Policy Final

Which of the following is the best example of a value-based staffing program?
The Magnet Designation Program
Mandated nurse-to-patient staffing ratio programs
The hospital consumer assessment of health care providers and systems
The American Nurses' Credentialing Center on Research Programs
The success of the media events related to the Mothers Against Drunk Driving campaign which was developed and aired in 1980, is an example of ___________ SELECT THE BEST ANSWER
Social Marketing
Public Education
Media Advocacy
Responsible programming
According to the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses’ research study, key components to creating and maintaining healthy work environments include all of the following EXCEPT:
Mandated nurse-to-patient staffing ratios
Effective communication and decision-making
Collaboration and meaningful recognition
Authentic leadership
Prior to the 2014 revision of Statute 28-929 Workplace Violence, registered nurses were not covered by Nebraska Law because of the wording in the definition of “health care professional.”
Factors leading to a resurgence of previously eradicated diseases such as measles, polio, whooping cough, and cholera include all of the following EXCEPT:
Increased funding for research, increase interest by researchers
Undocumented immigrants, migrant workers, political refugees.
Bioterrorism and the deliberate release of harmful pathogens.
Declines in vaccination rates, conflicts with individual or religious beliefs.
A research strategy that has been successful to advance health and social policies for children is the use of childhood well-being indicators. Examples of Childhood Well-Being indicators include SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Immunization rates
Poverty rates
Births to teen mothers
Educational attainment
Factors that limit nursing’s success around the world in the shaping policy depends on the country’s SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A perception of the image of nursing, perceived value, and social status
Professional nursing educational preparedness
Minimal licensure requirements and NCLEX pass rates
Ratio of nurses to other healthcare workers and gender issues
In the movie “Sick Around the World” the reporter stated that the United States Veterans Administration Health System is similar to which of the following country’s healthcare system?
Great Britain
Implementation of the successful change process is related more to the leadership of an organization than whether the organization is unionized, a Magnet facility, or a non-designated hospital culture.
Evelyn McKnight founded Honor Reform after she was a victim of the largest Hepatitis C exposure in medical history. What is the three-pronged policy approach McKnight believes will improve patient safety?
Safety by oversight, safety by policy, and safety by culture
Safety by incentives, safety by design, and safety by culture and empowerment
Safety by double-checks, safety by education, and safety by social determinants.
Safety by duty, safety by regulations, and safety by training.
Three recent nursing graduates are meeting for lunch to celebrate passing NCLEX and to catch up. Nurse A took a job in a rural hospital in Western Nebraska. His starting salary in $28/hr. Nurse B’s job will be in a medical-surgical unit in Omaha. Her starting salary is $26/hr. Nurse C will work in a newly opened, state-of-the-art, world-renowned, acute rehabilitation hospital also in Omaha. Her starting salary is $25/hr. The discrepancies in the starting salaries between these three nurses is most likely due to: SELECT BEST ANSWER
The economic relationship between supply and demand
A long history of unfair pay practices stemming from gender bias.
The financial classification of each health care organization (HCO
D. How efficient and cost-effective each health care organization (HCO is.
According to the law of “supply” in the supply and demand economic model, what happens when the selling price of an item rises. SELECT THE BEST ANSWER
Fewer companies will produce the item
More companies will produce the item
Production will neither go up nor down
Production quality and value go down
Characteristics commonly associated with the concept of Health Care Economics include price, cost, and: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Supply and demand
Cost effectiveness and efficiency
The fundamental purpose of a health insurance exchange is to:
Channel insurance dollars into one federally-administrated insurance system
Create an online market place for the sale and purpose of health insurance for customers
Discourage competition between the many insurance companies now in existence.
Standardize the types of insurance products available to consumers and speed up processing of claims.
Prior to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), people with pre-existing medical conditions were discriminated against and often unable to qualify for health care insurance coverage.Prior to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), people with pre-existing medical conditions were discriminated against and often unable to qualify for health care insurance coverage.
The nurse completing an admission assessment notices the new patient has a foley catheter placed and attached to a leg bag. The urine is very cloudy in color. What information is MOST important for the nurse to document in order to avoid Medicare reimbursement penalties?
The foley catheter and suspected catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) are present on admission
The length of time the foley catheter has been in place and when the bag was last changed out.
The reason the patient has a foley catheter in place and which urologist is treating the patient.
The education the patient received to care for the foley catheter and whether or not the patient has been compliant.
A form of prospective payment being tested by Medicare, private insurers, and Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) paying a flat rate for an episode of care rather than by individual service is called:
Bundled payment
Fee for service payment
Retrospective payment
Managed care payment
New, emerging models of care within the Affordable Care Act share one common theme: to pay groups of providers for larger units of service. What is the challenge for nursing as these models are implemented?
The cost for nurses providing care is currently embedded within physician and hospital per diem bed charges.
Current date systems are unable to credibly identify, estimate, and capture services to demonstrate the value of nursing.
Both A & B
B only
The Affordable Care Act, and specifically the expansion of Medicaid, is expected to increase access to care, improve the quality of care to lower-income patients, provide for greater population coverage, and enable participation in preventable health and wellness initiatives.
Staff nurses have the ability to contribute to the health care organization’s (HCO) efforts to achieve pay-for-performance standards through which of the following interventions? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Patient/family education
Following evidence-based standards of care
Ensuring the patient is charged for all equipment and supplies used.
Accurate and timely documentation
When translating research into practice it is important to understand that:
Nurses are knowledge workers who analyze data.
Nurses are able to aggregate data.
Nurses make decisions based on data.
All of the above
The intended benefits of Meaningful Use of electronic health records includes all of the following except:
Patient empowerment
Accuracy of the medical record
Access of the important information to providers who have a need to know.
Ease of coding and billing for insurance companies.
Provision 9 of the American Nurses’ Association Code of Ethics describes the complementary roles of professional nursing associations and their members as being responsible for:
Articulating nursing values.
Maintain the integrity of the professional and practice.
Shaping social policy.
All of the above
A collection of people united by some common passion who work together to influence the political process is/are called: SELECT THE BEST ANSWER
Interest group
Grassroots mobilizers
Electoral influences
According to the Stepping Out advocacy assigned class reading, what is the most valuable asset in the policy arena?
Barrier to successful advocacy include all of the following except:
Lack of education and training in advocacy during formal nursing education.
Fear of retaliation from employers if a nurse speaks up about safety issues in the workplace.
Working in an empowered organization that encourages open and honest dialogue
Being unwilling or unable commit the time needed for successful advocacy.
One of the most controversial advocacy activities within the profession of nursing to date has been around the topic of:
Legislative lobbying
Inter-professional education
Collective bargaining
Equitable pay
Which of the following is least likely to be a pitfall or challenge of building a successful coalition?
Cultural and language differences among members.
Paying too much attention to recruiting coalition partners and members.
Poor handling of differences of diverse opinions and perspectives.
Persistent distrust among organizations and members within the coalition.
The best way for a nurse to learn the ropes of policy, politics, and advocacy is through: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Nurses have some significant advantages when it comes to working to influence an elected official. These advantages include:
They are viewed as credible as validated by the Gallup most honest and ethical polls.
They are the largest group of healthcare professionals in the United States.
They have experience with successful advocating of their patients.
All of the above
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