Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 8 Dec 21
[2112.03280] Martin P. Rey, Andrew Pontzen, Oscar Agertz et al.: EDGE: What shapes the relationship between HI and stellar observables in faint dwarf galaxies?
[2112.03284] P. Pietrukowicz, I. Soszynski, A. Udalski: Classical Cepheids in the Milky Way
[2112.03285] Clare F. Wethers, Nischal Acharya, Roberto De Propris et al.: Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): The Weak Environmental Dependence of Quasar Activity at 0.1
[2112.03289] Ivan Katkov, Alexei Kniazev, Olga Sil'chenko et al.: Star formation in outer rings of S0 galaxies. IV. NGC 254 -- a double-ringed S0 with gas counter-rotation
[2112.03291] Ivan Katkov, Damir Gasymov, Joseph D. Gelfand et al.: Fast interactive web-based data visualizer of panoramic spectroscopic surveys
[2112.03292] Aaron Bello-Arufe, Samuel H. C. Cabot, João M. Mendonça et al.: Mining the Ultra-Hot Skies of HAT-P-70b: Detection of a Profusion of Neutral and Ionized Species
[2112.03293] Daniel Gilman, Andrew Benson, Jo Bovy et al.: The primordial matter power spectrum on sub-galactic scales
[2112.03295] Anna-Christina Eilers, David W. Hogg, Hans-Walter Rix et al.: Stellar Abundance Maps of the Milky Way Disk
[2112.03297] L. Stapper, M. R. Hogerheijde, E. F. van Dishoeck et al.: The mass and size of Herbig disks as seen by ALMA
[2112.03298] Pawel Pratyush, Akshata Gangrade: Automation Of Transiting Exoplanet Detection, Identification and Habitability Assessment Using Machine Learning Approaches
[2112.03299] D. J. Fritzewski, S. A. Barnes, D. J. James et al.: The rotation period distribution of the rich Pleiades-age Southern open cluster NGC 2516. Existence of a representative zero-age main sequence di...
[2112.03300] D. J. Fritzewski, S. A. Barnes, D. J. James et al.: Rotation periods for cool stars in the open cluster NGC 3532. The transition from fast to slow rotation
[2112.03301] Yuping Huang, Marin M. Anderson, Gregg Hallinan et al.: A Matched Survey for the Enigmatic Low Radio Frequency Transient ILT J225347+862146
[2112.03302] D. J. Fritzewski, S. A. Barnes, D. J. James et al.: A detailed understanding of the rotation-activity relationship using the 300 Myr old open cluster NGC 3532
[2112.03304] Nicolas Lehner, Claire Kopenhafer, John O'Meara et al.: KODIAQ-Z: Metals and Baryons in the Cool Intergalactic and Circumgalactic Gas at 2.2
[2112.03306] H.S. Chan, V. Ashley Villar, S.H. Cheung et al.: Searching for Anomalies in the ZTF Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars
[2112.03308] Charles D. Kilpatrick, David A. Coulter, Ryan J. Foley et al.: Updated Photometry of the Yellow Supergiant Progenitor and Late-time Observations of the Type IIb Supernova 2016gkg
[2112.03311] Zhaohuan Zhu, Raymond M. Zhang: A Simple Time-Dependent Method for Calculating Spirals: Applications to Eccentric Planets in Protoplanetary discs
[2112.03313] Maxim Lyutikov, Praveen Sharma: Rotating neutron stars without light cylinders
[2112.03314] Krystian Ilkiewicz, Joanna Mikolajewska, Simone Scaringi et al.: SU Lyn -- a transient symbiotic star
[2112.03335] Frances H. Cashman, Andrew J. Fox, Blair D. Savage et al.: Molecular Gas within the Milky Way's Nuclear Wind
[2112.03349] Nguyen Fuda, Le-Ngoc Tram, William T. Reach: Modeling CO Line Profiles in Shocks of W28 and IC44
[2112.03356] A. Remijan, C. Xue, L. Margulès et al.: Expanding the submillimeter wave spectroscopy and astronomical search for thioacetamide (CH3CSNH2) in the ISM
[2112.03370] Hamza El Bouhargani, Aygul Jamal, Dominic Beck et al.: MAPPRAISER: A massively parallel map-making framework for multi-kilo pixel CMB experiments
[2112.03372] Caitlyn Wilhelm, Rory Barnes, Russell Deitrick et al.: The Ice Coverage of Earth-like Planets Orbiting FGK Stars
[2112.03388] A. D. Romero, G. R. Lauffer, A. G. Istrate et al.: Uncovering the chemical structure of the pulsating low-mass white dwarf SDSS J115219.99+024814.4
[2112.03399] Lee J. Rosenthal, Heather A. Knutson, Yayaati Chachan et al.: The California Legacy Survey III. On The Shoulders of (Some) Giants: The Relationship between Inner Small Planets and Outer Massive Pla...
[2112.03401] Ilaria Caiazzo, Denis González-Caniulef, Jeremy Heyl et al.: Probing magnetar emission mechanisms with spectropolarimetry
[2112.03408] Xian Chen, Yu Qiu, Shuo Li et al.: Milli-Hertz Gravitational Wave Background Produced by Quasi-Periodic Eruptions
[2112.03413] Evgenii Rubtsov, Igor Chilingarian, Ivan Katkov et al.: Hybrid minimization algorithm for computationally expensive multi-dimensional fitting
[2112.03425] Hossen Teimoorinia, Finn Archinuk, Joanna Woo et al.: Mapping the Diversity of Galaxy Spectra with Deep Unsupervised Machine Learning
[2112.03430] Serio Ramirez, Juan Echevarria: High-dispersion spectroscopy of AE Aquarii -- II. Evidence of material orbiting the primary star
[2112.03433] S.H. Ramirez, O. Segura Montero, R. Michel et al.: New Photometry and Spectroscopy of DW Cnc
[2112.03439] Aya Keller, Sean O'Brien, Adyant Kamdar et al.: A Model-Independent Radio Telescope Dark Matter Search
[2112.03443] Yihao Zhou, Paul La Plante: Understanding the Impact of Semi-Numeric Reionization Models when using CNNs
[2112.03446] Zongjun Ning, Ya Wang, Zhenxiang Xiang et al.: Detections of Multi-Periodic Oscillations during a Circular Ribbon Flare
[2112.03474] R. F. González, Luis A. Zapata, A. C. Raga et al.: Numerical simulations of the 1840s great eruption of $η$ Carinae: I. Revisiting the explosion scenario
[2112.03479] Ye Feng, Xueshan Zhao, Lijun Gou et al.: Estimating the spin of the black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 with the X-ray continuum-fitting method
[2112.03501] J. I. Katz: Painting Asteroids for Planetary Defense
[2112.03527] Noriaki Kitazawa: Reionization process dependence of the ratio of CMB polarization power spectra at low-$\ell$
[2112.03544] Pengfei Zhang, Zhongxiang Wang, Mark Gurwell et al.: A double-period oscillation signal in millimeter emission of the radio galaxy NGC 1275
[2112.03556] Swadesh Chand, G. C. Dewangan, Parijat Thakur et al.: AstroSat view of the newly discovered X-ray transient MAXI J1803--298 in the Hard-intermediate state
[2112.03564] H.Tang, A.M.M.Scaife, O.I.Wong et al.: Radio Galaxy Zoo: Giant Radio Galaxy Classification using Multi-Domain Deep Learning
[2112.03574] Mauro D'Onofrio, Cesare Chiosi: The Fundamental Plane in the hierarchical context
[2112.03576] Matias Mannerkoski, Peter H. Johansson, Antti Rantala et al.: Signatures of the Many Supermassive Black Hole Mergers in a Cosmologically Forming Massive Early-Type Galaxy
[2112.03593] Leander Schlarmann, Bernard Foing, Jan Cami et al.: C$_{60}^+$ diffuse interstellar band correlations and environmental variations
[2112.03606] L. Salvati, A. Saro, S. Bocquet et al.: Combining Planck and SPT cluster catalogs: cosmological analysis and impact on Planck scaling relation calibration
[2112.03613] Kanji Mori, Tomoya Takiwaki, Kei Kotake et al.: Shock Revival in Core-collapse Supernovae Assisted by Heavy Axion-like Particles
[2112.03620] Vojtech Simon: The activity of the dwarf nova RU Pegasi with rapidly changing outburst types
[2112.03635] Błażej Nikiel-Wroczyński: Somewhere in between: Tracing the Radio Emission from Galaxy Groups (or Why Does the Future of Observing Galaxy Groups with Radio Telescopes Look Promising?)
[2112.03637] Riccardo Scarpa, Renato Falomo, Aldo Treves: On the Orbital Velocity of Isolated Galaxy Pairs: a test of gravity in the low acceleration regime
[2112.03639] Jörg Büchner, Neeraj Jain, Olga Khabarova et al.: Identification of electron-dominated current sheets in the collisionless turbulent solar wind by determining the electron-to-ion bulk speed ratio
[2112.03658] Q. D'Amato, I. Prandoni, M. Brienza et al.: Multi-Wavelength Study of a Proto-BCG at z = 1.7
[2112.03687] F. Kahraman Alicavus, G. Handler, F. Alicavus et al.: Mass transfer and tidally tilted pulsation in the Algol-type system TZ Dra
[2112.03699] Suhani Gupta, Wojciech A. Hellwing, Maciej Bilicki et al.: On the universality of the halo mass function in modified gravity cosmologies
[2112.03706] F. Kahraman Alicavus, O. Ekinci: Analysis of TESS field eclipsing binary star V948 Her: a pulsating or non-pulsating star?
[2112.03709] Xinwen Shu, Lei Yang, Daizhong Liu et al.: A census of optically dark massive galaxies in the early Universe from magnification by lensing galaxy clusters
[2112.03721] Keren Krochek, Ely D. Kovetz: Constraining Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter with CHIME Fast Radio Bursts
[2112.03722] B. Adebahr, R. Schulz, T. J. Dijkema et al.: Apercal -- The Apertif Calibration Pipeline
[2112.03724] Callum Boocock, David Tsiklauri: Enhanced Phase Mixing of Torsional Alfvén Waves in Stratified and Divergent Solar Coronal Structures, Paper II: Nonlinear Simulations
[2112.03739] A. Maggio, D. Locci, I. Pillitteri et al.: New constraints on the future evaporation of the young exoplanets in the V1298 Tau system
[2112.03779] Andrew King, Jean-Pierre Lasota: One for the Future: measuring the mass transfer rate in the ULX M82 X-2 by using orbital period changes will take millenia
[2112.03786] Andrés E. Piatti, Khyati Malhan: First evidence of a collision between two unrelated open clusters in the Milky Way
[2112.03802] Rebecca Centeno, Natasha Flyer, Lipi Mukherjee et al.: Convolutional Neural Networks and Stokes Response Functions
[2112.03818] Bo Zhang, Ying-Jie Jing, Fan Yang et al.: The Spectroscopic Binaries from LAMOST Medium-Resolution Survey (MRS). I. Searching for Double-lined Spectroscopic Binaries (SB2s) with Convolutional Neura...
[2112.03838] Axel Brandenburg, Evangelia Ntormousi: Dynamo effect in unstirred self-gravitating turbulence
[2112.03863] Dan Scolnic, Dillon Brout, Anthony Carr et al.: The Pantheon+ Type Ia Supernova Sample: The Full Dataset and Light-Curve Release
[2112.03864] Dillon Brout, Georgie Taylor, Dan Scolnic et al.: The Pantheon+ Analysis: SuperCal-Fragilistic Cross Calibration, Retrained SALT2 Light Curve Model, and Calibration Systematic Uncertainty
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 8 Dec 21","img":""}
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