus, Marcel A.~Agüeros et al.: Astraea: Predicting Long Rotation Periods with 27-Day Light Curves
[2008.03396] Klaus W. Hodapp, Larry Denneau, Michael Tucker et al.: The Outburst of the Young Star Gaia19bey
[2008.03438] Qiang Chang, Xuli Zheng, Xia Zhang et al.: On the Encounter Desorption of Hydrogen Atoms on Ice Mantle
[2008.03446] F. R. Lin, Q. Y. Peng, Z. J. Zheng: Using Gaia DR2 to solve differential color refraction and charge transfer efficiency issues
[2008.03447] Suman K. Dhakal, Jie Zhang, Panditi Vemareddy et al.: Recurring Homologous Solar Eruptions in NOAA AR 11429
[2008.03459] A. Richichi, Saurabh Sharma, T. Sinha et al.: Further milliarcsecond resolution results on cool giants and binary stars from lunar occultations at Devashtal
[2008.03460] Austin X. Shen, Kenji Bekki: A new way to constrain the densities of intra-group medium in groups of galaxies with convolutional neural networks
[2008.03461] M. Cruces, L. G. Spitler, P. Scholz et al.: Repeating behaviour of FRB 121102: periodicity, waiting times and energy distribution
[2008.03466] Patrick Hartigan, Lynne Hillenbrand, Matuesz Matuszewski et al.: Emission-Line Datacubes of the HH 32 Stellar Jet
[2008.03477] Matthew Fong, Jiaxin Han: A natural boundary of dark matter halo revealed at the minimum bias and maximum infall location
[2008.03492] Zigong Xu, Jingnan Guo, Robert. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber et al.: First Solar energetic particles measured on the Lunar far-side
[2008.03531] S. Feng, D. Li, P. Caselli et al.: The chemical structure of young high-mass star-forming clumps: (II) parsec-scale CO depletion and deuterium fraction of $\rm HCO^+$
[2008.03532] E. Landi, R. Hutton, T. Brage et al.: Hinode/EIS measurements of active region magnetic fields
[2008.03565] Todor M. Mishonov, Iglika M. Dimitrova, Albert M. Varonov: On the Influence of the Ionization-Recombination Processes on Hydrogen Plasma Polytropic Index
[2008.03576] Nora Hänni, Kathrin Altwegg, Boris Pestoni et al.: First in-situ detection of the CN radical in comets and evidence for a distributed source
[2008.03589] Auriane Egal, Paul Wiegert, Peter G. Brown et al.: Modeling the past and future activity of the Halleyids meteor showers
[2008.03594] Agustín Dugaro, Gonzalo C. de Elía, Luciano A. Darriba: Water worlds in N-body simulations with fragmentation in systems without gaseous giants
[2008.03603] Sten Hasselquist, Gail Zasowski, Diane K. Feuillet et al.: Exploring the stellar age distribution of the Milky Way Bulge using APOGEE
[2008.03607] Philip G. Judge: Inevitable consequences of ion-neutral damping of intermediate MHD waves in Sun-like stars
[2008.03613] David Kipping: An Independent Analysis of the Six Recently Claimed Exomoon Candidates
[2008.03634] Shotaro Yamasaki, Kazumi Kashiyama, Kohta Murase: Multi-Wavelength Constraints on the Outflow Properties of the Extremely Bright Millisecond Radio Bursts from the Galactic Magnetar SGR 1935+2154
[2008.03653] Swati Routh, Z.E. Musielak, M.N. Sundar et al.: New Cutoff Frequency for Torsional Alfv'en Waves Propagating along Wide Solar Magnetic flux Tubes
[2008.03657] Wynand Joubert, Steven Tingay: Simulations of orbital debris clouds due to breakup events and their characterisation using the Murchison Widefield Array radio telescope
[2008.03659] Roberto Ricci, Eleonora Troja, Gabriele Bruni et al.: Searching for the radio remnants of short duration gamma-ray bursts
[2008.03671] M. Y. Ge, J. P. Yuan, F. J. Lu et al.: Discovery of state transition behaviors in PSR J1124--5916
[2008.03679] I. Horvath, D. Szécsi, J. Hakkila et al.: The clustering of gamma-ray bursts in the Hercules--Corona Borealis Great Wall: the largest structure in the Universe?
[2008.03693] Fernando Rico Villas, Jesús Martín-Pintado, Eduardo González-Alfonso et al.: Vibrationally excited HC3N emission in NGC1068: Tracing the recent star formation in the starburst ring
[2008.03725] Luis F. Rodríguez, Jane Arthur, Gabriela Montes et al.: A Radio Pinwheel Emanating from WR147
[2008.03764] Wanying Kang, Suyash Bire, Jean-Michel Campin et al.: Differing Enceladean ocean circulation and ice shell geometries driven by tidal heating in the ice versus the core
[2008.03777] Keyan Gootkin, Trevor Dorn-Wallenstein, Jamie R. Lomax et al.: 13 Years of P Cygni Spectropolarimetry: Investigating Mass-loss Through H$α$, Periodicity, and Ellipticity
[2008.03779] Miguel-Ángel Aloy, Martin Obergaulinger: Magnetorotational core collapse of possible GRB progenitors. II. Formation of protomagnetars and collapsars
[2008.03792] Ankan Mukherjee: Spherical collapse in a dark energy model with reconstructed effective equation of state
[2008.03823] Georgy E. Sambarov, Tatyana Yu. Galushina, Olga M. Syusina: Analysis of the dynamical evolution of the Quadrantid meteoroid stream
[2008.03829] Quincy Abarr, Henric Krawczynski: The Iron Line Profile from Warped Black Hole Accretion Disks
[2008.03833] Francois Lanusse, Rachel Mandelbaum, Siamak Ravanbakhsh et al.: Deep Generative Models for Galaxy Image Simulations
[2008.03842] Nihan Pol: Modeling the Galactic Compact Binary Neutron Star Population and Studying the Double Pulsar System
[2008.03849] T. Maiolino, L. Titarchuk, F. D'Amico et al.: Testing Comptonization as the origin of the continuum in nonmagnetic Cataclysmic Variables. The photon index of X-ray emission
[2008.03865] K. Boutsia, A. Grazian, G. Calderone et al.: The spectroscopic follow-up of the QUBRICS bright quasar survey
[2008.03902] B. Gendre, D. Coward, J. Moore et al.: The Zadko telescope results: ten years of science
[2008.03952] Jade H. Checlair, Benjamin P.C. Hayworth, Stephanie L. Olson et al.: Non-detection of O$_2$/O$_3$ informs frequency of Earth-like planets with LUVOIR but not HabEx
[2008.03962] S. Agayeva, S. Alishov, S. Antier et al.: Grandma: a network to coordinate them all
[2008.03965] J. A. Moore, B. Gendre, D.M. Coward et al.: The Zadko Observatory
[2008.03966] Deng Wang: Can $f(R)$ gravity relieve $H_0$ and $σ_8$ tensions?
[2008.03975] Wei Zhang, Fan Yang, Hong Wu et al.: A Mysterious Ring in Dark Space?
[2008.04014] J. Humphries, C. Hall, T. J. Haworth et al.: Searching for wide-orbit gravitational instability protoplanets with ALMA in the dust continuum
[2008.04025] Tapish Narwal, Tomotsugu Goto, Tetsuya Hashimoto et al.: Discovery of a supercluster candidate at $z \sim 1.1$
[2008.04035] Timothy Faerber, Martin Lopez-Corredoira: A Chi-Squared Analysis of the Measurements of Two Cosmological Parameters Over Time
[2008.04044] E. Keles, D. Kitzmann, M. Mallonn et al.: Probing the atmosphere of HD189733b with the Na I and K I lines
[2008.04052] Paolo Salucci, Nicola Turini, Chiara Di Paolo: Paradigms and Scenarios for the Dark Matter~Phenomenon
[2008.04056] E. C. Kool, E. Karamehmetoglu, J. Sollerman et al.: SN 2020bqj: a Type Ibn supernova with a long lasting peak plateau
[2008.04064] Fahimeh Habibi: Time dependence of advection dominated accretion flow around a rotating compact object
[2008.04065] Yong Zhou, A. Del Popolo, Zhe Chang: On the absence of a universal surface density, and a maximum Newtonian acceleration in dark matter haloes: consequences for MOND
[2008.04081] Lincheng Li, Lister Staveley-Smith, Jonghwan Rhee: An HI intensity mapping survey with a Phased Array Feed
[2008.04102] Saurabh Sharma, Arpan Ghosh, D. K. Ojha et al.: The disintegrating old open cluster Czernik 3
[2008.04171] Sedighe Sajadian, Richard Ignace: Non-radially pulsating stars as microlensing sources
[2008.04179] Juan Camilo Guevara Gómez, Shahin Jafarzadeh, Sven Wedemeyer et al.: High-frequency oscillations in small chromospheric bright features observed with ALMA
[2008.04181] In Sung Jang, Taylor Hoyt, Rachael Beaton et al.: The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program. IX. Calibration of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch Method in the Mega-Maser Host Galaxy, NGC4258 (M106)
[2008.04196] Eli Dwek, Richard G. Arendt: Dust masses, compositions, and luminosities in the nuclear disks and the diffuse circumnuclear medium of Arp220
[2008.04205] Zhiyuan Pei, Junhui Fan, Jianghe Yang et al.: The estimation of $γ$-ray Doppler factor for Fermi/LAT-detected blazars
[2008.04207] James E. Robinson, Wesley C. Fraser, Alan Fitzsimmons et al.: Investigating Gravitational Collapse of a Pebble Cloud to form Transneptunian Binaries
[2008.04217] E. Parent, P. Chawla, V. M. Kaspi et al.: First Discovery of a Fast Radio Burst at 350 MHz by the GBNCC Survey
[2008.04241] Marcelo Kovalsky, Alejandro Hnilo: LIGO series, dimension of embedding and Kolmogorov's complexity
[2008.04242] C. Di Maio, C. Argiroffi, G. Micela et al.: The GAPS programme at TNG XXVI. Magnetic activity in M stars: spectroscopic monitoring of AD Leonis
[2008.04255] Shinsuke Takasao, Ikuyuki Mitsuishi, Takuma Shimura et al.: Investigation of coronal properties of X-ray bright G-dwarf stars based on the solar surface magnetic field -- corona relation
[2008.04258] Loren D. Anderson, Mattia C. Sormani, Adam Ginsburg et al.: Unusual Galactic HII Regions at the Intersection of the Central Molecular Zone and the Far Dust Lane
[2008.04266] C. E. Fields, S. M. Couch: On The Development of Multidimensional Progenitor Models For Core-collapse Supernovae
[2008.04272] Masatoshi Hirabayashi, Ryota Nakano, Eri Tatsumi et al.: Spin-driven evolution of asteroids' top-shapes at fast and slow spins seen from (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu
[2008.04287] G. Martínez-Solaeche, R. M. Gonzaález Delgado, R. Garciía-Benito et al.: Measuring emission lines in J-PAS with artificial neural networks
[2008.04288] Surabhi Sachdev, Ryan Magee, Chad Hanna et al.: An early warning system for electromagnetic follow-up of gravitational-wave events
[2008.04291] John Franklin Crenshaw, Andrew J. Connolly: Learning Spectral Templates for Photometric Redshift Estimation from Broadband Photometry
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 11 Aug 20","img":""}
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