NORA Review

A detailed and informative illustration of an oil burner system with labeled components, showing combustion processes and efficiency measures, in a technical style.

NORA Oil Burner Knowledge Quiz

Test your knowledge on oil burners with our comprehensive quiz designed for professionals in the heating industry. This quiz covers essential topics such as combustion, fuel properties, and equipment functionality, ensuring you have the knowledge needed to excel in your field.

Get ready to challenge yourself with questions like:

  • What is the key adjustment for oil burners?
  • How does high pressure affect burner efficiency?
  • What causes thermal draft?
100 Questions25 MinutesCreated by TestingFlame101
The key final adjustment for most oil burners is:
Combustion Air
Oil Pressure
The High static air pressure created by today's oil burners:
Enable boiler and furnaces to have tighter more efficient heat exchanger passages
Eliminate the need for draft regulators
Minimize the effect of air leaks in the heat exchanger
Increase infiltration
Dirt or lint build-up in the bevel of the burner fan blades will:
Increase the amount of combustion air
Increase the voltage draw of the burner motor
Reduce the amount of combustion air
Cause the pump seal to leak
How do high pressure atomizing oil burners light oil to fire:
They use a spark to ignite the oxygen in the air, and the heat from the oxygen fires the oil
They pressurize the air and blow it through a thin film of oil to atomize it then ignite it
They pressurize the oil to turn it from a liquid to droplets, mix them with air, then heat the droplets until they vaporize then ignite.
The heat from the spark lights the spray of liquid oil from the nozzle.
To change the air ratio for different firing rates with an adjustable head burner you:
Change the combustion head when you change firing rates
Change the pump pressure
Adjust the position of the drawer assembly in the air tube
Adjust the draft regulator
When burned one gallon of #2 oil releases approximately:
140,000 BTU
92,000 BTU
180,000 BTU
240,000 BTU
The pour point of #2 oil is:
The lowest temperature at which oil will flow
A way to measure the sulfur content of oil
The temperature at which the water in the bottom of the tank freezes
The same as kerosene
Sulfuric acid in combustion gasses can:
Improve efficiency
Reduce flue gas temperature
Protect the flue liner
Create scale buildup in the heat exchanger
Flash point of a fuel is an indication of:
The temperature at which all the fuel is evaporated
The point its ambient temperature equals the dew point
The lowest temperature at which it will flash but not continue to burn
The temperature at which it will flash into a continuous burn
As heating oil get colder its viscosity (thickness):
Stays the same
Destabilizes the fuel
A tank without a vent alarm:
Can be filled normally as long as the driver listens closely to the vent pipe
Should be filled at no more than 65 gallons per minute
Should not be filled
Is permissible in most places
What is the most common source of water in oil tanks?
Bacterial action between air and oil
The oil distribution system
Algae in the tank
The home for bacterial growth and sludge in the bottom of the oil tank is:
Pumping the old oil from a tank being replaced into the new tank:
Is Ok as long as you do not pump the last 50 gallons from the tank bottom
Can lead to premature tank failure
Saves the customer money in the long run
Protects the new tank from corrosion
Fuel units (oil pumps) perform the following function:
Prevent contaminants that pass the external oil filter from clogging the return line
Heat the fuel to raise viscosity
Move oil from the tank to the burner and deliver it at a constant regulated pressure to the nozzle
Remove the air from the oil
The best way to clear a clogged oil line is to:
Use a hand pump to suck the blockage out
"snake" the line with a coated wire
Add kerosene to the tank
Use a CO2 cartridge to blow the blockage back to the tank
If thhe oil level in the tank is 4 foot below and 10 feet away from the fuel unit and the filter is new the approximate vacuum should be:
Less than 1 inch
1 to 2 inches
7 to 8 inches
5 to 6 inches
If the operating vacuum is significantly les than the calculated vacuum you probably have:
An undersized oil line
A suction line leak
A return line leak
A clogged oil line
If the operating vacuum reading is significantly above the calculated vacuum you probably have:
A clogged oil filter
A defective diaphragm valve
Ice in the return line
Loose fittings
It is best to connect fuel units as a one-pipe system instead of two-pipe because:
One pipe enables better air eliminations
One pipe has better lift capacity
Two pipe systems violate fire codes
One pipe leads to longer oil filter life and elminates worries about leaking return lines
A cause of pulsating oil pump pressure and pulsating fire is:
A leaks in the return line
Air leaks in the suction line
A loose cone valve
Low voltage to the burner motor
A fuel de-aerator
Increases operationg vacuum
Serves as a siphon breaker to protect against vapor lock
Eliminates the need for a return line back to the tank
Reduces pressure on the pump seal
The flow rate stamped on the nozzle is based on
200 PSI
100 PSI
150 PSI
85 PSI
The purpose of an oil burner nozzle is to
Preheat and vaporize oil
Atomize and meter the oil
Mix the oil and the air
Impinge oil on the combustion head
Nozzle after drip can be caused by
Not enough air in the nozzle line
Thermal expansion of the oil in the draw assembly after shut down
The ceramic chamber cooling off too quickly
The pressure regulating valve in the pump shutting off too quickly
To reduce combustion problems caused by cold oil
Bring in outside combustion air to the burner
Increase the pump pressure and reduce the nozzle size
Put 5 gallons of gasoline into the oil tank
Install a PRV valve
Increasing the fuel pressure pump will
Lead to increased wear on the nozzle
Increase the droplet size
Increase the flow rate
Void the warranty on many oil burners
A proper combustion chamber
Is large enough so that the fire doesn't impinge on any surface
Is perforated to improve head transfer
Absorbs the heat, cooling off the fire and reducing NOx emissions
Retains its heat long enough after shut down to reduce off-cycle losses
How are draft and combustion air related?
Positive over-the-fire draft pushes more combustion air into the fire
On high static pressure burners draft has no impact on combustionn air
They are both determined by the amperage draw of the oil burner motor. The more the amps the motor draws, the faster the fan spins, and the greater the draft and combustion air
As negative draft over-the-fire increases the combustion air drawn into the burner increases
What causes thermal draft?
Wind blowing around trees hanging over the chimney
The pressure drop created by hot combustion gasses rising in the chimney
Wind blowing over the top of the chimney
The draft inducer
What is affected by the changes in the temperature difference between the gasses in the chimney and the outside air, the barometric pressure, and the wind blowing over the chimney top?
The distribution losses from the heating system
The draft
The static pressure from the burner
The draft drop thru the heat exchanger
Excessive draft drop through the heat exchanger indicates:
Heavy soot and scale deposit in the heat exchanger
The base of the chimney is plugged
The baffles have been removed
The unit is under-fired
At steady state we want a draft of -.01 to -.02 WC
At the base of the chimney
Over the fire
At the breach
At the draft inducer
Power venter use
The combined strength of the inducer and the chimney to pull out the combustion gasses
The high static pressure created by the burner to push out the combustion gasses
A fan to pull the combustion gasses through the heat exchanger and out of the building
An additional fan to push the combustion air into the burner
When installing new flue pipe
Each joint should be secured with sheet metal screws
All elbows must be 90-degree bends - no 45s are allowed
The draft regulator must be close to the furnace or boiler as possible
It should be one size smaller than the flue collar at the breech
About 21% of air is:
Incomplete combustion and carbon monoxide are caused by
Partially plugged oil return lines
Too little or too much combustion air
Trick question - oil burners do not create carbon monoxide
Excessively long burner run cycles
When performing a smoke test using a manual smoke tester, how many strokes are required?
The electric force or potential (pressure) is:
The electrical current flowing in a circuit is measured in
Resistance to the flow of electricity in a circuit is measured in
Materials that allow electric current to flow through them with little resistance are
What is a good insulator at 120 volts, but a good conductor at 10,000 volts
A device that uses electricity to perform useful work is a:
In a series circuit there is only one
Path for current through the loads
Oil heating systems should be:
Wired in series with the major appliances
Protected by a minimum 30-amp breaker
Wired on their own separate circuit
Connected to the circuit of the room the burnerr is in
A thermostat with a single pole single throw switch that closes on temperature fall
Can be used for heating only
Can be used for cooling only
Can be used for both heating and cooling
Must be connected to the primary control
A voltmeter
Measures the electro-magnetic field created around the outside of the wire
Provides its own power and should never be attached to a live circuit
Offers very lower resistance to the flow of electricity
Can be used on a live circuit because it allows very little electric current to flow through it
The clamp-on ammeter
Should not used used on a live circuit
Should be clamped over the L1 and L2 wires to get a proper reading
It is used to measure the continuity of the circuit
Converts the strength of the magnetic field surrounding a wire into an amp reading
If a pump's gears are partially impeded by rust and difficult to turn it can cause:
The amperage draw of the burner motor to increase
The amperage draw of the burner motor to decrease
Incorrect reading on the multimeter
The voltage in the circuit to increase
When using an ohmmeter to test continuity:
Set the meter for the correct EMF value range
Disconnect the hot and neutral wires from thhe power source and discharge any capacitors that may be in the circuit to be tested
Energize the circuit to create a resistance
Touch the leads to each side of the energized load so that the meter is parallel to the load
Energizing the ignition circuit during the entire burn cycle reduces:
Electrical consumption
Ignition component life
Operational noises
NOx emissions
What is the quickest way to test an ignitor?
Shut off the power, set the gap between the springs to half an inch and energize the ignitor, spark should jump the gap
Use the screwdriver to draw a spark from one spring to the other
Measure the secondary voltage output from the ignitor springs
Observe the color of the spark. It should be blue - not red.
Ignitors are better than ignition transformers because:
They are less likely to create carbon buildup on the nozzle and combustion head
Their spark is not affected by humidity
They have higher output voltage and use less electricity than transformers
They shut off the spark after flame is established
When an ignition system is energized only until flame is established, it is called:
Intermittent (constant) ignition
Primary ignition
Interrupted ignition
Delayed ignition
An advantage of PSC motors over conventional split phase motors is they:
Use less electricity and more reliable because they have fewer switches
Have the added safety of a centrifugal start switch
Are not effected by brown-outs
Are protected by an overload switch
What happens if a split phase burner motor runs too hot?
The disconnect switch closes
The centrifugal switch opens
The thermal overload switch opens
The capacitor discharges
What could be the cause if the burner motor is running, but there is no flame?
The burner coupling could be slipping
The centrifugal switch turned off the electricity to the capacitor and the starting windings
The capacitor burned out
The bimetal in the overload switch warped, opening the circuit
ECM motors feature:
Better ignition characteristics
Faster start-ups and shut-downs
Variable motor speed capability
Cleaner more efficient combustion
The primary control must be capable of reacting to
High pressure or temperature
Excess CO readings
The presence or absence of flame
Changes in pump pressure
What happens to the electrical resistance through the cad cell as the light is sees gets brighter
Remains the same
Cad cells don't read resistance
Before pushing a reset button be sure to
Install a 1,000 ohm resistor between the F-F terminals
Check to be sure there is oil in the tank
Check to see that the chamber is not saturated with oil
Disconnect the thermostat
We use a motor-delay-off (post-purge type technology) for
Cleaner shut downs
Reducing stand-by losses
Reduce short-cycling
Smoother start-ups
When does a microprocessor primary control go into "latch up"?
If the light the cad cell sees dims by over 30% during the run cycle
If the control goes into lockout three times during a single call for heat
If the ignitor does not shut off after flame has been established
If the burner fails to start withhin 20 seconds of a call for heat
In oil burner circuits the high limit must be
Low voltage and wired in parallel with the primary control
Line voltage and wired in parallel with the primary control
Low voltage and wired in series with the primary control
Line voltage and wired in series with the primary control
The control that shuts off the burner in the event of excessive temperature or pressure (depending upon the type of system) is a:
High limit control
Primary control
Low limit control
Reverse acting control
The function of a switching relay is to
Switch for heating to air conditioning
Control a line voltage load with a low voltage thermostat
Switch from low fire to high fire
Switch aquastats from high limits to low limits
Odor smoke and soot are caused by:
Malfunctioning deaerator
Voltage drops
Delayed or faulty ignition
Defective cad cell
Pour point:
Lowest temp oil fuel flow
Lowest temp oil ignites
Lowest temp where oil burns continuously
Thhe same as kerosene
Flash point is
Lowest temp oil flows
Lowest temp oil ignites
Lowest temp oil burns continuously
17 degrees F
Ignition point:
Lowest temp oil flows
Lowest temps oil ignites
Lowest temp oil burns continnuously
17 degrees F
Sulfuric acid creates:
Greater efficiency
Scale build up
White smoke
Black smoke
As heating oil temp decreases, viscosity
Remains the same
Decreases 10 times
Tank without vent alarm
Is allowed by code
Should be filled
Should not be filled
Should be filled at 65 GPM
The most common source of water in oil tanks is
Bad oil deliveries
Water in oil tanks is the most common source of
Bad oil deliveries
Pumping old oil into a new tank is
Okay if you don't use the last 50 gallons
Not allowed
Okay only in summer
Best way to clear a clogged oil line is
Use a snake
Use a hand pump
Add kerosene to the tank
Use CO2 cartridges
4' below grade and 10' over equal _______" Hg of suction pressure on the oil pump
Less than 1 inch
1 to 2 inches
7 to 8 inches
5 to 6 inches
One line system better than 2 line because
Better air elimination
Better lift capacity
Two pipe violates fire codes
Longer filter life and no leaking return lines
Fuel dearation does what?
Increases operating vacuum
Acts as a siphon breaker
Reduces pump seal pressure
Eliminates need for return line
Reduce cold oil problems if you
Bring outside air into burner
Install a PRV valve
Add 5 gallons of gasoline to tank
Increase pump pressure and reduce nozzle size
How are draft and combustion air related?
Create positive over the fire draft
Not related
Determined by motor and draw
Create negative over the fire draft
Thermal draft is?
Wind around the chimney
Wind flowing on top of the chimney
The draft inducer
Hot combustion gases rising in the chimney
Excessive draft drop through heat exchanger indicates?
Baffles have been removed
The unit is under fired
Heat exchanger has soot deposits
Chimney is plugged
Draft over fire is
-.01" to -.02" w.c.
-.03" to -.07" w.c.
1 inch Hg
3.5 to 10" w.c.
The high static pressure in today's oil burner
Enables boilers and furnaces to have more efficient heat exchangers
Eliminates draft regulators
Minimizes air leaks in heat exchangers
Increases infiltration
Draft regulator is installed where?
As close to the boiler or furnaces as possible
Outdoor air intake
Top of chimney
CO is caused by?
Too little or too much combustion air
Plugged oil lines
Long burner run cycles
Cold outdoor air temps
CO2 of 7% at the breach and 10% over the fire indicates
Air leaking into heat exchanger
Oil point pressure is to low
Heat exchanger is dirty
Unnit is over fired
CO2 and O2 measurement helps us calculate
Amount of nitrogen in combustion gases
Over the fire draft
Amount of CO
Amount of excess air
Insulator @ 120VAC, conductor @ 10,000VAC is
Oil heating systems must be wired
On a 15 amp circuit
On a 20 amp circuit
On a dedicated line
With light fixtures in the basement
If oil pump gears are hard to turn _________ reading increases
Igniters are better than transformers for what two reasons?
Lower voltage and lower electricity use
High voltage and use less electricity
Higher voltage and more electricity usage
Lower voltage and more electricity usage
PSC motors are better than split phase motors for what to reasons?
Have a start switch and more torque
Have a start switch and less torque
Not affected by brown outs or voltage spikes
Use less electricity and are more reliable
ECM motors feature what?
More efficient combustion
Variable motor speeds
Better ignition systems
Old school technology
Intermittent ignition on during entire cycle decreases
Electrical consumption
Ignition life
NOx emissions
Before pushing the reset button
Make sure tank has oil
Thermostat is calling for heat
Install a resistor on cad cell
The chamber is not saturated with oil
During a proper tune up you should
Check tank for oil
Leave old parts behind
Leave pans to catch oil leak
Perform combustion efficiency test
{"name":"NORA Review", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on oil burners with our comprehensive quiz designed for professionals in the heating industry. This quiz covers essential topics such as combustion, fuel properties, and equipment functionality, ensuring you have the knowledge needed to excel in your field.Get ready to challenge yourself with questions like:What is the key adjustment for oil burners?How does high pressure affect burner efficiency?What causes thermal draft?","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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