For our four month!

So easy one, whennnn is my birthday?
12th of November
30th of December
13th of December
17th of July
So, a question out of the ordinary for a quiz-- first one yet! What types of things do I say or do that make you feel loved?
Which words would you use to describe me? (only chose 4!)
Devil ( mohahahaa *makes devil horns with fingers )
Hibernating butthole ( cause well duh )
What do you think I say about you to my friends? ( they all adore you and most of them already interact with you, I think this is easy )
What is my favorite color?
Do you have an interest in a sexual activity that you haven’t told me about yet? ( you know I am willing to do anything! )
Woah making a test is hard, it's a kissing question time!! Where on your body do you enjoy my lips the most?
Lips ( I wanted to include even though its kind of yes uvu)
Legs ( including thighs)
What is your favorite thing that I do during love making?
Moan -- Like being vocal in general
Grab you and pull you closer
Take control?? ( "but wonnie, when do you ever do that" <-- probably you right now )
Tug your hair, mark you and give you scratches *rabbit hearts*
Act suggestive or initiates the encounter first
Please Specify:
This might come off as weird, but: what do you think attracted me to you?
Is there a song you immediately heard and you thought of us? ( the moving in song doesnt coUNT )
When I look at you, I still can't help but smile and feel like the luckiest guy in the world, just wanted to leave you a little note that I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. This might come off as information though, but I don't want you to be the only one answering and giving words of affection to me. A little reminder during the quiz is needed *rabbit hearts*
When I look at you, I still can't help but smile and feel like the luckiest guy in the world, just wanted to leave you a little note that I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. This might come off as information though, but I don't want you to be the only one answering and giving words of affection to me. A little reminder during the quiz is needed *rabbit hearts*
Ok, this is a trick question but fun question! ( to strESS ME TF OUT, and I will tell you the correct answer after ) How many chats do we have together in total? Excluding the ooc and random thoughts
Since I enjoy movies, books, animes and mangas a lot. Is there one you want to recommend me watching/reading alone? I want to do that, then leave updates on if I like it so far on our blog. ( already going to do that with sailor moon, but if you have more than just one suggestion, hIT ME UP )
Since 13... I will ask a little question about Jason? Wow look who is obsessed with Friday 13th now. Do you want to have a little bet? Like whoever wins the first round of friday 13th game ( if one of us ends up being Jason)- what would the other person have to give?
Today we would have gotten married if everything went as planned, but I guess that is the wonders of life? How unexpected and interesting life can be at times, yet so encouraging at the same time. Know that, it doesn't disappoint me that we can't get married as soon as we planned, we have all the time in the world- the fact that youre gonna wear our couple ring during promotions means a lot more to me than anything else.
Today we would have gotten married if everything went as planned, but I guess that is the wonders of life? How unexpected and interesting life can be at times, yet so encouraging at the same time. Know that, it doesn't disappoint me that we can't get married as soon as we planned, we have all the time in the world- the fact that youre gonna wear our couple ring during promotions means a lot more to me than anything else.
What words do you feel like I use the most to describe you? ( in others ,pliz let me know what you would prefer being called )
Please Specify:
Aegi's dad though, do you enjoy that nickname or does it turn you off? I know you don't like the idea of being a parent so I DONT WANT TO THROW YOU OFF
Wtf wonnie, it make my heart jizz
Please Specify:
What drink do I prefer the most?
Your spit
Are there some words I could say, that you would like to hear from me more often?
You must be getting tired of answering my questions now, they're not exactly the most easiest to answer. Thus, I just wanted to say I love you.
If we were to get another pet, would you be up for it? I know you talk about it a lot and you always bring in a lot of suggestions, I just wanted to know if you are serious because I dont mind getting another child with you.
You're my honeybun sugarpuff, pumie yummie pumpin. You're my sweetiepie-- apple of my eye. Honestly, thank you for being you, and making me feel so important to you. I never feel this content with life before, and guess who just got teary eyed oow I'm cry, I just love you so much.
You're my honeybun sugarpuff, pumie yummie pumpin. You're my sweetiepie-- apple of my eye. Honestly, thank you for being you, and making me feel so important to you. I never feel this content with life before, and guess who just got teary eyed oow I'm cry, I just love you so much.
Sailor Deul in the building!! Do you remember what was my special superpower?
Hibernating and feeling hungry all the time
Stealing most of Jaxon's time
Showering Jaxon with love and affection until he probably suffocate
Being Aegi's dad
Binge watching shows but falling asleep in the middle
Aaand last question! What do I do that you prefer the most?
The random exposure of you on twitter to show everyone how proud I am to be with you
Sit on you / lay on you all the time, basically linking us together by the hip.
The random outbursts of affection and I love yous
Kissing you and hugging you without you initiating it first
Invite you to spend time with me and/or meet my friends
Letters and hidden messages in different places ( aka the pop up I just wanted to sound mysterious imo )
Plan our future together or plans to do later
Please Specify:
{"name":"For our four month!", "url":"","txt":"So easy one, whennnn is my birthday?, So, a question out of the ordinary for a quiz-- first one yet! What types of things do I say or do that make you feel loved?, Which words would you use to describe me? (only chose 4!)","img":""}
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