The Hormonal Quiz

Where are you in your hormone healing journey?
Do you know where to go next?
Find out the next best step for you here.
There are 10 questions to answer.
Each will give you clues as to how balanced, optimized and resilient your hormones are.
There is no right or wrong answer. Choose the one closest to where you are currently.
How is your sleep?
A: Sleep is a priority for me, but of course, it could be better.
B: I am able to fall asleep but often wake up and find it difficult to get back to bed.
C: I find it difficult to fall asleep and to stay asleep.
How do you feel in the morning?
A: I feel refreshed most days.
B: It takes me over an hour to be fully alert.
C: I find it difficult to wake up and often press the snooze button.
Do you need coffee to stay awake?
A: Fortunately I can function without coffee.
B: I need coffee in the morning to feel fully alert.
C: I need caffeine a few times a day to fully function.
What are your energy levels like throughout the day?
A: My energy is not bad but it could be better.
B: My energy is not consistent.
C: My energy is pretty low.
How active are you?
A: I try to move every day and I enjoy it.
B: I move a few days a week but it takes a while for me to recover.
C: I’m not as active as I would like as I have joint pain and body aches.
Do you need alcohol to decompress at the end of the day?
A: I have mindfulness or creative practices to help me decompress.
B: I tend to binge drink over the weekend.
C: I need alcohol to decompress in the evenings.
What is your digestion and bowel movements like?
A: My digestion is pretty good and bowel movements are regular.
B: I get bloating and my bowel movements are irregular.
C: Eating doesn’t feel comfortable and I’m not sure how best to eat. My bowel movements are irregular and can alternate between diarrhoea and constipation.
Do you suffer from PMS or often have anxiety or mood swings or outbursts?
A: I occasionally get PMS, anxiety, mood swings, or outbursts.
B: I often get PMS, anxiety, mood swings, or outbursts.
C: I don’t recognise myself when I have my PMS, mood swings, or outbursts.
Do you suffer from food cravings?
A: I don’t often get cravings.
B: I like my sweet things and I can control how much I eat.
C: I have really bad sugar cravings.
What is your skin looking or feeling like?
A: My skin is overall calm and I don’t have breakouts.
B: My skin is a little sensitive and I have a few breakouts.
C: My skin is sensitive and I have deep cystic acne.
How would you describe how you feel your body or skin is ageing?
A: I like to learn what I can to look and feel youthful.
B: I feel young at heart and I just need to match the rest of myself to that.
C: I feel I’m prematurely ageing before my eyes.
Overall, how would you rate your feeling of vitality?
A: I have days that I’m on top of the world but it’s getting far and few.
B: I want more in my life and I know I can get there.
C: I feel like I’ve lost myself and need to get back to being me again.
{"name":"Hormonal Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Where are you in your hormone healing journey?   Do you know where to go next?   Find out the next best step for you here.   There are 10 questions to answer.   Each will give you clues as to how balanced, optimized and resilient your hormones are.   There is no right or wrong answer. Choose the one closest to where you are currently., How is your sleep?, How do you feel in the morning?","img":""}
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