
Which rating cannot be left on Mercari?
When is a buyer able to leave a rating?
After the item is purchased
After the seller leaves a rating
Once the item arrives and they are happy with it
If they want to return it
When is the seller able to rate?
Once the buyer purchases their item
Once the buyer rates them
After 7 days
Sellers do not rate
When is a seller auto-rated?
After 7 days if the buyer didn't leave a rating
3 days after buyer received the item
After 24 hours
Once the item is purchased
When do sellers get paid?
Once the buyer rates
Once a buyer purchases the item
Once both the buyer and the seller rate
After 2 weeks from purchasing an item
In order to request a return, buyer should...
Not rate the seller
Just ship the item back
Ship the item to Mercari HQ
Rate the seller
Can users change the rating?
Only author can
They can only delete it
Rating can only be changed from...
Positive to Negative
Negative to Positive
It cannot be changed
Briliant to Amazing
{"name":"Ratings", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which rating cannot be left on Mercari?, When is a buyer able to leave a rating?, When is the seller able to rate?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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