Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 27 Aug 20
[2008.11204] Ya-Hui Zhang, Zheng Zhu: Symmetric pseudogap metal in a generalized $t-J$ model
[2008.11206] Maxime Dupont, Snir Gazit, Thomas Scaffidi: From trivial to topological paramagnets: The case of $\mathbb{Z}_2$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2^3$ symmetries in two dimensions
[2008.11212] Ahana Chakraborty, Rajdeep Sensarma: Renyi Entropy of Interacting Thermal Bosons in Large $N$ Approximation
[2008.11213] Thomas Mertz, Roser Valentí: Engineering Topological Phases Guided by Statistical and Machine Learning Methods
[2008.11214] P. A. Nosov, I. S. Burmistrov, S. Raghu: Interaction-induced metallicity in a two-dimensional disordered non-Fermi liquid
[2008.11218] Johannes Mitscherling: Longitudinal and anomalous Hall conductivity of a general two-band model
[2008.11222] Corentin Déprez, Louis Veyrat, Hadrien Vignaud et al.: A tunable Fabry-Pérot quantum Hall interferometer in graphene
[2008.11224] Mário J. de Oliveira: Stochastic thermodynamics of system with continuous space of states
[2008.11246] Marco Gibertini: Magnetism and stability of all primitive stacking patterns in bilayer chromium trihalides
[2008.11259] Chen-Huan Wu: Bipolaron formed through electron-hole excitation
[2008.11277] Behnam Parsaeifard, Jonas A. Finkler, Stefan Goedecker: Detecting non-local effects in the electronic structure of a simple covalent system with machine learning methods
[2008.11322] José F. Nieves, John D. Verges: Simplified calculations of plasma oscillations with non-extensive statistics
[2008.11335] Gang Liu, Zhaofu Zhang, Hui Wang et al.: Quasi-Acoustic Shear Phonons Modes Lead to Remarkable Contribution to Thermal Conductivity in Novel Ga2O3 Monolayer
[2008.11345] H. Zhang, Y.L. Zhu, Y. Qiu et al.: Field-induced magnetic phase transitions and the resultant giant anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnetic half-Heusler DyPtBi
[2008.11346] K. Sonowal, A.V. Kalameitsev, V.M. Kovalev et al.: Acoustoelectric effect in two-dimensional Dirac materials exposed to Rayleigh surface acoustic waves
[2008.11349] Jia Liu, Xian Liao, Jiayu Liang et al.: Tuning the electronic properties of hydrogen passivated C3N nanoribbons through van der Waals stacking
[2008.11361] Nayereh Ghobadi, Shoeib Babaee Touski: The Electrical and Spin Properties of Monolayer and Bilayer Janus HfSSe under Vertical Electrical Field
[2008.11374] Zhi Wang, Liang Dong, Cong Xiao et al.: Berry curvature effects on quasiparticle dynamics in superconductors
[2008.11387] Ashish Kumar, Saurabh Singh, Ashutosh Patel et al.: Thermoelectric Properties of GaN with Carrier Concentration Modulation: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation
[2008.11405] Xavier Sauvage, Fabien Cuvilly, Alan Russell et al.: Understanding the role of Ca segregation on thermal stability, electrical resistivity and mechanical strength of nanostructured aluminum
[2008.11411] Fulin Wang, McLean P. Echlin, Aidan A. Taylor et al.: Electron Backscattered Diffraction using a New Monolithic Direct Detector: High Resolution and Fast Acquisition
[2008.11412] Deepak Sharma, M.M. Sharma, R.S. Meena et al.: Raman Spectroscopy of Bi2Se3-xTex (x= 0 to 3) Topological Insulator Crystals
[2008.11413] M. Y. Teferi, H. Malissa, A. B. Morales-Vilches et al.: Imaging of bandtail states in silicon heterojunction solar cells
[2008.11417] E. Perfetto, A. Marini, G. Stefanucci: Self-consistent screening enhances stability of the nonequilibrium excitonic insulator phase
[2008.11424] Sho Otsuru, Kenta Akashi, Miki Kakihara et al.: Stabilization of Nonmagnetic Hexagonal Close-Packed Phase in Nanocrystalline Nickel Metal with a Giant Volume Expansion
[2008.11436] Xian-Qi Xu, Brian B. Laird, Jeffrey J. Hoyt et al.: Kinetics of Crystallization and Orientational Ordering in Dipolar Particle Systems
[2008.11444] Azadeh Faridi, Reza Asgari: Many-body exchange-correlation effects in MoS$_2$ monolayer: The key role of nonlocal dielectric screening
[2008.11447] Matthew J. Coak, David M Jarvis, Hayrullo Hamidov et al.: Evolution of magnetic order in van-der-Waals antiferromagnet FePS$_3$ through insulator-metal transition
[2008.11452] Dong-Bo Zhang, Kai Chang: Giant Flexoelectricity in Bent Silicon Thinfilms
[2008.11465] Hua Bai, Xinwei Wang, Weikang Wu et al.: Nonvolatile ferroelectric control of topological states in 2D heterostructures
[2008.11471] S.E. Dizhur, I.N. Kotel'nikov, V.A. Kokin et al.: 2D-subband spectra variations under persistent tunneling photoconductivity condition in tunnel delta-GaAs/Al structures
[2008.11472] Gevin von Witte, Tilman Kißlinger, Jan Gerrit Horstmann et al.: Surface structure and stacking of the commensurate $\left(\sqrt{13}\times\sqrt{13}\right)$R13.9° charge density wave phase of 1T-...
[2008.11475] Jinghui Zhu, Ke Xu, Zhisen Zhang et al.: Mechanical Metastructures of Triple Periodic Carbon Clathrates
[2008.11482] K. Trachenko: Dissipation and energy gap
[2008.11494] Javier Signorelli, Riad Hassani, Andréa Tommasi et al.: An effective parameterization of texture-induced viscous anisotropy in orthotropic materials with application for modeling geodynamical...
[2008.11495] Sascha Feldmann, Mahesh Gangishetty, Ivona Bravic et al.: Mechanism of carrier localization in doped perovskite nanocrystals for bright emission
[2008.11500] B. Rahman Rano, Ishtiaque M. Syed, S. H. Naqib: Elastic, electronic, bonding, and optical properties of WTe2 Weyl semimetal: A comparative investigation with MoTe2 from first principles
[2008.11504] Vadim Neklyudov, Viatcheslav Freger: Water and Ion Transfer to Narrow Carbon Nanotubes: Roles of Exterior and Interior
[2008.11511] Vincent Favre-Nicolin, Gaétan Girard, Steven Leake et al.: PyNX: high performance computing toolkit for coherent X-ray imaging based on operators
[2008.11526] R. Guehne, J. Haase, C. Shekhar et al.: Field induced charge symmetry in topological insulator Bi$_2$Te$_3$ revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance
[2008.11527] Ana-Elena Tutueanu, Henrik Jacobsen, Pia Jensen Ray et al.: Nature of the magnetic stripes in fully oxygenated La$_{2}$CuO$_{4+y}$
[2008.11530] M. A. Prosnikov: One- and two-magnon excitations in antiferromagnet PbFeBO4
[2008.11536] Tieyan Si: Fractionally charged anyon generated by topological path fusion in magnetic flux lattice
[2008.11537] Tomohiro Hashizume: Numerical Probe of Dynamical Properties of a Two-Dimensional Triangular Ising Lattice with Long-Range Interaction
[2008.11541] Riya Nandi, Uwe C. Täuber: Critical Dynamics of Anisotropic Antiferromagnets in an External Field
[2008.11579] Sean D Lawley: Anomalous reaction-diffusion equations for linear reactions
[2008.11599] Naoto Nakatsuji, Satoshi Nishimoto, Masaaki Nakamura: Exact Plaquette-Ordered Ground States with Exact Edge States of the Generalized Hubbard Model in Corner Sharing Lattices
[2008.11623] Animesh Agarwal, Sandrasegaram Gnanakaran, Nicholas Hengartner et al.: Arbitrarily accurate representation of atomistic dynamics via Markov Renewal Processes
[2008.11624] R. R. Hartmann, M. E. Portnoi: Bipolar electron waveguides in graphene
[2008.11630] Md. Shafayat Hossain, Tongzhou Zhao, Songyang Pu et al.: Bloch Ferromagnetism of Composite Fermions
[2008.11640] Xingchuan Zhu, Huaiming Guo, Shiping Feng: Magnon bands in twisted bilayer honeycomb quantum magnets
[2008.11644] Christopher D. O'Neill, Gino Abdul-Jabbar, Didier Wermeille et al.: Ferromagnetic Quantum Criticality in PrPtAl under applied Magnetic Fields
[2008.11656] Andrea Alimenti, Nicola Pompeo, Kostiantyn Torokhtii et al.: Microwave measurements of the high magnetic field vortex motion pinning parameters in Nb$_3$Sn
[2008.11666] F. van Riggelen, N. W. Hendrickx, W. I. L. Lawrie et al.: A two-dimensional array of single-hole quantum dots
[2008.11671] Francesco Maresca, Chanho Lee, Rui Feng et al.: Edge Dislocations Can Control Yield Strength in Refractory Body-Centered-Cubic High Entropy Alloys
[2008.11676] Lukáš Kejík, Michal Horák, Tomáš Šikola et al.: Structural and optical properties of monocrystalline and polycrystalline gold plasmonic nanorods
[2008.11677] Sakine Mizani, Peter Gurin, Roohollah Aliabadi et al.: Demixing and tetratic ordering in some binary mixtures of hard superellipses
[2008.11693] Shivprasad S. Shastri, Sudhir K. Pandey: First-principles electronic structure, phonon properties, lattice thermal conductivity and prediction of figure of merit of FeVSb half-Heusler
[2008.11703] L. Madeira, A. Cidrim, M. Hemmerling et al.: Quantum turbulence in Bose-Einstein condensates: present status and new challenges ahead
[2008.11706] María Rosendo, Fernando Peñaranda, Johan Christensen et al.: Flat bands in magic-angle vibrating plates
[2008.11709] James Dufty, Jeffrey Wrighton, Kai Luo: Local pressure for inhomogeneous fluids
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