Devolution Quiz

A military-style command room with screens displaying graphs and maps, featuring people in discussion, representing national security topics and devolution.

Devolution in U.S. National Security

Test your knowledge on the key events and figures surrounding the recent changes in U.S. national security and defense.

  • Explore the nuances of the 2020 election aftermath.
  • Understand the roles of key personalities in the defense sector.
  • Learn about executive orders and their implications.
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingEagle452
On November 9th, 2020, 2 days after Joseph R. Biden "won" the 2020 election, who did President Trump promote to Acting Secretary of Defense
James Mattis
Christopher C. Miller
Ezra Cohen-Watnick
Anthony J.Tata
Who led both the National Security Agency (NSA) and the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) when the 2020 election occured?
General Paul M. Nakasone
Admiral Michael S. Rogers
General Michael T. Flynn
Mark Esper
Who promoted John H. Durham to Special Counsel?
Rod Rosenstein
Jeff Sessions
William Barr
Matthew Whitaker
Who chairs the Federal Mission Resilience (FMR) Executive Committee set up by Executive Order 13961: Governance and Integration of Federal Mission Resilience, EO that set up the framework for a Cointinuity of Government plan.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien
Kash Patel
Vice President Mike Pence
Who was Director of National Intelligence (DNI) when the 2020 election occured?
Gina Haspel
Mike Pompeo
Dan Coats
John Ratcliffe
What is the executive order created to counter foreign interference in a United State election?
EO 13887
What does Christopher C. Miller, the man who we believe implemented Devolution, specializes in?
Special Operations
Irregular Warfare
All of the above
Who brought Ezra Cohen-Watnick into the National Security Council?
Michael T.Flynn
H.R. McMaster
Donald J. Trump
John Bolton
What was Christopher C. Miller's role before he became Acting Secretary of Defense?
Commander of the Special Operations Command(USSOCOM)
Director of the National Counterterrorism Center(NCTC)
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict(ASD(SO/LIC))
Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence(UDI)
In which documents did President Trump (likely) hid the details of his Devolution plan in?
National Security Presidential Memorandums(NSPMs)
Presidential Memorandums
Presidential Emergency Action Documents(PEADs)
Executive Orders(EOs)
What is the federal agency it is believed Dong Jongwei defected to?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI)
The Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA)
The Central Intelligence Agency(CIA
The Department of Justice(DOJ)
Who became the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy(USD(P)) right after the stolen election?
Anthony J. Tata
David Norquist
Kash Patel
James Mattis
{"name":"Devolution Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the key events and figures surrounding the recent changes in U.S. national security and defense.Explore the nuances of the 2020 election aftermath.Understand the roles of key personalities in the defense sector.Learn about executive orders and their implications.","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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