A detailed and informative illustration of pregnancy complications, featuring icons or images related to ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, symptoms, and nursing care.

Understand High Risk Pregnancy

Test your knowledge on the critical aspects of high-risk pregnancy, including ectopic pregnancies, hydatidiform moles, and their associated signs and symptoms. This quiz covers various medical conditions that can affect pregnancies and the necessary nursing interventions.

  • 10 insightful questions
  • Multiple choice and checkbox formats
  • Enhance your understanding of obstetric risks
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CaringNurse321
2 types of ectopic pregnancy
Placenta previa
Abruptio placenta
3 causes of ectopic pregnancy
Fetal factors
Mechanical factors
Assisted Reproduction
Placental factors
Functional factors
Identify 4 symptoms of ruptured placenta
+ cullen's sign
Scanty, dark brown vaginal bleeding
Vague discomfort
Shoulder pain
Missed period
Knifelike pain
Abdominal pain
What are the Mechanical Factors of Ectopic Pregnancy
Ovulation induction
In vitro fertilization
Peritubal Adhesion
Past induced abortion
Menstrual reflux
External migration of ovum
What are the Nursing Intervention for ectopic pregnancy
Monitor vs
Dilatation and curettage
Monitor vaginal bleeding
Type of risk known for a bunch of clear vesicles
What are the early signs of H-mole
Vaginal bleeding
Cervical dilatation
Vesicles passed thru the vagina
Loss of fetus
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Absence of fetal heart tone
Rapid increase in fundic height
Mechanical defect of the cervix wherein there occurs painless premature cervical dilatation
Placenta previa
Hydatidiform Mole
Incompetent Cervix
Abruptio Placenta
What hormone increases when you have H-mole
Human Placental Lactogen (hPL)
Human Chorionic Gonadotopin (HCG)
Late signs of H-mole
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Hypertension after 20th week
Absence of FHT/ Fetal Skeleton
Scant Vaginal Bleeding
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