Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 17 Sep 20
[2009.07274] Lisa Kaltenegger, Ryan J. MacDonald, Thea Kozakis et al.: The White Dwarf Opportunity: Robust Detections of Molecules in Earth-like Exoplanet Atmospheres with the James Webb Space Telescope
[2009.07275] Francisco I. Aros, Anna C. Sippel, Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti et al.: Dynamical modelling of globular clusters: challenges for the robust determination of IMBH candidates
[2009.07277] Poshak Gandhi, David A.H. Buckley, Phil Charles et al.: Astrometric excess noise in Gaia DR2 and the search for X-ray emitting binaries
[2009.07278] Xiaohan Wu, Matthew McQuinn, Daniel Eisenstein: On the accuracy of common moment-based radiative transfer methods for simulating reionization
[2009.07279] M. Bulla, K. Kyutoku, M. Tanaka et al.: Polarized kilonovae from black hole-neutron star mergers
[2009.07280] Angelos Nersesian, Sebastien Viaene, Ilse De Looze et al.: High-resolution, 3D radiative transfer modelling V. A detailed model of the M51 interacting pair
[2009.07281] Ben Forrest, Z. Cemile Marsan, Marianna Annunziatella et al.: The Massive Ancient Galaxies At $z>3$ NEar-infrared (MAGAZ3NE) Survey: Confirmation of Extremely Rapid Star-Formation and Quenching Tim...
[2009.07282] Andrew Vanderburg, Saul A. Rappaport, Siyi Xu et al.: A Giant Planet Candidate Transiting a White Dwarf
[2009.07283] Chris Byrohl, Dylan Nelson, Christoph Behrens et al.: The physical origins and dominant emission mechanisms of Lyman-alpha halos: results from the TNG50 simulation in comparison to MUSE observations
[2009.07284] Prasenjit Saha: The theory of intensity interferometry revisited
[2009.07285] Shiro Mukae, Masami Ouchi, Gary J. Hill et al.: Cosmological 3D HI Gas Map with HETDEX Ly$α$ Emitters and eBOSS QSOs at $z=2$: IGM-Galaxy/QSO Connection and a $\sim$ 40-Mpc Scale Giant HII Bubble C...
[2009.07286] Ryan Urquhart, Arash Bahramian, Jay Strader et al.: The MAVERIC Survey: New compact binaries revealed by deep radio continuum observations of the Galactic globular cluster Terzan 5
[2009.07292] Ryan L. Sanders, Alice E. Shapley, Tucker Jones et al.: The MOSDEF Survey: The Evolution of the Mass-Metallicity Relation from $z=0$ to $z\sim3.3$
[2009.07293] Jordan N. Runco, Matthew A. Malkan, Juan Antonio Fernández-Ontiveros et al.: $Herschel$/PACS OH Spectroscopy of Seyfert, LINER, and Starburst Galaxies
[2009.07295] Amy Whitney, Christopher Conselice, Kenneth Duncan et al.: Surface Brightness Evolution of Galaxies in the CANDELS GOODS Fields up to $z \sim 6$: High-z Galaxies are Unique or Remain Undetected
[2009.07296] Jon K. Zink, Konstantin Batygin, Fred C. Adams: The Great Inequality and the Dynamical Disintegration of the Outer Solar System
[2009.07298] Denis Leahy, Yuyang Chen: AstroSat UVIT Detections of Chandra X-ray Sources in M31
[2009.07300] M. Armas Padilla, T. Muñoz-Darias, F. Jiménez-Ibarra et al.: Optical spectroscopy of 4U 1812-12: an ultra-compact X-ray binary seen through an H II region
[2009.07306] P. K. Humire, V. Thiel, C. Henkel et al.: Sulphur and carbon isotopes towards Galactic centre clouds
[2009.07316] N.D.Utkin, A.K.Dambis: Calibrating the BHB Star Distance Scale and the Halo Kinematic Distance to the Galactic Centre
[2009.07337] Dominika Ł. Król, Volodymyr Marchenko, Michał Ostrowski et al.: An Analysis of Soft X-ray Structures at Kiloparsec Distances from the Active Nucleus of Centaurus A Galaxy
[2009.07357] Luz Ángela García, Leonardo Castañeda, Juan Manuel Tejeiro: A novel early Dark Energy model
[2009.07361] Rashied Amini, Steve Chien, Lorraine Fesq et al.: Enabling and Enhancing Astrophysical Observations with Autonomous Systems
[2009.07363] Rashied Amini, Abigail Azari, Shyam Bhaskaran et al.: Advancing the Scientific Frontier with Increasingly Autonomous Systems
[2009.07367] Matthew C. Edwards: Classifying the Equation of State from Rotating Core Collapse Gravitational Waves with Deep Learning
[2009.07394] Wenxiao Xu, Qi Guo, Haonan Zheng et al.: Galaxy properties in the cosmic web of EAGLE simulation
[2009.07474] D. A. Ladeyschikov, J. S. Urquhart, A. M. Sobolev et al.: The physical parameters of clumps associated with class I methanol masers
[2009.07488] Meriem Hanine, Zhisen Meng, Shiru Lu et al.: Formation of interstellar complex polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations of dehydrogenated benzene
[2009.07507] Edwan Préau, Kunihito Ioka, Peter Mészáros: Neutron conversion-diffusion: a new model for structured short gamma-ray burst jets compatible with GRB 170817
[2009.07510] Jong-Ho Shinn: Revisiting the Local Star-Forming Galaxies Observed in the HETDEX Pilot Survey
[2009.07535] Thomas Howson, Ineke De Moortel, Lianne Fyfe: The effects of driving time scales on heating in a coronal arcade
[2009.07559] Benedikt Reihs, Alessandro Vananti, Thomas Schildknecht et al.: Application of Attributables to the Correlation of Surveillance Radar Measurements
[2009.07575] Ardjan Sturm, Giovanni Rosotti, Carsten Dominik: Dust dynamics in planet-driven spirals
[2009.07580] X. Zhang, A. Simionescu, J. S. Kaastra et al.: ClG 0217+70: A massive merging galaxy cluster with a large radio halo and relics
[2009.07586] Caroline Haigh, Nushkia Chamba, Aku Venhola et al.: Optimising and comparing source extraction tools using objective segmentation quality criteria
[2009.07591] T. Schrabback, S. Bocquet, M. Sommer et al.: Mass calibration of distant SPT galaxy clusters through expanded weak lensing follow-up observations with HST, VLT & Gemini-South
[2009.07592] R. A. Motiyenko, A. Belloche, R. T. Garrod et al.: Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave spectroscopy of thioformamide and interstellar search toward Sgr B2(N)
[2009.07596] C. Larrodera, C. Cid: The distribution function of the average iron charge state at 1 AU: from a bimodal wind to ICME identification
[2009.07626] Xian Chen: Distortion of Gravitational-wave Signals by Astrophysical Environments
[2009.07636] Ayumu Kuwahara, Hiroyuki Kurokawa: Influences of protoplanet-induced three-dimensional gas flow on pebble accretion $\rm\,I\hspace{-.1em}I\,$. Headwind regime
[2009.07653] Vera C. Rubin Observatory LSST Solar System Science Collaboration, R. Lynne Jones, Michelle T. Bannister et al.: The Scientific Impact of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and ...
[2009.07670] E. Massaro, F. Capitanio, M. Feroci et al.: A non-linear mathematical model for the X-ray variability classes of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 -- I: quiescent, spiking states and QPOs
[2009.07678] E. Massaro, F. Capitanio, M. Feroci et al.: A non-linear mathematical model for the X-ray variability classes of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 -- II: transition and swaying classes
[2009.07679] Ketevan Kotorashvili, Nino Revazashvili, Nana L. Shatashvili: Dynamical fast flow generation/acceleration in dense degenerate two-fluid plasmas of astrophysical objects
[2009.07686] J. Cernicharo, N. Marcelino, M. Agundez et al.: Discovery of HC4NC in TMC-1: A study of the isomers of HC3N, HC5N, and HC7N
[2009.07689] V.G. Gurzadyan, A.T. Margaryan: Ultrahigh accuracy time synchronization technique operation on the Moon
[2009.07694] E. Massaro, F. Capitanio, M. Feroci et al.: A non-linear mathematical model for the X-ray variability of the microquasar GRS 1515+105 -- III: Low-frequency Quasi Periodic Oscillations
[2009.07695] Colin P. Johnstone, Michael Bartel, Manuel Güdel: The active lives of stars: a complete description of rotation and XUV evolution of F, G, K, and M dwarfs
[2009.07696] Lauren Balliet, William Newton, Sarah Cantu et al.: Prior probability distributions of neutron star crust models
[2009.07697] C. Ng, B. Wu, M. Ma et al.: The Discovery of Nulling and Mode Switching Pulsars with CHIME/Pulsar
[2009.07700] S. V. Poluianov, G. A. Kovaltsov, I. G. Usoskin: A New Full 3-D Model of Cosmogenic Tritium $^3$H Production in the Atmosphere (CRAC:3H)
[2009.07711] Tonima Tasnim Ananna, C. Megan Urry, Ezequiel Treister et al.: Accretion History of AGN III: Radiative Efficiency and AGN Contribution to Reionization
[2009.07718] Wladimir Banda-Barragán, Marcus Brüggen, Christoph Federrath et al.: Shock-multicloud interactions in galactic outflows -- I. Cloud layers with log-normal density distributions
[2009.07729] Imke de Pater, Statia Luszcz-Cook, Patricio Rojo et al.: ALMA Observations of Io Going into and Coming out of Eclipse
[2009.07733] Takami Kuroda: Impact of magnetic field on neutrino-matter interactions in core-collapse supernova
[2009.07737] J. Martin, D. F. Torres, B. Zhang: Exploring the effects of magnetar bursts in pulsar wind nebulae
[2009.07746] N. Mowlavi, L. Rimoldini, D. W. Evans et al.: Large-amplitude variables in Gaia Data Release 2. Multi-band variability characterization
[2009.07749] L. Zhang, D. Altamirano, V. A. Cuneo et al.: NICER observations reveal that the X-ray transient MAXI J1348-630 is a Black Hole X-ray binary
[2009.07750] L.A. Maksimova, Ya.N. Pavlyuchenkov, A.V. Tutukov: Evolution of a Viscous Protoplanetary Disk with Convectively Unstable Regions. II. Accretion Regimes and Long-Term Dynamics
[2009.07761] Nicholas Wogan, Joshua Krissansen-Totton, David C. Catling: Abundant atmospheric methane from volcanism on terrestrial planets is unlikely and strengthens the case for methane as a biosignature
[2009.07771] O. König, F. Fürst, P. Kretschmar et al.: NuSTAR observation of GRO J1744-28 at low mass accretion rate
[2009.07772] Mathew S. Madhavacheril, Cristóbal Sifón, Nicholas Battaglia et al.: The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Weighing distant clusters with the most ancient light
[2009.07784] Irham Taufik Andika, Knud Jahnke, Masafusa Onoue et al.: Probing the Nature of High Redshift Weak Emission Line Quasars: A Young Quasar with a Starburst Host Galaxy
[2009.07796] Bo Zhao, Paola Caselli, Zhi-Yun Li et al.: Hall Effect in Protostellar Disc Formation and Evolution
[2009.07809] Celine Peroux, Dylan Nelson, Freeke van de Voort et al.: Predictions for the Angular Dependence of Gas Mass Flow Rate and Metallicity in the Circumgalactic Medium
[2009.07813] Maxim Tkachev, Sergey Pilipenko, Gustavo Yepes: Dark Matter Simulations with Primordial Black Holes in the Early Universe
[2009.07814] Clara Vergès, Josquin Errard, Radek Stompor: Framework for analysis of next generation, polarised CMB data sets in the presence of galactic foregrounds and systematic effects
[2009.07820] Bo Zhao, Paola Caselli, Zhi-Yun Li et al.: The Interplay between Ambipolar Diffusion and Hall Effect on Magnetic Field Decoupling and Protostellar Disc Formation
[2009.07824] Lorenzo V. Mugnai, Enzo Pascale, Billy Edwards et al.: ArielRad: the Ariel Radiometric Model
[2009.07832] Ville Vaskonen, Hardi Veermäe: Did NANOGrav see a signal from primordial black hole formation?
[2009.07835] Manasvi Lingam, Abraham Loeb: On The Biomass Required To Produce Phosphine Detected In The Cloud Decks Of Venus
[2009.07837] Anders Johansen, Åke Nordlund: Transport, destruction and growth of pebbles in the gas envelope of a protoplanet
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