Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 9 Dec 21
[2112.03918] Gauri Batra, Wenbin Lu, Clément Bonnerot et al.: General Relativistic Stream Crossing in Tidal Disruption Events
[2112.03921] Benedikt Diemer: A dynamics-based density profile for dark haloes. I. Algorithm and basic results
[2112.03926] Tony Bonnaire, Nabila Aghanim, Joseph Kuruvilla et al.: Cosmology with cosmic web environments I. Real-space power spectra
[2112.03927] Dolev Bashi, Shay Zucker: Exoplanets in the Galactic context: Planet occurrence rates in the thin disk, thick disk and stellar halo of Kepler stars
[2112.03930] Mahdi Qezlou, Andrew B. Newman, Gwen C. Rudie et al.: Characterizing protoclusters and protogroups at $\mathrm{z \sim 2.5}$ using Lyman-$α$ Tomography
[2112.03932] Lyne Van de Vyvere, Matthew R. Gomer, Dominique Sluse et al.: TDCOSMO. VII. Boxyness/discyness in lensing galaxies : Detectability and impact on $H_0$
[2112.03933] I. El Mellah, B. Cerutti, B. Crinquand et al.: Spinning black holes magnetically connected to a Keplerian disk -- Magnetosphere, reconnection sheet, particle acceleration and coronal heating
[2112.03934] Xiaokai Chen, Ying Zu, Zhiwei Shao et al.: The Sphere of Influence of the Bright Central Galaxies in the Diffuse Light of SDSS Clusters
[2112.03935] Pierluigi Rinaldi, Karina I. Caputi, Sophie van Mierlo et al.: The galaxy starburst/main-sequence bimodality over five decades in stellar mass at z ~ 3-6.5
[2112.03936] S. Dye, S. A. Eales, H. L. Gomez et al.: A High-Resolution Investigation of the Multi-Phase ISM in a Galaxy during the First Two Billion Years
[2112.03937] John P. Stott: Evidence for anisotropic quenching in massive galaxy clusters at $z\approx0.5$
[2112.03938] Debabrata Deb, Banibrata Mukhopadhyay, Fridolin Weber: Anisotropic magnetized white dwarfs: Unifying under- and over-luminous peculiar and standard type Ia supernovae
[2112.03939] Biprateep Dey, Brett H. Andrews, Jeffrey A. Newman et al.: Photometric Redshifts from SDSS Images with an Interpretable Deep Capsule Network
[2112.03940] František Dinnbier, Pavel Kroupa, Ladislav Šubr et al.: Estimating the ages of open star clusters from properties of their extended tidal tails
[2112.03941] Andrea Tramacere, Vitalii Sliusar, Roland Walter et al.: Radio$-γ-$ray response in blazars as signature of adiabatic blob expansion
[2112.03958] Caleb I. Cañas, Suvrath Mahadevan, William D. Cochran et al.: A hot Mars-sized exoplanet transiting an M dwarf
[2112.03959] Caleb I. Cañas, Suvrath Mahadevan, Chad F. Bender et al.: An eccentric Brown Dwarf eclipsing an M dwarf
[2112.03973] Guillaume F. Thomas, Giuseppina Battaglia: The Cetus-Palca stream: A disrupted small dwarf galaxy
[2112.03990] Tzvetelina A. Dimitrova, Kathryn F. Neugent, Philip Massey et al.: Locating Red Supergiants in the Galaxy NGC 6822
[2112.03999] Felix Spanier, Cedric Schreiner, Reinhard Schlickeiser: Determining pitch-angle diffusion coefficients for electrons in whistler turbulence
[2112.04010] Siu-Hei Cheung, V. Ashley Villar, Ho-Sang Chan et al.: A New Classification Model for the ZTF Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars
[2112.04018] Himawan W. Winarto, Matthew W. Kunz: Triggering tearing in a forming current sheet with the mirror instability
[2112.04025] William T. Reach, Maxime Ruaud, Helmut Wiesemeyer et al.: Ionized carbon around IRC +10216
[2112.04044] J. D. Livingston, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, S. A. Mao et al.: A Radio Polarisation Study of Magnetic Fields in the Small Magellanic Cloud
[2112.04058] N.Singh, T. Bulik, K. Belczynski et al.: Exploring compact binary populations with the Einstein Telescope
[2112.04064] Sébastien Salmon, Patrick Eggenberger, Josefina Montalbán et al.: Asteroseismology of $β$ Cephei stars: The stellar inferences tested in hare and hound exercises
[2112.04091] Bradley Greig, Andrei Mesinger, Frederick B. Davies et al.: IGM damping wing constraints on reionisation from covariance reconstruction of two $z\gtrsim7$ QSOs
[2112.04093] Lael Shin, Jong-Hak Woo, Donghoon Son et al.: Search of Intermediate Mass Black Holes at Low Redshift with Intra-night Variability
[2112.04113] Kiyoaki Christopher Omori, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi: The bimodality in MZR in SDSS-MaNGA galaxy pairs
[2112.04125] M. Rengel, D. Shulyak, P. Hartogh et al.: Ground-based HCN submillimetre measurements in Titan's atmosphere: an intercomparison with Herschel observations
[2112.04134] Yigon Kim, Chan-Gyung Park, Hyerim Noh et al.: CMASS galaxy sample and the ontological status of the cosmological principle
[2112.04135] S. Liu, J.T. Su, X.Y. Bai et al.: A Study on Correcting the Effect of Polarization Crosstalk in Full-Disk Solar Photospheric Magnetic Fields Observations
[2112.04140] Fernando Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, Ágnes Kóspál, Péter Ábrahám et al.: Recurrent strong outbursts of an EXor-like young eruptive star Gaia20eae
[2112.04179] Kenji Kadota, Hiroyuki Tashiro: Primordial black hole dark matter in the presence of p-wave WIMP annihilation
[2112.04180] K. Sriram, D. Nour, C. S. Choi: Influence of Comptonization region over the ambiance of accretion disc in Active Galactic Nucleus
[2112.04194] Arti Goyal, Marian Soida, Lukasz Stawarz et al.: Multiwavelength variability power spectrum analysis of the blazars 3C\,279 and PKS\,1510$-$089 on multiple timescales
[2112.04202] Maxim V. Barkov, Valenti Bosch-Ramon: Relativistic hydrodynamical simulations of the effects of the stellar wind and the orbit on high-mass microquasar jets
[2112.04258] V. Kovtyukh, B. Lemasle, G. Bono et al.: The MAGIC project. III. Radial and azimuthal Galactic abundance gradients using classical Cepheids
[2112.04309] Stephen J. Mojzsis: Geoastronomy: Rocky planets as the Lavosier-Lomonosov Bridge from the non-living to the living world
[2112.04318] Devika Kamath, Hans Van Winckel, Paolo Ventura et al.: Luminosities and masses of single Galactic Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (Post-AGB) stars with distances from $Gaia$ EDR3: the revelation of an...
[2112.04334] Kenji Furuya, Yasuhiro Oba, Takashi Shimonishi: Quantifying the chemical desorption of H$_2$S and PH$_3$ from amorphous water ice surfaces
[2112.04346] V.G. Lozitskii, V.A. Sheminova: Effect of the anomalous dispersion in the solar atmosphere on results of magnetic field measurements by the line-ratio method
[2112.04356] A. Pastor Yabar, J.M. Borrero, C. Quintero Noda et al.: Inference of electric currents in the solar photosphere
[2112.04399] C. A. Gottlieb, L. Decin, A. M. S. Richards et al.: ATOMIUM: ALMA tracing the origins of molecules in dust forming oxygen rich M-type stars Motivation, sample, calibration, and initial results
[2112.04403] P. R. Burd, M. Kadler, K. Mannheim et al.: Dual-high-frequency VLBI study of blazar-jet brightness-temperature gradients and collimation profiles
[2112.04413] Sebastiaan Y. Haffert: The spectrally modulated self-coherent camera (SM-SCC): Increasing throughput for focal-plane wavefront sensing
[2112.04427] Samuel Skirvin, Viktor Fedun, Suzana Silva et al.: II. The effect of axisymmetric and spatially varying equilibria and flow on MHD wave modes: Cylindrical geometry
[2112.04428] Alex Gough, Cora Uhlemann: One-point statistics matter in extended cosmologies
[2112.04438] T. Spohn, T.L. Hudson, E. Marteau et al.: The InSight HP$^3$ Penetrator (Mole) on Mars: Soil Properties Derived From the Penetration Attempts and Related Activities
[2112.04452] V.V. Zhuravlev: Does the Streaming Instability exist within the Terminal Velocity Approximation?
[2112.04456] Brodie Popovic, Dillon Brout, Richard Kessler et al.: The Pantheon+ Analysis: Forward-Modeling the Dust and Intrinsic Colour Distributions of Type Ia Supernovae, and Quantifying their Impact on Cos...
[2112.04463] A. R. Costa Silva, R. Fedriani, J. C. Tan et al.: NIR jets from a clustered region of massive star formation: Morphology and composition in the IRAS 18264-1152 region
[2112.04484] Eleni Tsaprazi, Nhat-Minh Nguyen, Jens Jasche et al.: Field-level inference of galaxy intrinsic alignment from the SDSS-III BOSS survey
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 9 Dec 21","img":""}
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