Digital Transformation Day Post-Assessment

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You have 25 minutes to complete this quiz. To begin the quiz, click "Next."
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Note that for questions with multiple answers, even correctly selected answers will show up red when you progress to the next page. The green/red coloring on the question number guide along the bottom can be used to keep track of questions correctly/incorrectly answered.
What is your name?
What is your e-mail address
How helpful did you find Digital Transformation Day?
How much do you think Digital Transformation Day provided you with new knowledge?
What does it mean to build a 1:1 Relationship with a consumer?
Buying media based on demographics
Sending consumers e-mails
Building custom journeys for unique audience segments
Knowing who your consumers are
What is the focus of the metrics dashboard?
Budget tracking
Cost per completed view
How a campaign is performing across the 5Cs
Which channel outperforms the ROI of most other marketing channels by a 6:1 basis?
Social Media
Traditional Media
Influencer Marketing
What is fraudulent media?
Media that was sold that was not delivered
Stolen media inventory
Media that is served to an audience other than the target that you bought
Media that is viewed by non-human traffic
What is Consumer Relationship Management?
A software to send text messages to phone numbers
A database of names, e-mails and phone numbers to understand who our consumers are
The practice of managing and analyzing consumer interactions and data throughout the consumer decision journey
A series of e-mails sent to opt-in e-mail addresses in the brand database
Is CRM a part of your job?
If I work in marketing
Not if I work in marketing
Which of the 5Cs has the biggest long term value?
When should you analyze CRM data?
Before activations begin
After activations end
During activation periods
Whenever possible
Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) were built primarily to...
Enable publishers to manage/sell their inventory programmatically
Enable advertisers to bid on ad inventory across multiple exchanges programmatically
Enable consumers to opt into programs so they only see ads relevant to them
Enable big data providers to create auctions for their data
Supply Side Platforms (SSPs) were built primarily to
Enable publishers to manage/sell their inventory programmatically
Enable advertisers to bid on ad inventory across multiple exchanges programmatically
Enable consumers to opt into programs so they only see ads relevant to them
Enable big data providers to create auctions for their data
What is the MRC definition of a Viewable impression?
10% of the impression is in view for at least 30 seconds
80% of the impression is in view for at least 25 seconds
50% of the impression/ ad unit is in view for at least 1 second
30% of the impression/ad is in view for 5 second
What is the MRC definition for viewable video inventory?
50% of the video is in view for at least 2 seconds
100% of the video is in view for the entire video
20% of the video is in view for 10 seconds or more
75% of the video in view for 1 second
When should I aim to have approvals for my media plan to ensure I am avoiding any late booking fees and reserve optimal inventory?
3 months
2 months
1 months
1 week
When do I need to get approval from Pierre for my Media plans? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Every media plan
For full year strategy and channel plans
When I have a deviation from my full year channel plan
I never need Pierre's approval, so long as my agency and team approve the plan
On average, what sales lift percentage can be expected with optimized eCommerce content?
Consumers are more likely to visit brand sites versus retailer sites before shopping
True, but only if they are shopping a new category
True, but only if they have previously purchased the brand at a retail location
What are legal ways to drive traffic to accounts? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
When I list 3 or more accounts
When providing information about where to buy the product
Through co-media buys with the account
When the account pays me to do so
Which of the following is a top 5 driver of online conversion
Awards and medals
Consumer reviews
Personalized products
A catchy URL
What are the key P2P tactics for PRUSA? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Winning eCommerce with chains
Providing basic and enhanced content
Winning occasion inspiration
Driving repeat purchase via CRM
Ibotta rebates follow the same legal rules as mail-in rebates?
True, but only if redeemed offline
True, but only if you have a premium account
Which of the following is/are consumer rebate app(s) for wine and spirits? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experience with Digital Transformation Day? Is there anything you would like to see in future iGrow sessions?
{"name":"Digital Transformation Day Post-Assessment", "url":"","txt":"What is your name?, What is your e-mail address, What does digital conversion-focus mean? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY","img":""}
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