Crushfest HU SB
True/false: fish have high fold vs cb on flop and river, but low on turn, because of that we should bet once or three streets, and avoid betting twice with bluff and giving up river as standard:
True/false: fish have high fold vs cb on flop and turn, but low on river, because of that we should not bluff by betting three streets
True/false: fish have high fold vs lcb on flop and river, but low on turn, because of that we should bet once or three streets, and avoid betting twice with bluff and giving up river as standard:
True/false: fish have high fold vs lcb on flop and turn, but low on river, because of that we should not bluff by betting three streets
True/false: fish have high iso cbet on F, T and R:
True/false: fish have strong raise vs cb range:
True/false: fish have very high barrels after donk on the flop:
With tp+ on the flop you should (select all correct answers):
Not cbet half pot
Cbet 35%-40% of the pot
Cbet half pot
Check back on very dry structured with high top pair
With middle pair on the flop you should (select all correct answers):
Cbet 55-70% of the pot
Check back as standard
Cbet when 2nd pair is low and board is very dry
With air (also A/K high) you usually should:
Cbet 30-35% of the pot
Cbet 40-45% of the pot
Cbet 50-60% of the pot
Check back
With draw you should (select all correct answers):
Check back and go for del CB with weak draw on wet board
Cb half pot on the flop almost all the time
Cbet 35-40% of the pot on the flop

You minraised Q3o preflop readless. On 993r board you cbet and your opponent called. Turn is 5o. What is your action?
Cbet <50% of the pot. My hand is most likely good, because villain should have a lot of high-cards in his range and I want to protect my hand.
Check back, my hand is not strong enough for valuebetting.
Cbet 55-70% of the pot, as this is strong value hand on low fold equity run-out

You minraised AQo preflop readless. On Q63r board you cbet and your opponent called. Turn is Ao. What is your action?
Cbet 70% of the pot, as hand is strong.
Cbet with small sizing (<50% of the pot) because our hand is very strong but fold equity is high on this turn card.
Cbet 50% of the pot.
What should be your most common turn action with OESD or flushdraw after cbetting on the flop and getting called?
Cbet the turn for ~halfpot
Cbet 35-40% of the pot

You minraised T6o preflop readless. On T85r flop you cbet and your opponent called. Turn is 9o. What is your action?
Cbet 50% of the pot. I can valuebet, but hand is not strong enough to choose big sizing.
Cbet with small sizing.
Cbet big (60%+ of the pot).

You minraised J4o preflop readless. On Q83r flop you cbet and your opponent called. Turn is Ao. What is your action?
Cbet big (60-70% of the pot). Fold equity is so high, that betting once again, with bigger sizing, is best play.
Cbet 50% of the pot.
Check back. With pure air I do not want to put any single chip more to the pot.

You minraised T9o preflop readless. On T85r flop you cbet and your opponent called. Turn is 9o. What is your action?
Cbet 35-40% of the pot. My hand is strong, I don't want villain to fold.
Check back.
Cbet 50% of the pot.
Cbet 60-70% of the pot. Hand is strong and fold equity on this turn is low.

You minraised 75ss preflop readless. On KJ2ss flop you cbet and got called. Turn is 4o. What is your action?
Check. On this specific board texture fold equity on turn is low.
Cbet. Flushdraw should be always cbet on turn.

You minraised K8o preflop readless. On J95r flop you cbet and got called. Turn 2o went check/check. On Qo river your opponent checked once again. What is your action?
Check. King high might be good here.
Bet 45-60% of the pot. River is scary card and villain would have often bet with strong made hand.

You limped 64o preflop readless, your opponent checked. On 873r flop you bet and got called. Turn 2o went check/check. On To river your opponent checked once again. What is your action?
Check. It's impossible to win every single pot.
Bet 45-60% of the pot. It's enough to make villain fold many better hands.

With 500 chips effective stack (10/20 blinds) you minraised AKo readless and got called. Flop is KT5r. You cbet 30 into 80 and got raised to 90. What is your action?
Call. Board is dry, hand isn't vulnerable and by calling we give villain opportunity to bluff on turn.
Reraise. Hand is strong enough to stackoff.

With 500 chips effective stack (10/20 blinds) you minraised AKo readless and got called. Flop is KT8ss. You cbet 30 into 80 and got raised to 90. What is your action?
Call. Hand is strong, and we want to keep his bluffs and draws in.
Reraise with big sizing. Hand is strong enough to stackoff and there are many possible draws that we do not want to give free card.

With 460 chips effective stack (10/20 blinds) you minraised J9o readless and got called. On QT3ss flop you cbet 40 into 80 and got raised to 110 total. What is your action?
Call. Hand is not strong enough to reraise on the flop, but odds are good enough to call.
Fold. Hand is too weak to do anything else.
Reraise on the flop.

With 460 chips effective stack (10/20 blinds) you minraised 98o readless and got called. On KQ9ss flop you cbet 40 into 80 and got raised to 110 total. What is your action?
Call. Any pair is good enough to call on the flop.
Fold. You are too often behind and there are not many good turn cards for your hand.
Reraise on the flop.
True/false: against aggressive opponents cutting vpip is good adjust.
True. Charts are great for playing readless, reads are more important than charts.
False. You should always play close to 100% of hands from SB in HU. Just follow charts.
{"name":"Crushfest HU SB", "url":"","txt":"In HUD, what does F stand for?, You are on BB in HU, your opponent minraised and you called. Flop goes check\/check. You bet turn. What action did you do?, You are on BB in HU, your opponent minraised and you called. You bet on flop. What action did you do?","img":""}