A detailed illustration of a ship equipped with GMDSS communication equipment in a maritime environment, showcasing communication signals and satellite connections.


Test your knowledge on Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) with our comprehensive quiz! Designed for maritime professionals and enthusiasts, this quiz offers a challenging range of questions covering various aspects of GMDSS operations.

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188 Questions47 MinutesCreated by NavigatingWave412
How do we find out if a NiCd accumulator is fully charged?
Measure the voltage during charging
Measure the current during charging
Measure the spacific gravity of the electrolyte
Measure the voltage during discharging
Message for cancelling MF DSC false alert must be translated with class of emission...
During distress traffic, the vessel in distress is disturbed by other stations on 2182 kHz. What message should this vessel transmit to impose radio silence?
Mayday Distress
Distress Mayday
Seelonce Mayday
Seelonce Distress
You have called a coast station by means of MF DSC to order a telephone call. There is no reply from the coast station. How long should you wait before you try to call again?
1 minute
5 minutes
10 minutes
Not necessary to wait
You have received a distress alert on MF DSC. On what frequency would you acknowledge the call if no coast station has acknowledged?
2187.5 kHz
2182 kHz
Channel 70 VHF
Channel 16 VHF
What signal can trigger a SART?
A 3 cm radar signal
A distress signal
A 10 cm radar signal
An MFtwo-tone alarm signal
Your vessel is equipped with GMDSS for the A4 area. You are in position 76 N, 23 E, and you want to make a phone-call. What equipment would you use?
Inmarsat Fleet 77
HF Telephony
Inmarsat M
Inmarsat Fleet 77
A ship operating in sea area A3 must have the following provisions for maintenance:
Duplication of Equipment
Shore Maintenance
At Sea Maintenance
Any two of the above
You have had a radio telephone call through Singapore Radio. Total charge for the call was 30.61 Gold Franks. How many SDR (Special Drawing Rights) does this amount to?
10 SDR
A Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB is transmitting on two different frequencies. Which of the two frequencies carries the MMSI number?
121.5 MHz
1.6 GHz
406 MHz
2182 kHz
Which statement is NOT true regarding the requirements of survival craft portable two-way VHF radiotelephone equipment?
Operation on Ch-16
Effective radiated power should be a minimum 2.0 Watts
Simplex (single frequency) voice communications only
All of these
What frequency would vessel use to transmit an acknowledgement of a MF DSC Distress Alert if it is necessary?
2189.5 kHz
2177.0 kHz
2182.0 kHz
2187.5 kHz
Does needed obligate continuous watch on VHF 16 channel?
Not needed
On non-SOLAS vessels only
Only in sea area A1
Needed in all areas
How often should the EPIRB hydrostatic release mechanism be replaced?
Every 3 years
Every 4 years
Every 5 years
According to the date label
In what ocean area do we find the AOR-E satellite?
Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
Eastern Atlantic Ocean
Western Atlantic Ocean
What channel use VHF DSC?
On operator choice
What frequency should be used for MF radiotelephony intership communication, if required?
2182 kHz
2045 kHz
2048 kHz
2187.5 kHz
What does the command DIRTLX mean?
Used in Radio telex to transmit a Store and Forward message
Mode used in NAVTEX to receive a Broadcast message
Used in Radio Telex to be put in touch with a certain telex subscriber. Two way traffic.
Used in Radio Telex to be connected to the director of the coast radio station
You have observed a drifting container in an area with heavy ship traffic. You want to warn other vessels about your observation. What signal would you use?
Your vessel is equipped for sea area A1+A2. Suddenly there is an explosion in the engine room. What equipment should be used to transmit the distress alert?
VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and EPIRB
VHF and MF DSC, Inmarsat-C, EPIRB and SART
How many SARTs should be carried on board?
At least one set.
2 sets on board vessels below 500 GT, - 3 sets on board vessels above 500 GT.
At least 2 sets
1 set on board vessels below 500 GT- 2 sets on board vessels above 500 GT
You have the main engine breakdown in NE bound lane off Cap Griz Nez, Dover Strait. What prioritv would you choose?
You are radio operator on board a vessel in distress. The nearest coast station is 100 miles away. If you want to transmit the alert on DSC, what frequency(s) would you use?
2187.5 kHz
2182 kHz
2189.5 kHz
2177 kHz
What satellite equipment included in GMDSS?
Inmarsat Broadband
Fleet 55
Fleet 77
What is special about the Inmarsat-C number?
It always starts with digit 4
It has only 7 digits
It always starts with digit 1
It always ends with digit 5
How long is the Ship Safety Radio Certificate valid prior to renewal?
6 months
5 years
2 years
No time limit
When is the telex mode FEC used?
During "DIRTLX" calls
For broadcast on NAVTEX and radio telex
During transmission of Store and Forward messages
For EGC messages
You have observed drifting debris in an area of heavy traffic, and you want to warn other ships by means of VHF DSC. What priority would you use and on what channel would you transmit the message?
Urgency priority. Transmit message on Channel 16
Safety priority. Transmit message on any working channel
No specific priority. Transmit message on Channel 6
Distress priority. Transmit message on Channel 16
What is the maximum time from activating a Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB until the alert reaches the LUT (Local User Terminal)?
10 minutes
2 hours
1.5 hours
45 minutes
Two channels on VHF obligate have limited output (1 watt). Which are they?
Channels 12 and 14
Channels 16 and 69
Channels 6 and 10
Channels 15 and 17
Which of the following VHF channels is normally used for harbour radio traffic?
Channel 1
Channel 6
Channel 12
Channel 24
You have received a HF DSC Distress Call, but the Distress Message is not heard. What would you do in this situation?
Acknowledge the call
Listen in for five minutes and if receive repeat DSC inform the nearest Rescue Coordination Center
Send Mayday Relay to "All Stations" instantly
Listen in for five minutes, and if nothing is heard, send Mayday Relay to "All Stations"
What is a DUPLEX radio connection?
The transmitting frequency is the same as the receiving frequency
The transmitting frequency is 1.5 kHz below the receiving frequency
The transmitting frequency is 1.5 kHz above the receiving frequency
The transmitting frequency is different from the receiving frequenc
Which of the following modes would be appropriate to use for receiving normal telephony on MF?
How can you test the Distress Alert capability in the Inmarsat-C system?
By transmitting a Distress Alert, and then send a cancellation
By pressing the 'Set’ and 'Alarm' buttons
By activating the "Link Test"
By logging out from the current satellite, then press 'Set' and 'Alarm' buttons
When do NAVTEX broadcasts typically achieve maximum transmitting range?
Local noontime
Middle of the night
Post sunrise
What specific gravity would you expect from a lead acid accumulator that is fully discharged?
You have received a distress alert on HF DSC. No acknowledgement is received from a coast station. What would you do next?
Transmit an acknowledgement to the vessel in distress
Try to get in touch with the vessel in distress by means of any available radio systems
Do nothing! Only coast stations are supposed to deal with these alerts
Transmit Distress Relay to the nearest coast station
What frequency watch obligate on MF DSC?
How many portable Search and Rescue VHFs must be carried on board vessels?
5 sets onboard all vessels
2 sets on board vessels below 500 GT, - 3 sets on board vessels above 500 GT
3 sets on board vessels below 500 GT, - 4 sets on board vessels above 500 GT
1 set on board vessels below 500 GT, - 2 sets on board vessels above 500 GT
What satellite equipment not part of GMDSS?
Inmarsat C
Inmarsat Fleet 77 (phone)
What kind of gas will be developed during charging of lead acid accumulators?
Carbon Monoxide
What is the main difference between FEC (Forward Error Correction) and ARQ (Automatic Retransmission Request) used in radio telex systems?
FEC is a two-way system with active error correction
FEC is a two-way system, while ARQ is used for broadcasting
ARQ is a two way connection in a private circuit (Ship-Shore or, Ship - Ship) while FEC is used solely for broadcast
ARQ is exactly the same as FEC
What is the approximate maximum range for MF telephony?
30 to 50 nautical miles
200 to 400 nautical miles
100 to 150 nautical miles
500 to 1000 nautical miles
How does the Urgency Signal sound?
Pan Pan
EPIRB should be marked with...
Ship's call sign
Serial number and battery expiry date
All this information
Which frequency is used by the NAVTEX system?
500 kHz
512 kHz
519 kHz
518 kHz
How often must your Radio Safety Certificate be normally verified by the classification society on behalf of your flag state?
6 months
1 year
2 years
No time limit
What is meant by "Geostationary Orbit"?
The satellites are in a polar orbit
The satellites are in an orbit 30000 km above the equator and move faster than the Earth
The satellites are in an orbit 30000 km above the equator and move at the same speed as the Earth
The satellites move away from the earth then return periodically
Your propeller has dropped off in a gale two miles off Cap Finisterre with an onshore wind. What priority would you choose?
How long a time will the battery in a Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB last when activated?
24 hours
96 hours
48 hours
12 hours
Your vessel is not under command, and you wish to warn other vessels about this. What priority would you choose?
How long should the radio batteries last in the GMDSS station in case of a black-out? (If the vessel is equipped with an emergency generator)
2 hours
4 hours
3 hours
1 hour
How many frequencies on HF DSC minimum must be on watch (SOLAS, reg. IV/2)?
How many hours will the SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder) be able to operate in Stand By mode when activated?
96 hours
48 hours
8 hours
24 hours
Can ship leave port with broken Navtex?
Yes, only for voyages in area A1
Yes, if fitted with radio telex
First step in canceling VHF false alert is...
Stop DSC distress auto repeat
Broadcast to "All stations" cancel message on 16 channel
Transmit to nearest MRCC cancel message on 16 channel
Broadcast to "All stations" cancel message on work channel
How often must a General Operator’s Certificate (GOC) be renewed?
Every 6 years
Every 2 years
Every 4 years
Every 5 years
You are going to send a radio telex through Ostende Radio In Belgium. What publication would you use to find information about frequencies to utilize for the call?
List of Ship Stations
List of Coast Stations
List of Radio determination and Special Service Stations
Admiralty List of Radio Signals
When operating the Inmarsat-C terminal, it is not necessary to use azimuth and elevation angles to find a satellite. Why is this the case?
The equipment will automatically point the antenna towards the sattelite
The Inmarsat-C terminal uses a whip antenna
The Inmarsat-C terminal uses an omni directional antenna
The Inmarsat-C terminal is always linked to the Inmarsat Fleet 77 terminal, and will therefore get it's signals from there
Who is responsible for the radio service on board?
The master, if he possesses a GOC certificate
The chief officer
No specific person
A person, other than the master, possessing a GOC certificate
How is Inmarsat-C traffic charged?
By the minutes (in 6 sec. blocks)
By word count
By kB (kilo Baud)
By k Bit (kilobits)
Which of the following modes would be appropriate to use for receiving radio telex on MF/HF?
What do we call the special atmospheric layer that reflects high frequency (HF) radio waves?
The Stratosphere
The Troposphere
The Ionosphere
The Ozone layer
How can a SART'S effective range be maximized?
The SART should be placed in water immediately upon activation
The SART should be held as high as possible
Switch the SART into the "high" power position
If possible, the SART should be mounted horizontally so that its signal matches that of the searching radar signal
What service is provided if you use the two-digit code 00 on Inmarsat Fleet 77?
Technical assistance
Advice of duration and charge
Automatic connection service
Medico service
What transmitting frequency should be used on MF DSC if you want to make an international call and you do not know the national channel?
2187.5 kHz
2177.0 kHz
2189.5 kHz
2182.0 kHz
How many times should a Distress Call and Distress Message be repeated if no acknowledgement is received?
3 times
4 times
As many times as necessary
Maximum 5 times
On what frequency bands would you expect to find maritime HF?
4000 to 26000 kHz
1600 to 4000 kHz
8000 to 34000 kHz
40 to 80 MHz
You are on board the M/V Star/D5DF and have received a distress message from M/V Spiro/C6GFD. What is correct acknowledgement of this distress message?
Mayday Spiro Spiro Spiro C6GFD this is Star Star Star D5DF, Recieved Mayday Over
Mayday Spiro C6GFD this is Star D5DF, Received Mayday Over
Mayday Mayday Mayday Spiro Spiro Spiro C6GFD this is Star Star Star, Recieved Mayday Over
Mayday Relay Spiro Mayday Relay Spiro this is Star Star, Received Mayday Over
What natural phenomena is useful for propagation of high frequency (HF) radio waves?
As few Sun spots as possible
As many Sun spots as possible
New moon
Full moon
You have lost the signal on your Inmarsat Fleet 77 terminal. All equipment appears good working order. The ship's position is 56N, 10E. What might be the reason?
A satellite is in a blind sector
A very low sun-spot figure
An electrical storm between ship and sattelite
The ship is too far North to recieve any signals from Inmarsat sattelites
What is the speed of radio waves in air?
20,000 km per second
25,000 km per second
50,000 km per second
300,000 km per second
Which of the following watches must a compulsory vessel maintain when sailing in Sea Area A1?
A continuous DSC watch on 8414.5 kHz plus one other HF DSC frequency
A continuous DSC watch on 2187.5 kHz
A continuous DSC watch on Ch-6
A continuous DSC watch on Ch-70
The Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB has global coverage. How is this possible?
Because this EPIRB utilizes Inmarsat satellites
Because this EPIRB utilizes satellites that are geostationary
Because this EPIRB utilizes satellites in equatorial orbits
Because this EPIRB utilizes satellites in low polar and geostationary orbits
What equipment is associated with the space systems?
The wavelength of a radio signal is found by the formula: wavelength equals 300,000 divided by the frequency in kHz. What wavelength is the frequency 500 kHz?
6,000 meters
600,000 meters
600 meters
60,000 meters
Maximum peak envelope power for ship radiotelephone equipment employing class J3E and operating in the HF bands is...
400 W
25 W
5 kW
1.5 kW
How long should the radio batteries last in the GMDSS station in case of a black-out? (If the vessel is not equipped with an emergency generator)
6 hours
4 hours
3 hours
1 hour
Ohm's law describes the connection between voltage (E), current (I) and resistance (R) in an electrical circuit (E= I x R). How could you find the current if both voltage and resistance are known?
I = R x E
I = R / E (/ = divided by)
I = E x R
I = E / R
You have recieved a Distress Alert on VHF DSC channel 70. On what channel would you expect to hear the distress message?
Channel 70
Channel 69
Channel 16
Channel 12
Your vessel has rudder failure, and is adrift in an area with heavy traffic. What priority would be appropriate to use if you want to notify shipping around you about this danger?
What is the Maritime identification digits (MID) number in the following Maritime Mobile Service Identity number: 257123456?
What class(-es) of emission(-s) is used for Radio Telex traffic?
FEC only
F1B only
F1B and FEC
You want to utilize a VHF transciever to communicate between the bridge and the poop deck. What channel and what power would you use?
Channel 16, 25 Watts
Channel 15, 1 Watt
Channel 70, 1 Watt
Channel 28, 25 Watts
Which areas are not covered by the Inmarsat satellites?
Mediterranean Sea
Caspian Sea
Black Sea
North of 70 degrees north and South of 70 degrees south
A Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB does not transmit the vessel's position. How can the LUT (Local User Terminal) stations determine the vessels position?
By taking manual bearings
By cross bearings taken by airplanes in the area
By cross bearings taken by geostationary satellites
By doppler effect
You are in position 20 N and 179 E. You wish to switch on the Inmarsat C terminal. Which Inmarsat satellite would you have to use in this part of the globe?
Indian Ocean Region - IOR
Atlantic Ocean Region West - AOR-W
Pacific Ocean Region - POR
Atlantic Ocean Region East - AOR-E
What number is used to identify a vessel when alerting by means of a Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB?
The MID number
The IMO number
The MMSI number
The Inmarsat ID number
What radio equipment utilizes class of emission F1B?
MF radiotelephony
VHF radiotelephony
Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB
Radio Telex
You receive a NAVTEX message containing the following: A Lat 60.03.9N/Long 022.09.4E Probability 67. B Lat 61.47.5N/Long 010.11.7E Probability 33. No Identification. What does this message mean?
Two (A and B) Cospas Sarsat satellites have taken bearings of an EPIRB transmitting on 406 MHz
Two (A and B) Cospas Sarsat satellites have taken bearings of an EPIRB transmitting on 121.5 MHz
Two (A and B) Inmarsat satellites have taken bearings of an Inmarsat EPIRB
Two (A and B) Inmarsat satellites have taken bearings of an EPIRB transmitting on 406 MHz
What information is transmitted by a 406 MHz EPIRB alert?
Vessel position and nature of distress
A unique ID number
Vessel name and identification
None of the above
Duplication of VHF with DSC controller equipment needed in...
Sea area A2
Sea area A1
Sea areas A3 and A4
In all sea areas
A vessel is equipped for A3. What distress radio equipment must be fitted if the vessel is above 500 GT?
1 EPIRB, 2 SART's and 2 portable VHF's
1 EPIRB, 1 SART and 3 portable VHF's
1 EPIRB, 3 SART's and 2 portable VHF's
1 EPIRB, 2 SART's and 3 portable VHF's
What radio transceivers may normally be used when the vessel is in port?
MF and HF transceivers
MF transceiver only
Inmarsat systems and VHF transceiver
VHF and MF transceivers
How can you decide when the hydrostatic release mechanism on an EPIRB is to be replaced?
Check for wear and tear on the releaser, if worn out, replace it
Replace the releaser when owners tell us to do so
It must be replaced every 5 years
Replace the releaser according to date markings
Which of the following messages should be given first priority?
Urgency messages
Safety messages
Military flash messages
Distress messages
The transmission mode J3E is used for MF/HF telephony. What is being transmitted when this mode is used?
Double side-band with reduced carrier
Single side-band with supressed carrier
Single side-band with full carrier
Single side-band with half carrier
SDR (Special Drawing Rights) is the international currency within telecommunications. How many Gold Franks are there in one SDR?
2.5 gfr
3.061 gfr
7.09 gfr
10 gfr
If vessel equipped with EGC, does it need NAVTEX?
Not needed
Only in A1
Only in A4
Needed in all areas
What kind of antenna Is used by an Inmarsat Fleet 77 terminal?
A directional antenna
An omni-directional antenna
A stretch antenna
A ground plane antenna
Which of the following modes would be appropriate to use for receiving normal telephony on HF?
H3E and J3E
Maximum power for ship radiotelephone equipment operating in the MF band is...
25 W
100 W
5 kW
400 W
How many hand held VHFs must there be on board vessels greater than 500 GT?
GMDSS is required for which of the following?
All vessels capable of international voyages
Vessels operating outside of the range of VHF coastal radio stations
SOLAS Convention ships of 300 gross tonnage or more
Coastal vessels of less than 300 gross tons.
What is the azimuth angle used in Inmarsat communication?
The true bearing to the satellite
The angle between the satellite and the horizon - seen from the antenna
The horizontal angle between the horizon and the satellite
The relative bearing to the satellite
What of these is already not part of the GMDSS system?
An HF transceiver
An MF telegraphy transmitter
An Inmarsat C terminal
What is the unit of electrical current?
The Watt
The Ohm
The Ampere
The Volt
HF (High Frequency) transmissions can have global coverage. Why?
Signals are reflected down to Earth by satellites in geostationary orbits
Signals are reflected down to earth by the Ozone layer
Signals are reflected down to Earth by the Stratosphere
Signals are reflected down to Earth by the Ionosphere
You have 2 batteries, each 12 volts, 100 A/H, connected in series. What is the combined voltage and capacity?
12 Volts, 200 A/H
24 Volts, 200 A/H
6 Volts, 100 A/H
24 Volts, 100 A/H
Ocean area A2 is described as an....
Ocean area covered by coast stations equipped with VHF DSC
Ocean area covered by Inmarsat satellites
Ocean area covered by coast stations equipped with MF DSC
Ocean area north of 70 degrees north and south of 70 degrees south
A NAVTEX receiver can be preprogrammed in such a way that it does not receive certain messages. What messages cannot be shut out?
Ice warnings and Sat. Nav warnings only
Weather bulletins only
Search and rescue messages only
Meteorological warnings, navigational warnings and SAR information
What is the approximate maximum range for VHF telephony?
100 to 150 nautical miles
30 to 50 nautical miles
5 to 15 nautical miles
50 to 75 nautical miles
Which of the following GMDSS logkeeping statements is true?
Entries relating to pre- voyage, pre-departure and daily tests are required
All of the options
All distress, urgent and safety telecommunications must be logged
Routine daily MF-HF and Inmarsat-C transmissions do not have to be logged
Which transmission mode is used by the NAVTEX system?
A NAVTEX message has the following ID code: LD00 (Lima - Delta - Zero - Zero). What kind of message is it?
A navigational warning
A distress (SAR) message
A meteorological warning
A weather forecast
What mode(s) is allowed on HF telephony?
J3E and R3E
H3E and G3E
A3E only
J3E only
How many HF DSC distress watch channels must be guarded by a compulsory vessel underway?
What identification is used in a DSC?
5 digit number
Vessel's call sign
Maritime Identification Digits
Maritime Mobile Service Identity
GMDSS is primarily a system based on?
Ship-to-ship distress communications using MF or HF radiotelephony
VHF digital selective calling from ship to shore
Distress, urgency and safety communications carried out by the use of narrow-band direct printing telegraphy
The linking of search and rescue authorities ashore with shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress
You want to transmit an Urgency call on MF DSC. On what frequency would you send the call, and on what frequency would you read the message?
Send call on 2187.5 kHz, read the message on 2182 kHz
Send call on 2177.0 kHz, read the message on 2182.0 kHz
Send call on 2187.5 kHz, read the message on e.g. 2057.0 kHz
Send call on 2182.0 kHz, read the message on 2187.5 kHz
On what frequency bands would you expect to find maritime VHF?
100 to 139 MHz
156 to 174 MHz
234 to 259 MHz
140 to 150 MHz
What is the approximate range of NAVTEX transmissions?
About 400 nautical miles
100 to 150 nautical miles
200 to 800 nautical miles
50 to 80 nautical miles
Which system is least likely to be affected by atmospheric disturbances?
When sending a DSC call:
Vessel's position will automatically be sent
Vessel's position will automatically be sent if the vessel is sending a Distress alert
Vessel's MMSI will indicate its ocean region
None of these
In GMDSS, there are sea areas A1, A2, A3 and A4. Which area is described as: sea area that is covered by coast stations equipped with VHF DSC?
EGC consists of Safety Net and Fleet Net. What services do we get from Fleet Net?
MSI (Maritime Safety Information)
Weather forecasts
Commercial information for subscribers only
Information from Inmarsat Headquarters in London
What is the basic concept of GMDSS?
Search and rescue authorities ashore can be alerted to a distress situation
Shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alerted
Shoreside authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum delay
All of these
How many NAVAREAs are there in the world?
What is the unit of electrical potential?
The Ampere
The Volt
The Watt
The Ohm
Why are the VHF antennas much smaller than MF/HF antennas?
Because the VHF signal is transmitted in G3E (phase modulation)
Because VHF has a very short range
Because VHF is operating on high frequencies and thereby has a long wave-length
Because VHF is operating on high frequencies and thereby has a short wave-length
Which of the following is not a DSC watch frequency?
2187.5 kHz
6312 kHz
2182 kHz
12577 kHz
What is the approximate range of a SART for another vessel?
3 n miles
5 - 7 n. miles
20 to 30 n miles
Below 1 n mile
First step in canceling MF false alert is...
Stop DSC distress auto repeat
Broadcast to "All station" cancel message on 2182 kHz
Transmit to nearest MRCC cancel message on 2182 kHz
Broadcast to "All station" cancel message on work channel
During distress communication, there are several signals that may be used. What is the first which should be used when asking for radio silence by ordinary assistance vessel?
Seelonce Distress
Seelonce Fini
Seelonce Mayday
On an Inmarsat-C system an alarm sounds:
When first powered on
When receiving distress traffic
Both of the above
None of the above
What is the normal voltage of each cell in a charged lead-acid accumulator?
1 Volt
0.5 Volt
6 Volts
2 Volts
Only one kind of EPIRB can be detected anywhere on me globe. What frequency is used for detection and to find position of the EPIRB?
121.5 MHz
406 MHz
243.0 MHz
1.6 GHz
How often should the COSPAS/SARSAT EPlRB to be tested on board in the built-in test mode?
Every month
Every 6 months
Only once a year, prior to filling in the yearly technical report
It is never tested by the vessel's crew
What specific gravity should expect when a lead-acid battery is fully charged and in good condition?
1.18 - 1.22
1.24 - 1.26
1.20 - 1.25
1.26 - 1.28
Four 12 Volt lead-acid batteries are connected in series. Each battery has a capacity of 50 Ah. How long would these batteries run a radio station that drains 10 A?
20 hours
10 hours
5 hours
50 hours
What is the main purpose of Digital Selective Calling systems?
To send messages
To call other vessels and coast stations
To send and receive alerts in case of emergencies
To receive messages
What is the approximate range of a VHF DSC?
10 n miles
60 n miles
30 to 50 n miles
Below 5 n miles
If we use Radio TELEX during On Scene Communication, the correct mode is FEC (Forward Error Correction/Broadcast). Why?
Because the information is transmitted to all coast stations in the vicinity
Because this is the best method of communication in all situations
Because all participants will receive all messages simultaneously
Because FEC ensures that there will not be any errors in the transmissions
Your EPIRB has been activated due to a mishap. You are going to cancel the alarm using Inmarsat-C. How is this done?
Use the ’Distress’ window to edit the message
Type the message in the ’Editor’ and transmit to the shipping company office, telling them to notify National Telecom
Type the message in the 'Editor’, choose 'Transmit’, - then 'Distress' and then send the message accordingly
Press the two distress buttons on the Inmarsat 'C’ transceiver for 5 seconds
Which communication services are available in the Inmarsat Fleet 77 system?
Distress, telephony and data
Distress an telephony only
Distress, data and telex
Distress, telephony, telefax, telex and data
How many cells does a 12 volt lead-acid accumulator consist of?
12 cells
10 cells
6 cells
24 cells
What kind of messages are received by a NAVTEX receiver?
News bulletins only
Storm warnings only
All MSI traffic
Distress messages only
How many digits does a Maritime Mobile Service Identity number consists of?
9 digits
7 digits
8 digits
10 digits
Which HF band would you use as “first choice" for a ship-to-shore distress alert?
12 MHz
6 MHz
16 MHz
8 MHz
What is the Distress and Safety frequency on VHF telephony?
Channel 12
Channel 16
Channel 70
Channel 69
Your vessel is “On Scene Commander” during SAR operations. How would you impose radio silence if other stations are disturbing the distress frequency?
Seelonce Distress
Seelonce Mayday
Seelonce Fini
You are radio operator on board a vessel in distress and you are 100 miles off the nearest coast station. What frequency would you use for a DSC alert?
VHF channel 70
2182.0 kHz
2187.5 kHz
2177.0 kHz and 2189.5 kHz
What transmission mode can you use for HF telephony?
H3E and J3E
J3E or R3E
How many Hz (Hertz) are there in 1 MHz?
100,000 Hz
1,000,000,000 Hz
10,000 Hz
1,000,000 Hz
What information do we need to direct the Inmarsat Fleet 77 parabola antenna towards the satellite?
Air temperature and pressure
Azimuth and elevation angles
Vessel's course
Vessel's speed
How many total frequencies are available for DSC distress alerting?
One (1)
Two (2)
Five (5)
Seven (7)
What equipment is associated with the land or terrestrial systems?
What does the acronym ARQ mean?
Alfa-beam Radiation Shield Equipment
Automatic Repetition Request
Anti Radiation Squelch
Any Radio Equipment
Through what equipment can you receive MSI (Maritime Safety Information) on board vessels equipped for A3?
With a NAVTEX receiver only
With NAVTEX and EGC receivers
With an EGC receiver only
With NAVTEX, EGC receivers and HF Radio Telex, if fitted
What mode(s) is allowed for ordinary call on 2182 kHz?
H3E and A3E
What radio equipment would you expect to find on board a vessel above 500 GT in sea area A1?
1 EPIRB, 1 SART, 3 portable VHFs, NAVTEX receiver and VHF with DSC
1 EPIRB, 1 SART, 3 portable VHFs, EGC receiver and VHF with DSC
1 EPIRB, 2 SARTs, 3 portable VHFs, NAVTEX receiver and VHF with DSC
1 EPIRB, 2 SART's, 3 portable VHFs, NAVTEX receiver, Inmarsat 'C' transceiver and VHF
What is the MF DSC distress and safety frequency?
2182 kHz
2187.5 kHz
2336 kHz
2177 kHz
What frequency watch obligate on HF DSC?
You receive a telex with the senders I.D. of 433863491. What type of terminal sent this message to your vessel?
Land telex terminal
Inmarsat Fleet 77
What action should you take after sending a false distress alert on VHF?
Send a DSC cancellation message on Ch-70
Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-16
Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-13
Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-6
In what publication would you find information about times and frequencies for coast stations traffic lists?
Admiralty List of Radio Signals
Special Stations and Radio determination
List of Call signs
List of Coast Stations
What command would be appropriate to use if you want to be connected directly to a subscriber via radio telex?
What will be the resulting capacity and voltage of two 12V, 100Ah parallel coupled batteries?
24V, 100Ah
12V, 100Ah
12V, 200Ah
24V, 200Ah
How accurate is the positioning of a Cospas/Sarsat 406 MHz EPIRB?
Within a radius of 5 km
Within 1 square km
Within 10 square km
Within 15 square km
What services are available in the Inmarsat-C system?
Distress, telephone and telefax
Distress, telex, semifax, data and EGC
Telex only
Data only
Can MSI messages be received by equipment other than a NAVTEX receiver?
No, only on a NAVTEX receiver
Yes, on EGC (Safety Net) and MF/HF Radio telex
Yes, on a 2182 kHz watch receiver
Yes, but only on Inmarsat systems
SDR (Special Drawing Rights) is the international currency used to compute radio charges. How can we find the current rate of SDR against any national currency?
The SDR rate is a constant so no need to ask anyone
Ask a coast station in the country where your accounts are being done
Call the office
Look at the rate chart in the List of Coast Stations
How many hours will the SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder) be able to operate in Answering mode when activated?
96 hours
48 hours
8 hours
24 hours
A coast station has 002571234 as it’s Maritime Mobile Service Identity number. What is the Maritime identification digits (MID)?
A coast station has been in charge of distress traffic, and the situation is now over. What signal must the station transmit In order to lift radio silence?
Seelonce Distress
Seelonce Mayday
Seelonce Fini
You receive a distress alert on VHF DSC. On what channel will the following voice distress message be heard?
Channel 70
Channel 24
Channel 12
Channel 16
What radio communications must be entered into the Radio Log Book?
All communications
Only distress and urgency communications
Only traffic concerning SAR operations
Only outgoing communications
The Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB transmits on two frequencies. What is approximate accuracy in location of the 121.5 MHz beacons?
Within a radius of 5 km
Within 1 square km
Within 10 square km
Within 15 square km
Which of the following modes would be appropriate to use for distress traffic on 2182 kHz?
What priority would be appropriate to use if you want to send a Medico message on Inmarsat Fleet 77?
Priority 1 Safety
Priority 2 Urgent
Priority 0 Routine
Priority 3 Distress
Only one kind of EPIRB can be detected irrespective of position on the globe. What frequency does it transmit on?
1.6 GHz
1.5 GHz
243 MHz
406 MHz
What VHF equipment is not part of GMDSS?
VHF radiotelephone
All this equipment
You have received a distress alert on MF DSC. In what circumstances should you transmit an acknowledgement by means of DSC?
If the station in distress is near your position
If the station in distress is far away and no other vessels have acknowledged the alert
If the station in distress is near your position and no coast station has acknowledged the alert
Acknowledgement should never be transmitted by means of DSC
If you are in a position outside the coverage area of Inmarsat satellites, what equipment could you use to receive MSI (Maritime Safety Information) traffic?
An EGC receiver
An off-frequency Inmarsat-C terminal
A NAVTEX receiver only
A NAVTEX receiver and HF radio telex
Why are there different requirements regarding radio equipment in ocean areas A3 and A4?
Because A4 is out of range of Inmarsat satellites, and therefore makes it necessary to carry HF transceivers
Because A3 is within range of coast stations equipped with MF DSC, and therefore it is sufficient to carry a MF transceiver
Because A3 is within range of coast stations equipped with VHF DSC, and therefore it is sufficient to carry a VHF transceiver
Because A4 IS within range of Inmarsat satellites, and therefore makes it necessary to carry Inmarsat systems additional to an HF
Under GMDSS, a compulsory VHF-DSC radiotelephone installation must be tested at what minimum intervals at sea?
Annualy, by a representative of the FCC
At the annual SOLAS inspection
What specific gravity would you expect if a lead accumulator is totally discharged?
{"name":"GMDSS GOC", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) with our comprehensive quiz! Designed for maritime professionals and enthusiasts, this quiz offers a challenging range of questions covering various aspects of GMDSS operations.Features of the quiz:188 multiple choice questionsDetailed explanations for each answerTrack your progress and knowledge growth","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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