
Naturalized citizens are constitutionally barred from running for the office of
A. United States Senator.
B. United States Representative.
C. President of the United States.
D. Governor.
E. Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
A striking feature of today's political campaigns is the
A. Large number of people who are willing to volunteer their time.
B. Positive theme that most candidates use exclusively through the election.
C. Lack of money contributed to candidates for major political office.
D. Importance of paid professionals rather than volunteers.
E. Refusal of so many candidates to take advantage of the media.
Tracking polls are used
A. On a daily basis to determine last-minute changes in the mood of the electorate.
B. By the government to determine if a candidate is receiving illegal campaign contributions.
C. To encourage voter turnout
D. Primarily in countries that have a multiparty political structure.
E. By the media throughout the election year.
The Supreme Court ruled in Buckley v. Valeo that ___________ cannot be banned under the Constitution.
A. The amount a candidate spends on a campaign
B. Making unlimited contributions to a congressional campaign
C. Accepting campaign contributions from a corporation or union
D. Contributions to members of the Federal Elections Commission
E. Making unlimited contributions to a presidential candidate
For a federal Political Action committee (PAC) to be legitimate, it must
A. Contribute to at least fifty federal candidates.
B. Raise money from at least fifty volunteer donors.
C. Represent at least five corporations, interest groups, or unions.
D. Align itself legally to one of the main political parties.
E. Qualify for matching funds from the Federal Elections Commission.
Soft money
A. Refers to contributions made directly to candidates for political office.
B. Refers to money that will be spent on elections.
C. Was no longer available to the national political parties after 2002.
D. Cannot be used for voter registration.
E. Can be used only by candidates who sign a written pledge to obey the law.
Advertising by interest groups that support or oppose a candidate or a candidate's position on an issue without mentioning voting or elections is called
A. a PAC advertisement.
B. A soft-money contribution.
C. Issue advocacy advertising.
D. A hard money expenditure.
E. payola, profiteering, and pilfering.
The organizations that came to be known as "527s"
A. Have been ruled to be unprotected by the First Amendment by the Supreme Court.
B. Have been outlawed under regulations issued by the Federal Elections Commission.
C. Are required to be created by the final section of the Campaign Finance Reform Act.
D. Offered an alternative for interest groups to use money to influence the course of elections.
E. Were allowed to run issue ads but were precluded from mentioning particular candidates.
The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002
A. Bans soft money contributions to national parties.
B. Bans campaign ads by special interest groups.
C. Bans independent expenditures.
D. Bans the practice of lobbying.
E. Eliminated the Federal Elections Commission.
A party leader or elected official who is given the right to vote at the national convention is called
A. An elector.
B. A primary winner.
C. A front-runner.
D. A superdelegate.
E. An alternate.
When only declared party members can vote in a primary election, it is called a(n)
A. Closed primary.
B. Open primary.
C. run-off primary.
D. Blanket primary.
E. caucus.
When voters can vote in either party primary without disclosing their party affiliation, it is called a(n)
A. Closed primary.
B. Open primary.
C. run-off primary.
D. Blanket primary.
E. caucus.
The practice of moving presidential primary elections to the early part of the campaign season is called
A. Regional strategizing.
B. front-loading.
C. Campaign caucusing.
D. Primary slide.
E. Super Tuesday.
527 groups are
A. non-profits that collect political donations without having to pay taxes on the money.
B. Committees representing corporations, labor unions, or special interest groups.
C. Combinations of groups of states a presidential candidate needs to win the necessary 527 votes in the Electoral College.
D. Democratic and Republican party leaders who have the right to vote at their party's national convention
E. The states that move their presidential primary elections to the early part of the campaign to maximize their impact on the nomination.
Buckley v. Valeo involved a constitutional question regarding the
A. First Amendment.
B. Second Amendment.
C. Fourth Amendment.
D. Fifth Amendment.
E. Sixth Amendment.
States that have been tagged as ____ states will see intense campaigning up to the very day of the election.
A. blue
B. red
C. large
D. undecided
E. battleground
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