Hydrographic Surveying Quiz

The process employed in gathering information concerning any body of water and its adjacent land area
Hydrographic surveying
Subaqueous Contour
A graduated and rounded peace of lumber, about 3 meters long, used for taking soundings; suitable for use where the water depth does not exceed 2 ½ meters. At each end is a metal shoe which may be weighted to make the pole sink through the water more quickly
Sounding Machine
Tide Gage
Sounding Pole
A preliminary step of the area to be surveyed. This is done in order to select the most suitable manner of executing the survey and in planning all phases of work.
Establishment of Vertical Control
Establishment of Horizontal Control
Topographic Survey
Is the datum for first-order level net of many countries and is increasingly used as the base for general leveling operations. It is defined as the average height of the sea for all stages of the tide
Mean Sea Level
Mean Lower Low Water
Mean Low Water
Mean Low Water Springs
He directly supervises the work of the recorder, and assists the chief of Party in overseeing the sounding operation
Chief of Party
The method of locating soundings by time intervals along a range line is generally used when the required accuracy of the survey is not high
Two Angles From Shore
Two Angles From Boat
Direction And Vertical Angle
Time Interval Along a Range Line
Are well-defined lines on courses whose position are known and which soundings are taken
Survey Buoy
Range Lines
Base Line
Line of Sight
A common method of locating soundings is to observe directions to the boat simultaneously from two instrument stations. This method is adapted when it is difficult to establish range signals on shore. Such conditions exist when the shores are surrounded by cliffs or is heavily forested.
Two Angles From Shore
Two Angles From Boat
Time Interval Along a Range Line
Direction And Vertical Angle
A convenient method of locating soundings where there is a cliff or high bluff is observing vertical (depression) angles with a transit or theodolite as shown in Fig.37-4. This method, which is also known as the “Norwegian Method” is particularly useful when the instrument used can be set up at stations having a commanding view of the lake
Direction And Vertical Angle
Time Interval Along a Range Line
Two Angles From Boat
Two Angles From Shore
This method of locating soundings is an application of the three-point problem. From the boat the two angles are determined by sights to the three points. From the boat the two angles are determined by sights to the three points
Direction And Vertical Angle
Time Interval Along a Range Line
Two Angles From Boat
Two Angles From Shore
Produce and transmit sound downward, then receive and amplify the echo, measure the intervening time interval and automatically convert this interval into units of depth measurement such as feet, fathoms, or meters.
Radio Acoustic Ranging
Electronic Position Indicator
Short-range Navigation (Shoran)
Originally developed for blind bombing by military aircraft and aerial photographic reconnaissance. Used when rapid determination of position is required even under adverse weather conditions.
Radio Acoustic Ranging
Electronic Position Indicator
Short-range Navigation (Shoran)
Uses aerial camera photograph the water areas using standard techniques of photogrammetry (Natural color film is used)
Airborne Lasers
Multispectral Scanners
Orbiting Satellites
Give 2 Importance of Tides
Tide Range
Tidal Energy
Slack Water
Gravitational Attraction
Tidal Current
{"name":"Hydrographic Surveying Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Name, The process employed in gathering information concerning any body of water and its adjacent land area, A graduated and rounded peace of lumber, about 3 meters long, used for taking soundings; suitable for use where the water depth does not exceed 2 ½ meters. At each end is a metal shoe which may be weighted to make the pole sink through the water more quickly","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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