Quiz 4 ethics

What does Pachter suggest are ways of standing confidently?
Tilt your head to display interest
women should cross their legs
Distribute your weight evenly on both legs
All of the above
The key question in ethical discourse is whether firms respond to stakeholder concerns
Pachter suggests that constant eye contact is a sign of aggression.
What is one way that Pachter does not suggest you should do with your hands while talking with someone?
Keep the palms of your hands open to the person while talking with them to demonstrate openness
Keep your body posture open by avoiding crossing your arms
Point with the palm of your hands rather than your fingers to avoid aggressiveness
Keep your hands close to your body in order to avoid entering the other person's space
Werhane (1998) sees moral imagination as the creativity with which an individual is able to reflect about an ethical dilemma. Why is this significant?
It allows the individual to prioritise ethical issues more easily.
It allows the individual to develop alternative solutions.
It allows the individual to better rank the importance of stakeholders.
It helps the individual move towards a post-conventional level of cognitive moral development.
What are some questions that Pachter suggests you ask yourself about your clothing?
M I comfortable in these clothes?
Does this clothing comply with my company’s dress code?
Neither a nor b
Both a and b
According to Kohlberg (1969), cognitive moral development refers to:
The different levels of moral reasoning that an individual can apply to ethical issues and problems, depending on their cognitive capacity.
The theory regarding the underlying reasons why the highly educated typically think in consequentialist manners.
The theory that intelligent persons are less likely to be moral.
The theory that intelligent persons are much more likely to be morally courageous.
Anand and colleagues (2004) identify six different strategies of rationalizing unethical behaviour. What strategy am I using if I make the following argument? “It’s OK for me to use the internet for personal reasons at work – after all, I do work overtime a lot:”
Denial of victim
Metaphor of the eldger
Denial of injury
Appeal to higher loyalties
Sometimes it is better to make a statement rather than asking for permission.
The bureaucratic dimension of organizations has been argued to have negative effects on ethical decision-making. Read the following carefully and indicate which is not one of these negative effects.
Instrumental morality
Denial of responsibility
Denial of moral status
Suppression of moral autonomy
Overtalkers and interrupters can be difficult to talk with. What is not a strategy that Pachter suggests?
Ignore it
Talk over the other person at a higher level
Interrupt the other person to ensure that the other person is shamed into doing the right thing in the future
Wait until the other person is finished and then continue on with your point
When you’re dining out with friends and there is a mismatch with how much money was spent on food:
If you are the person who ordered more, speak up and offer to pay the difference
Pay attention to what other people are ordering
Let it go or say something at the time
All of the above
Since it’s only once a year, it’s alright to get a little over-inebriated at the holiday party, according to Pachter.
When using utensils, Pachter prefers the continental style over the American style.
When you are someone’s guest, Pachter suggests that you:
Avoid ordering messy meals
Order something mid-priced
Be cautious when ordering specials
All of the above
Which of the following is not one of the issues that Zadek et al (1997) have proposed as the key principles of good social accounting?
Continuous improvement
External verification
Protecting the integrity of confidential data
Management policies and systems
If it is a good meal and you couldn’t eat it all, then ask to take it home in a doggy-bag after the business meeting.
Pachter suggests that you should help stack the dishes to make the server’s job easier.
According to Pachter, what does BMW stand for when eating?
BMW always stands for Bavarian Motor Works, whether you’re eating, drinking, or sleeping.
BMW stands for Bread, Meal, and Water, the order that you should consume your dinner.
BMW stands for Bread, Meal, and Water, the order of place setting
BMW stands for Be My Waiter, which invites you to ask your waiter for assistance at the beginning of your meal
According to Crane and Matten, which of the following is NOT required for US ‘Benefit Corporations’:
Pursue a general public benefit (or a specific public benefit) in addition to profit.
Consider the effect of their decisions on shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers, community, and environment (i.e. A full range of stakeholders).
Produce an annual benefit report detailing their performance in relation to their proposed public benefit against a third-party standard.
Demonstrate leadership in cross-sector collaborations to solve social and environmental problems.
There is strong evidence that ESG improves in cases of substantial SRI.
When the host has invited you over, you are a guest and are not expected to do any work and shouldn’t offer.
When attending another’s place for dinner, bring a small gift.
According to Shankman (1999), two features make agency relations special. One of these is the inherent conflict of interest between shareholders and managers. What is the other?
Short-term focus of the ownership goals.
Limited communication between owners and managers.
Large differences in defined rights and obligations.
Informational asymmetry between principal and agent.
Mackenzie (1998) identifies two types of SRI funds. Market-led funds choose the firms to invest in following the indication of the market. Deliberative funds, meanwhile, base their portfolio decisions on:
Their ability to engage in dialogue with companies.
Their own ethical criteria.
Data from research agencies.
A range of negative criteria.
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