Biology Quizzes for Test

A vibrant illustration of diverse biological life forms including plants, animals, and microorganisms, showcasing the complexities of ecosystems

Explore the World of Biology

Test your knowledge of biological concepts and principles with our comprehensive 50-question quiz. From genetics to ecosystems, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, making it suitable for students, teachers, and biology enthusiasts alike!

Key Features:

  • In-depth questions
  • Covering various biology topics
  • Designed for all knowledge levels
50 Questions12 MinutesCreated by ThinkingTree204
In the late 1800s, Louis Pasteur was searching for a vaccine for anthrax in livestock. One French veterinarian had a local reputation for being able to cure anthrax by applying oils and wrapping the animal in cloth to induce a fever. Pasteur also knew that some animals got well on their own when left untreated. Pasteur tested the effectiveness of the local veterinarian's methods by injecting four cattle with anthrax bacteria. He then directed the veterinarian to perform his procedures on two cattle. The other two cattle were left alone. What is a major weakness of this experimental design?
Two cattle represent a test of the treatment; two serve as a control to determine the likelihood of survival without treatment.
Two animals in each group are not enough replicates.
All animals should have received the "fever" treatment.
The two cattle that are treated are the only test being conducted; the other two cattle serve no purpose beyond representing all the untreated cattle in France.
When you get hot and begin to perspire you are demonstrating which of the characteristics of life?
Which sequence correctly lists the different levels of biological organization, from the smallest and simplest to the largest and most complex?
Tissues-cells-organs-organ systems-organism
Cells-tissues-organ systems-organs-organism
Tissues-organs-organ systems-organism-cells
Cells-organs-tissues-organ systems-organism
Cells-tissues-organs-organ systems-organism
Organs are composed of tissues, which are composed of cells. This is an example of which characteristic of life?
Living things grow and develop.
Living things maintain themselves by homeostasis.
Living things have levels of hierarchical organization.
Living things respond to stimuli.
Living things are adapted to the environment.
Which statement regarding the scientific method is false?
Published research should provide enough detail to allow anyone to repeat the experiment in the same manner.
Only one experimental variable is used in a controlled experiment.
A theory is an explanation of why a pattern occurs.
Theories formed in everyday life carry the same validity as a scientific theory.
All the banded sunfish (Enneacanthus obesus) in a pond would comprise a(n)
Jennifer wants to use the brand of fertilizer that gives her the most tomatoes from each plant. She breaks her plants into groups and uses a different brand of fertilizer on each group. The response/dependent variable is represented by
Unfertilized tomato plants.
Brand of fertilizer
Amount of fruit produced by the tomato plants.
Fertilized tomato plants.
Which of the following is a way to control for confounding variables in the antibiotic experiment covered in the textbook?
Using many replicates
Allowing the person doing the endoscopies to know which subjects are controls
Randomly assigning test subjects ot different groups
Only a and c are true
All of the answers are true
Which of the following is not one of the strengths of Science?
Science is publicly understandable.
Scientific theories can change as new data become available.
Scientific theories, once found to be true, are always true.
Science is capable of making measurable predictions.
In the antibiotic experiment in the textbook, what is the independent/experimental variable?
Number of people in the control group.
Whether or not the patient gets one of the antibiotics or placebo.
Number of people in the taking antibiotic A.
Presence/absence of stomach ulcers.
Learned behavior that causes a family of baby ducks to follow their mother is called
Operant conditioning.
Digger wasps close up their burrows to protect larvae from predators. A digger wasp continues to close its nest even though the researcher has removed the nest's contents. This shows that nest-closing behavior in the digger wasp is
a learned behavior.
a classical conditioned behavior.
A fixed action pattern.
an imprinted behavior.
Which statement about behavior is NOT true?
Innate behavior is triggered by a stimulus and does not vary.
All behaviors can be explained as fixed action patterns.
Animals with simple nervous systems tend to respond to a stimulus with an inherited behavior.
Fixed action patterns are sometimes subject to modification by learning.
Natural selection might favor altruistic behaviors in closely related individuals because it
Increases the frequency of the altruistic individual's genes in the next generation.
Reduces fighting between species.
ensures the survival of the altruistic individual.
stimulates new learning behaviors.
Which of the following would provide evidence to support a genetic basis of behavior?
identical twins who grew up in the same household like have the same religion
a sister and a brother who are raised in the same household and say things in the same way
Identical twins who were separated at birth and grew up in the different households like the same flavor of icecream
two unrelated individuals who are raised in the same household and have the same taste in clothing
A child has a genetic relatedness of ____________ to a parent?
Male goats will attempt to mate with goats who resemble the female goat who raised them. This is an example of
a fixed action pattern.
Classical conditioning.
An innate behavior.
Male elk may earn the right to mate with female elk by battling other males with their antlers. This is an example of
Altruistic behavior.
Classical conditioning.
Sexual selection.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about fixed action patterns (FAPs)?
All the members of a species perform the exact same sequence of behaviors.
FAPs require learning.
The behavior pattern is stereotyped.
The fixed action pattern is considered to be initiated by a sign stimulus.
Why should a female butterfly choose a vibrantly colored male for mating?
Brightly colored males are healthier and more likely to produce healthy offspring.
Brightly colored males are less attractive to predators.
Brightly colored males are better parents and help with raising offspring.
Brightly colored males are better camoflauged.
A number of populations of different species interacting with one another in a natural environment, such as a rotten log, is called
a community.
A form of symbiosis in which both participants benefit is
A form of symbiosis in which one participant benefits and the other apparently is not benefited nor harmed is
Which is NOT a density-dependent factor?
Food supply
Shelter or nest space
Under what conditions would one expect a negative population growth rate?
A country becomes poorer, because it is related to economic growth.
Better health care reduces the death rate and increases survivorship of newborns.
birthrate is greater than death rate.
Death rate is greater than birthrate.
Primary succession takes much longer than secondary succession because it involves
more time for development of a seed bank.
Colonization by more equilibrium species.
time for weathering of rock and development of the soil horizons.
redevelopment of the atmospheric gases.
In a species with a type I survivorship curve
Most individuals die of old age.
individuals die at a constant rate throughout time.
most individuals die during their reproductive years.
many individuals die early in life.
A populations under exponential growth would be graphed with ______-shaped curves.
The maximum population that the environment can support for an indefinite period of time is called the
Biotic potential.
Carrying capacity.
replacement reproduction.
Environmental resistance.
There are about 127,281 red-tailed hawks in Arkansas. About 20,017 died and 24,945 were born last year. What is the yearly rate of increase as a percentage?
Which of the following is NOT a carbon reservoir?
dead organisms
Ammonium and nitrates
Living organisms
Primary consumer
The first step in the use of carbon by living organisms occurs in
Green plants.
An ecosystem consists of what two components?
Habitat and niches
biotic and abiotic factors
Water and temperature
grazing and detritus food chains
Fungi and bacteria are detritus-feeders, also known as
The primary consumers that feed directly on green plants are called
Which kind of organism would be most likely to perform photosynthesis?
Ecologists have found that
Energy flows one way through an ecosystem and requires an external input.
inorganic elements flow through an ecosystem.
Ecology cannot be explained using principles from chemistry and physics.
it is possible to capture all the photosynthetic energy absorbed in a molecule of glucose.
Most natural food chains are only four or five links long, rarely more. The number of trophic levels is limited because
The efficiency in the conversion of food eaten at each level is very low, about 10 percent.
This is not correct; most food chains are much longer than four or five links.
there are more predators than herbivores.
Nutrients cannot be passed after four or five levels.
The two general categories of biogeochemical cycles are
Organic and inorganic.
gaseous and sedimentary.
Energy and matter.
Terrestrial and aquatic
Hemoglobin is a protein composed of two pairs of polypeptide chains. What is the highest level of protein structure represented by hemoglobin?
You notice that rain water forms "beads" on your car. This is an example of what property of water?
High heat of vaporization
Cholesterol is a component of cell membranes and is an example of which type of lipid?
A covalent bond is
An attraction of charged atoms.
A sharing of electrons between two atoms.
A type of bond that results in ionic compounds.
The transfer of electrons from one atom to another.
Nucleic acids are polymers of
Fatty acids.
Amino acids.
If an element has an atomic number of 15, then
The atom must have only one orbital.
The atom has 15 neutrons.
The atom has 15 electrons.
The atomic mass must also be 15.
What type of reaction is necessary to produce a dipeptide from individual amino acids?
None of the answer choices will form a dipeptide.
Dehydration reaction
Hydrolysis reaction
Dipeptides are not formed from amino acids.
When two glucose molecules combine they form a disaccharide molecule and
Another glucose molecule.
a water molecule.
A lipid molecule.
A dipeptide molecule.
Which of the following molecules is inorganic?
The lower the pH
The more acidic the solution
The greater the hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration
The lower the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration
The closer the hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration comes to equaling the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration
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