Conclusions Comprehension Check.

Identify the main conclusion: (a) Slandering the spouse or family of a presidential candidate is bullshit. (b) Unless you want politics to devolve into pure playground name-calling, you need to cut it out. (c) Also, slander reduces the possibility for civil dialogue and compromise.
Identify the main conclusion: (a) First of all, if you're just trying to get drunk taste shouldn't matter. (b) And second, even if you don't like the taste you wont notice it after just a few drinks. (c) If you're just looking to get drunk you should buy the cheapest liquor possible.
{"name":"Conclusions Comprehension Check.", "url":"","txt":"Identify the main conclusion: (a) Slandering the spouse or family of a presidential candidate is bullshit. (b) Unless you want politics to devolve into pure playground name-calling, you need to cut it out. (c) Also, slander reduces the possibility for civil dialogue and compromise., Identify the main conclusion: (a) First of all, if you're just trying to get drunk taste shouldn't matter. (b) And second, even if you don't like the taste you wont notice it after just a few drinks. (c) If you're just looking to get drunk you should buy the cheapest liquor possible.","img":""}
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