DES Exam Yr 1 Sem 2

An illustration of anthropologists studying various cultures, depicting social interactions, artifacts, and diverse communities.

Explore Human Behavior and Culture: A Comprehensive Quiz

Test your knowledge on anthropology and psychology with our engaging quiz! This quiz covers various aspects of biological anthropology, social behavior, mental disorders, and more.

In this quiz, you will encounter:

  • 69 thought-provoking multiple choice questions
  • Topics ranging from cultural anthropology to mental health
  • A chance to deepen your understanding of human society
69 Questions17 MinutesCreated by CuriousAnthropologist321
1- Biological anthropology or Physical anthropology focuses on the study of human population. Which is the main strategy for survival that is genetic determined?
A- Culture
B- Social life
C- Adaptation
D- Demographic
2- Anthropology focuses on the study of human population. Which is the best answer in nature a mode or strategy for survival?
A- an association
B- artificial selection
C- an adaptation
D- adaptive radiation
3- Anthropology focused on the study of cultural variation among humans, collecting data about the impact of global economic and political processes on local cultural realities. Answer with the best named in the following.
A- Survey
B- Interview
C- Field work
D- Observation
4- Anthropology focuses on the study of human population. Which is the main chronological classification of human achievement in the following could be considered?
A- A infancy, puberty and adulthood
B- A Stone Age, a Bronze Age and an Iron Age
C- A Gold Age, a Silver Age, and a Bronze Age
D- A puberty, adulthood, aging
5- Anthropology focuses on the study of human population. The researcher who study humans by residing in particular societies and observing the behaviors of the people is:
A- Ethnographer
B- Archaeologist
C- Linguist
D- Paleoanthropologist
6- Anthropology focuses on the study of human population. Which subfield of anthropology could be described as studying 'other people's garbage?
A- Primatology
B- Archaeology
C- Paleoanthropology
D- Linguistic
7- A place where people lived and/or worked and where the physical evidence of their existence can be or has been recovered is:
a. A feature.
b. An ecofact.
c. An artifact.
d. A site
8- Anthropology focuses on the study of human population. Which is the best field of anthropology that studies cross cultural knowledge and use of plans?
A- Ethnobotany
B- Forensic anthropology
C- Vegetal anthropology
D- Primatology
9- Anthropology focuses on the study of human population. Which is the best following attitude that we can understand or judge another culture in term of our own culture could be considered?
A- Relativism
B- Ethnocentrism
C- Ethno socialism
D- Society of ethnologic
10- Anthropology focuses on the study of human population. Who is the one of written description of a culture that anthropologist produces from his/her research?
A- Ethnocentrism
B- Ethnicity
C- Ethnocide
D- Ethnography
11- Social anthropology is branch of anthropology that studies how contemporary human beings behave in social groups. Which of the following is the correct statement about society?
A) An agglomeration of people
B) A grope of people bound by discipline
C) An association which regulates membership
D) An association patterned on the norms of inter-action
12- Anthropology focuses on the study of human population. Which statement is the best to distinguish from subjects such as economics or political science?
A- Culture anthropology
B- Linguistic anthropology
C- Biological anthropology
D- Social anthropology
13- Anthropology focuses on the study of human population. Which statement is trained in the interpretation of narrative, ritual and symbolic behavior?
A- Social anthropologist
B- Culture anthropologist
C- Linguistic anthropologist
D- Biological anthropologist
14- More recent and currently emergent areas within social anthropology include the relation between cultural diversity and new findings. Answer the best explanation in the following.
A- Behavioral development
B- Mental development
C- Cognitive development
D- Biological development
15- Anthropologists have also pointed out that people can adapt to their environment in the non genetic way. Anthropological theory has originated in an appreciation of and interest in the tension. Answer the main following mention
A- Particular human culture
B- Universal human nature
C- Human Circumstance
D- Local and global culture
16- In the way to investigate nutrition, symbolization, art, systems of writing, and other physical remnants of human cultural activity. Who is the main studied in the following?
A- Archaeologists
B- Ethnographer
C- Linguist
D- Paleoanthropologist
17- The variation in language across time and space, the social uses of language, and the relationship between language and culture. Which is the best explanation the following word?
A- Paleoanthropology
B- Physical anthropology
C- Linguistic anthropology
D- Biological anthropology
18- Linguistic anthropology is divided into its own sub-fields: descriptive linguistics and historical linguistics. Answer with the best coherent meaningful statement following.
A- Reconstruction of past languages
B- Creation the new language
C- Using the current languages
D- Using the past and the new language
19- The study on economic and political organization, law and conflict resolution, technology, infrastructure, gender relations, ethnicity, childrearing and socialization, religion, symbols, values, worldview, sports, music, nutrition, recreation, games, food, festivals, and language. Which is the best answer should be consider?
A- Social anthropology
B- Biological anthropology
C- Ethnic anthropology
D- Culture anthropology
20- Human ecology uses evolutionary theory to understand phenomena among contemporary human populations, could be the best one explanation in the following.
A- Social anthropology
B- Biological anthropology
C- Ethnic anthropology
D- Culture anthropology
21- In order to complete his degree studies, Mr J has to make a presentation to his fellow students. He is so afraid of public scrutiny that he would rather not graduate than give the presentation. What could be the best Tentative diagnosis of Mr.J?
A- A social phobia
B- An agoraphobia
C- A specific phobia
22- Ms. M 24 year-old, 2 years prior she has experienced of worries excessively about school, money and family. She noted that the symptoms were gradually worse with disturbed her study. What could be the best tentative diagnosis of Ms. M?
A- Panic disorder
D- Phobic disorders
23- Mrs. R was at the grocery store when she suddenly felt an intense feeling of anxiety come over her. She experienced an increase in heart rate, broke out into a cold sweat, and everything felt unreal. What could be the best symptom of Mrs. R?
A- Panic attack
B- Heart attack
C- Social phobia
D- General Anxiety
24- Ms. Me thinks her arm is paralyzed and she can not move it when requested to by the doctor. The doctor has run neurological tests and found nothing medically wrong with Melissa. Ms. Me is likely to be suffering from which disorder?
A- Dissociative disorder
B- Somatoform disorder
C- Phobic disorder
D- Panic disorder
25- A mental disorder has a group of symptoms, such as stress, feeling sad or hopeless, and physical symptoms that can occur after you go through a stressful life event. Which one is the best tentative diagnosis in the following?
B- Adjustment Disorders
D- Phobic Disorder
26- A mental disorder which is short-term condition that occurs when a person has great difficulty coping with to a particular source of stress, such as a major life change, loss, or event. Which one is the best tentative diagnosis in the following?
C- Adjustment disorder
D- Phobic disorder
27- A mental disorder which has the symptoms generally begin within three months of the event and rarely last for longer than six months after the event or situation. Which one is the best tentative diagnosis in the following?
A- Adjustment disorder
B- Phobic disorder
28- An abnormal and excessive reaction to an identifiable life stressor. The reaction is more severe than would normally be expected and can result in significant impairment in social, occupational, or academic functioning. Which one is the best tentative diagnosis in the following?
B- Adjustment Disorders
D- Phobic Disorder
29- The problems related to work or school, physical complaints, social isolation, could be the best explain as:
A- Coping reaction
B- Maladaptive reaction
C- Brief psychological reaction
D- Anger reaction
30- The adjustment disorder is associated that persists may progress to become a more severe mental disorder. Which one is the best associated diagnosis in the following?
A- Bipolar affective disorder
B- Depressive disorder
C- Psychotic disorder
D- Schizoaffective disorder
31- The predominant symptomatology of adjustment disorder such as excessive worry, feeling overwhelmed, and overarching negative view of possibilities. Which is the main statement could explain the above symptoms?
A- Depressive- related concern
B- Anxiety -related concern
C- Euphoric- related concern
D- Bipolar- related concern
32- The behavioral symptoms of adjustment disorder do change from person to person. The one constant characteristic is the symptoms appearing within a certain time period after a major, stressful life event. Which is the best stamen following?
A- Changes in sleeping patterns
B- Difficulties making decisions
C- Trouble eating
D- Frequent crying jags
33- The behavioral symptoms of adjustment disorder do change from person to person. The one constant characteristic is the symptoms appearing within a certain time period after a major, stressful life event. Which is the best stamen following?
A- Being unusually argumentative
B- Trouble concentrating
C- Changes in sleeping patterns
D- Anxious no reason
34- The behavioral symptoms of adjustment disorder do change from person to person. The one constant characteristic is the symptoms appearing within a certain time period after a major, stressful life event. Which is the best stamen following?
A- Difficulties making decisions
B- Low of self-esteem
C- Anxiety and nervousness
D- Poor work or school performance
35- A Mental disorder which is tends to last longer to a life-threatening event that occurs when a person has great difficulty coping with. Which one is the best tentative diagnosis in the following?
C- Phobic disorder
D- Adjustment disorder
36- The symptoms can develop immediately after someone experiences a life-threatening event or it can occur weeks, months or even years later. Which one is the best tentative diagnosis in the following?
A- Adjustment disorder
B- Depressive disorder
C- Phobic disorder
37- When the patient seeks medical advice with his/ her experienced upsetting and confusing thoughts after a life-threatening event. Which one is the best tentative diagnosis in the following?
A- Adjustment disorder
B- Phobic disorder
D- Depressive disorder
38- Frightening situations happen to everyone at some point. People can react in many different ways: they might feel nervous, have a hard time sleeping well, or go over the details of the situation in their mind. Which one is the best tentative diagnosis in the following?
A- Adjustment disorder
B- Phobic disorder
D- Depressive disorder
39- Frightening situations happen to everyone at some point which can react as difficulty sleeping and concentrating, feeling jumpy, and being easily irritated and angered. What is the best concept in the following?
A- Re-experience
B- Hyper-arousal
C- Avoidance
D- Anxiety reaction
40- The symptoms in which is usually dissociative amnesia; not due to head injury, alcohol, or drugs, could be the one best explanation in the following?
A- The behavioral symptoms
B- The physical symptoms
C- The cognitive symptoms
D- The psychological symptoms
41- The symptoms in which is usually persistent distorted blame of self or others after someone experiences a life-threatening, could be the one best explanation in the following?
A- The behavioral symptoms
B- The physical symptoms
C- The cognitive symptoms
D- The psychological symptoms
42- Duration of fear for one month which is disturbed and interfered with school education, could be given the best tentative diagnosis of:
A- Agoraphobia
B- Social phobia
C- Specific phobia
D- Adjustment disorders
43- The disturbance is not better explained by the symptoms of anther mental disorders and avoidance situations associated with panic-like symptoms, could be given the best tentative diagnosis of:
A- Specific phobia
B- Agoraphobia
C- Social phobia
D- Adjustment disorders
44- scenario I : Ms. D is a 25-years-old teacher. She is single and lives at home with her father. For the previous 12 months, she has had symptoms of difficulty breathing, her heart beat fast, and she sweated a lot. She would become terrified that something awful would happen because of the 1st experience. In the emergency, her BP: 130/ 80mmhg, Pulse: 98 /mn and medical condition could not found. Which is the one following should be explored her feeling?
A- Guilty feeling
B- Nervous feeling
C- Frightened feeling
D- Uncomforted feeling
45- scenario I : Ms. D is a 25-years-old teacher. She is single and lives at home with her father. For the previous 12 months, she has had symptoms of difficulty breathing, her heart beat fast, and she sweated a lot. She would become terrified that something awful would happen because of the 1st experience. In the emergency, her BP: 130/ 80mmhg, Pulse: 98 /mn and medical condition could not found. 1- Which is the one following explain of her escape behavior?
A- She was sensitive about being home alone
B- She was sensitive about being teaching
C- She was sensitive about being dependent living
D- She was sensitive about being watching by others
46- She sought psychiatric help because she feared they might become more serious. Which is the best answer for her illness condition?
A- The symptoms recurrently occur
B- The symptoms affected her daily teaching.
C- The symptoms may contribute suicide
D- The symptoms may develop psychosis
47- scenario I : Ms. D is a 25-years-old teacher. She is single and lives at home with her father. For the previous 12 months, she has had symptoms of difficulty breathing, her heart beat fast, and she sweated a lot. She would become terrified that something awful would happen because of the 1st experience. In the emergency, her BP: 130/ 80mmhg, Pulse: 98 /mn and medical condition could not found. Which is the best history would be considered?
A- Her childhood was always shy and nervous
B- Her childhood had few friends in class
C- Her childhood was neglected by father
D- Her childhood was slowly activities
48- scenario I : Ms. D is a 25-years-old teacher. She is single and lives at home with her father. For the previous 12 months, she has had symptoms of difficulty breathing, her heart beat fast, and she sweated a lot. She would become terrified that something awful would happen because of the 1st experience. In the emergency, her BP: 130/ 80mmhg, Pulse: 98 /mn and medical condition could not found. Which is the most differential diagnosis should be considered?
A- Agoraphobia
B- Hypoglycemia
D- Social phobia
49- scenario I : Ms. D is a 25-years-old teacher. She is single and lives at home with her father. For the previous 12 months, she has had symptoms of difficulty breathing, her heart beat fast, and she sweated a lot. She would become terrified that something awful would happen because of the 1st experience. In the emergency, her BP: 130/ 80mmhg, Pulse: 98 /mn and medical condition could not found. One tentative diagnosis is the most probably mention?
A- Agoraphobia
B- Panic disorder
D- Social phobia
50- If the patient had experience of having symptoms such as things would seem to become unreal, and she felt as if she were going to collapse. What is the best for her diagnosis?
A- Agoraphobia
B- Panic disorder
D- Social phobia
51- If the patient had experience of having symptoms such as She was sensitive about being home alone or in an enclosed space. What is the best for her diagnosis?
A- Agoraphobia
B- Panic disorder
C- Specific phobia
D- Social phobia
52- If the patient had experience of having symptoms such as to be teaching in front of student. What is the best for her diagnosis?
A- Agoraphobia
B- Panic disorder
C- Specific phobia
D- Social phobia
53- If the patient had experience of having symptoms such as avoid of school where she currently works. What is the best for her diagnosis?
A- Agoraphobia
B- Panic disorder
C- Specific phobia
D- Social phobia
54- Scenario II: Mr. J is a 23-year-old, unmarried, farmer, complaint of extreme slowness and poor concentration. His condition had grown gradually worse over the preceding 5 years. He had been increasingly troubled by ideas. He confirms that no medical illness. His function gradually worse. BP: 115mmgh, Pulse: 76/mn. Which is the one following should be explored his feeling?
A- Guilty feeling
B- Nervous feeling
C- Frightened feeling
D- Uncomforted feeling
55- Scenario II: Mr. J is a 23-year-old, unmarried, farmer, complaint of extreme slowness and poor concentration. His condition had grown gradually worse over the preceding 5 years. He had been increasingly troubled by ideas. He confirms that no medical illness. His function gradually worse. BP: 115mmgh, Pulse: 76/mn. Which is the most following statement should be explained as psychomotor retarded?
A- Conflict with others
B- Anger easily
C- Make decision
D- Poor communication
56- Scenario II: Mr. J is a 23-year-old, unmarried, farmer, complaint of extreme slowness and poor concentration. His condition had grown gradually worse over the preceding 5 years. He had been increasingly troubled by ideas. He confirms that no medical illness. His function gradually worse. BP: 115mmgh, Pulse: 76/mn. Which is the most following statement should be explained as the precipitation?
A- Family relationship
B- Friend relationship
C- Partner relationship
D- Neighbor relationship
57- Scenario II: Mr. J is a 23-year-old, unmarried, farmer, complaint of extreme slowness and poor concentration. His condition had grown gradually worse over the preceding 5 years. He had been increasingly troubled by ideas. He confirms that no medical illness. His function gradually worse. BP: 115mmgh, Pulse: 76/mn. Which is the best history would be considered?
A- His study
B- His parent
C- His hobby
D- His economic
58- Scenario II: Mr. J is a 23-year-old, unmarried, farmer, complaint of extreme slowness and poor concentration. His condition had grown gradually worse over the preceding 5 years. He had been increasingly troubled by ideas. He confirms that no medical illness. His function gradually worse. BP: 115mmgh, Pulse: 76/mn. Which is the most differential diagnosis should be considered?
A- Psychotic feature
B- Prodromal of schizophrenia
C- Schizoaffective disorder
D- Personality disorder
59- Scenario II: Mr. J is a 23-year-old, unmarried, farmer, complaint of extreme slowness and poor concentration. His condition had grown gradually worse over the preceding 5 years. He had been increasingly troubled by ideas. He confirms that no medical illness. His function gradually worse. BP: 115mmgh, Pulse: 76/mn. One tentative diagnosis is the most probably mention?
A- Moderate depression
B- Schizophrenia
C- Dysthymia
D- Cyclothymia
60- Scenario III: A 25 year-old man had a car accident, his friend died. Since then he feels low in mood, avoid driving and has begun to drink more heavily. What is the main symptom should be explored?
A- Feeling of guilty
B- Feeling of frustrated
C- Feeling of disappointed
D- Feeling of Anxious
61- Scenario III: A 25 year-old man had a car accident, his friend died. Since then he feels low in mood, avoid driving and has begun to drink more heavily. What is the main area would be consider for diagnosis of this patient?
A- Onset of the symptoms
B- Severity of the symptoms
C- Level of functioning
D- Personality related
62- Scenario III: A 25 year-old man had a car accident, his friend died. Since then he feels low in mood, avoid driving and has begun to drink more heavily. What is the most psychological distress to drink more heavily?
A- Anxiety feeling
B- Avoidance behavior
C- Depressive mood
D- Obsession thought
63- Scenario III: A 25 year-old man had a car accident, his friend died. Since then he feels low in mood, avoid driving and has begun to drink more heavily. Which is the main diagnosis in the easy stage of the symptoms?
B- Phobic disorder
C- Acute stress disorder
D- Adjustment disorder
64- If the symptoms such as bad dream, startle easily and insomnia prolong for more than 6 months. What is the probably diagnosis should be considered?
B- Phobic disorder
C- Acute stress disorder
D- Adjustment disorder
65- Scenario IV: A 45-year-old white male engineer presents to a primary care clinic armed with multiple internet searches on the topic of cancer. He states that he “just knows” he has a GI cancer, "probably the colon or maybe the pancreas." He had no evidence of having medical illness for longer than 8 months. Which is the main symptom that he preoccupies?
A- Depressive mood
B- Anxious feeling
C- Obsessive thought
D- Delusional belief
66- Scenario IV: A 45-year-old white male engineer presents to a primary care clinic armed with multiple internet searches on the topic of cancer. He states that he “just knows” he has a GI cancer, "probably the colon or maybe the pancreas." He had no evidence of having medical illness for longer than 8 months. Which is the most illness behavior below he has been preferred?
A- Rechecking by colonoscopies
B- Missing something of health evaluation
C- Finding another doctor
D- Seeking traditional healer
67- Scenario IV: A 45-year-old white male engineer presents to a primary care clinic armed with multiple internet searches on the topic of cancer. He states that he “just knows” he has a GI cancer, "probably the colon or maybe the pancreas." He had no evidence of having medical illness for longer than 8 months. His disabling and chronic symptoms is the major problem because of some issues. Which is the best statement below should be take action?
A- Difficult to reassume
B- Difficult to dissipate
C- Difficulty to deal
D- Difficulty to educate
68- Scenario IV: A 45-year-old white male engineer presents to a primary care clinic armed with multiple internet searches on the topic of cancer. He states that he “just knows” he has a GI cancer, "probably the colon or maybe the pancreas." He had no evidence of having medical illness for longer than 8 months. Answer the best following illness:
A- Somatization disorder
B- Conversion disorder
C- Hypochondriasis
D- Delusional disorder
69- Scenario IV: A 45-year-old white male engineer presents to a primary care clinic armed with multiple internet searches on the topic of cancer. He states that he “just knows” he has a GI cancer, "probably the colon or maybe the pancreas." He had no evidence of having medical illness for longer than 8 months. The associated disability and impairment of role functioning related to this ‘s patient symptoms. Which is the best statement way to convince this patient?
A- Psychological affect physical
B- Ordering tests approach
C- Daily rehabilitation
D- Psychological factors
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