Mastering Maritime Communication Quiz
Test your knowledge of maritime communication and safety regulations with this comprehensive quiz. Featuring 162 questions, it covers essential topics such as VHF communication, distress signals, and radio wave propagation.
Whether you are a student, a maritime professional, or simply interested in maritime safety, this quiz is designed to challenge your understanding and enhance your skills.
- Over 160 rigorously crafted questions
- Focus on GMDSS and maritime safety
- Suitable for professionals and students alike
Which distress signal is required for a liferaft in ocean services and could be effectively used to attract the attention of aircraft at night?
Orange or dye marker
The water light
Smoke marker
Red flafres
Automatic amplifier regulation is used for the ff. reasons?
With varying incoming signals the variation in the outgoing signals is as small as possible
With weak incoming signals distortion is reduce
All of the above
In absence of incoming signals the noise is reduce
In shore-ship use, what is useful range of VHF?
About 60-70 miles line of sight
About 50-70 miles line of sight
About 30-70 miles line of sight
About 40-70 miles line of sight
Which statement concerning locating signals in the GMDSS is false?
Locating signals are transmitted by SARTs
Locating signals are not transmitted by autoalarm generators
Locating signals are intended to facilitate the finding of a distress vessel or its survivors
Locating signals are transmitted by the survival craft VHF transceivers
Who operates as marine traffic monitoring and communication system, providing navigational information and the tracking of vessel movements within the ports limit?
Radio waves used in satellite communication are not affected by the ionosphere because?
A disc aerial is used
TDM-signal are used
The frequency of the radio waves is too high
The frequency of the radio waves is to very high
How would you determine the wave length of a radio signal?
Propagation speed
Weather conditions
Wave speed
Where does a radio signals in the HF channels propagate mainly?
Through hops between the ionized layer of the earth
In the ionosphere
Along the curvature of the earth
Between the earth and satellites
Which of the ff. Is the full name of abbreviation VDR?
Vessel data recorder
Voyage data recorder
Voyage database record
Vessel data record
Regulation required that any ship making a voyage of over a 48hrs duration must have certain test conducted not more than 12hrs prior leaving the port, this requirements include the testing of ___________________?
Means of communication between the bridge and the engine room
Fire pump relief valve
Water tight door to the shaft alley
Emergency lighting system
How should a letter "D" be pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone?
Where does the radio-telex in distress traffic preference is given?
Direct Telex
Underway on watch in the fire room, the bridge reports white smoke coming from the stack. This could indicate?
Low fuel oil temperature
Insufficient steam atomization pressure
Excessive excess air
High fuel oil viscosity
When may a compulsory vessel will not leave port?
When the vessel replace the required piece of GMDSS related equipment but its performance has not been verified or logged
When the vessel has arrange for both duplication of the equipment and shore base on maintenance
When the vessel is in overloaded condition
When the vessel is carrying only 2 licensed GMDSS radio operator and is capable of performing all required functions
The main purpose of radio transmitting installation onboard______?
All traffic
Public traffic
Safe navigation and internal navigation
To enhance safety of lives at sea
What is the used of automatic amplifier regulation?
Increase incoming signal
Reduce distortion of the strong incoming signal
Reduce distortion of weak incoming signals
Reduce noise if their is no signal
The call sign of the vessel is meant to?
Gain recognition
Be able to recognize one self
Provide the certificate holder with unique identification
Gain a quicker transit at bridges and locks
Channel 70 for digital selective calling for distress, safety calling frequency operate a?
157.526 MHz
The VHF radiotelephone frequency for channel 13 is?
In radio telephone communication can you indicate the prefix PAN?
A ship is threatened by grave and imminent danger and request assistance
A calling station has an urgent message about safety of a person
The message following is a meteorological warning
The message following the prefix will be about the safety of navigation
Which of the ff. Is a homing device enable to ships and SAR aircraft to accurately pinpoint a ship in distress position?
None of these
What is the primary purpose for DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING (DCS)?
DCS is to be used for transmitting and receiving distress alerts to and from other ships or coast radio station via radio
This aids SAR authorities in tracking a vessel position by satellite
DCS provides low-cost, routine communications for the vessel operator
DCS provides reception of weather and navigational warning plus search and rescue info.
A polarization of a radio wave is determined by a?
Width of the aerial
Position of the aerial
Height of the aerial
Length of the aerial
Which visual distress signal is accepted for day light use only?
Hand-held red flare
Self-contained rocket-propelled parachute red flare
Hand-held orange smoke distress flare
Red aerial pyrotechnic flare
Which statement concern GMDSS distress alerts is true?
Information contained in a distress alert includes the name and position of the distress vessel, and may include additional information such as the nature of the situation and what kind of assistance that may be required
Distress alerts may be use to alert other vessels, including those in port, of existing weather warnings
Distress alert may be used to alert other vessels, including those in port, of existing nav. hazards
A vessel in the vicinity of a distress may leave the area without notifying the RCC that is overseeing the operation
VHF radiotelephone calling/ safety/ distress frequency is?
156.8 MHz(channel 16)
156.6MHz(channel 12)
156.65MHz(channel 13)
156.7MHz(channel 14)
At what speed radio-wave travels in air?
300.000 m/min
In maritime radio-communication by "low power" given by a nautical phone is meant a transmitting power. What is the maximum power of watt given?
2.0-2.5 watt
0.5 watt maximum
0.5-1.0 watt
1.0-1.5 watt
To avoid the possibility of a scavenging fire, what important check is to be carried out every watch and frequently if a damage piston ring is suspected?
The scavenging drain line is not clogged
The exhaust gas temp.
The cylinder lubrication
Overhear the cylinder for noise
Acoustic feed can arise?
Because the loud speaker works as microphone
Because the volume adjustment of the speaker is too high
Because the battery is strong
Because outside noise is amplified by the loudspeaker in the microphone
How would you understand the wave length?
Independent of the frequency
Inversely proportional to the frequency
Direction of frequency
Proportional to the frequency
What requirement is required before a mariphone is installed onboard ?
A license must be issued
The ship must pass the portstate control inspection
Contribution must be paid
A letter of registration must be applied for
What is the best example of a wire to be used for the connection between VHF and antenna?
An arbitrary coax cable
A coax cable of proper impedance
A three vein cable with earth-connection
A copper wire of sufficient diameter to minimize loses
You are proceeding to a distress site where the survivors are in liferafts. Which action will assist in making your vessel more visible to the survivors?
Steering a zigzag course with 5 to 10 mins. Of each leg
Dumping debris over the side to make a trail to your vessel
Making smoke in day light
Steering in sinuous course
With the use of NMARSAT and digital selective calling, distress alerts can be received?
With the NAVTEX
With reliability
With ambiguity
With Inmarsat-C installation there is the addressing-option "special". Via this option?
Give one of inmarsat's special access code
You can send a message by express delivery
You can deliver message via special telegram
Can received a reply
Distress alert initiated for other than an appropriate test, by communications equipment intended for alerting, when no distress situation actually exists.
False sequence
False alarm
False alert
False relay
What is the degree of selectivity of a receiver?
Ability to distinguish strong station from weak station
Ability to make strong station audible
Ability to make weak station audible
Ability to distinguish stations from adjacent stronger station
The content of table #2 of a radiotelephony procedure is ____?
Position in code from the international code of signals
All of the above
Nature of distress in code from the international code of signals
Phonetic alphabets and figure spelling
The squelch on the control panel of VHF-sat serves to:
To suppress background noise in the wheelhouse when transmitting
Adjust the thershold level for admitting signals and refusing noise
Adjust the sound signal level of the signal received
To suppress noise
Where does a long distance communication in the HF-bands depends on?
Ground wave
Dimmer setting
ionization layers
Which EPRB transmits a distress alert that is received and relay by an INMARSAT satellite?
L-band EPIRB
Class A EPIRBs
Category I EPIRBs
Class B EPIRBs
How would you identify a VHF transmission range?
Lenght of the aerial
The right position of the squelch-adjustment
The heigth of the aerial
The moment of propagation
Which radio frequency/ channels are reserved for emergency communication?
2812kHz/VHF channel 17
2182kHz/VHF channel 16
2128kHz/VHF channel 16
2812kHz/VHF channel 12
You are making ship- shore telephone calls on VHF. You should use the?
VHF-FM service
Emergency broadcast service
High seas service
Coastal harbor service
What speed is known when the rotating shaft frequency and the natural vibrating frequency become synchronized at particular speed?
Sympathetic speed
Breakaway speed
Critical speed
Synchronous speed
Which of the listed requirements regarding radiotelegraph installations do not corresponds to present regulation?
The main installation shall include a main receiver, a main transmitter, radiotelephone distress frequency watch receiver and main source of energy
The installation shall include equipment for the radiotelephone communication on distress frequencies in addition to working frequencies
A main and reserve antenna shall be installed
The reverse installation include a reserve transmitter, a reserve receiver and a reserve source of energy
A polarization of a radio wave is determined by a?
Height of the aerial
Width of the aerial
Position of the aerial
Lenght of the aerial
One wishes to have telephone conversation with one person whose name is known. THIS IS CALLED?
A personal call
A collect call
A private call
A direct call
Which one of the listed entries in the radio log for radiotelephone station do not correspond to present regulations? Entries in the radio log shall include___?
Details of maintenance of batteries, including a record of charging
The time when a listening watch begins
The time at which a listening watch is discontinued, and then the reason
The condition and results of tests of the main radiotelegraph installation
Where should the GMDSS radio log be kept on board ship?
At the GMDSS operating position
In the captain's office
Anywhere onboard the vessel
What is the calling in distress frequency on a single band (SSB) marine radiotelephone?
The holder of ship low power radiotelephone operators permit is authorize to operate equipment or station using?
A1 emission
A3 or F3 emission
F4 emission
A3 of F2 emission
On which frequency are navigational and meteorological messages normally sent on the NAVTEX system
Which of the ff. Reasons why an automatic amplifier regulations is used?
With weak incoming signals distortion is reduce
In absence of incoming signal the noise is reduce
Reduce the noise if their is no signal
With varying incoming signals the variation in the out going signal is as small as possible
This communication system is used for distress alert, transmission and reception of maritime safety information via enhance group calls. This may also be used for general communication
Satcom C
To choose the HF-Band, the time difference between 2 station is?
Is important
Is hardly relevant
Which channel has been designated for on-scene communications in GMDSS?
16 and 2174.5
A wire aerial for MF/HF transmitter need to be suspended between isolators, WHY?
To make the way for aerial currents as long as possible
To prevent burns when touching the aerial
To prevent contact with the earth
The battery is low
For the connection between VHF and antenna must be used?
An arbitrary coax cable
A copper wire of sufficient diameter to minimize loses
A three vein cable with earth-connection
A coax cable of proper impedance
Which of the ff. Requirements regarding radio telephone stations do not correspond to present regulations
There shall be an efficient communication between the radio station and the bridge
While at sea the installation shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition
The radiotelephone station shall be located in the upper part of the ship sheltered to the greatest extent from noise impairing reception of messages/signals
An instruction card giving a clear summary of the distress procedure shall be displayed at the operators position
A VHF transmission range is mainly restricted of which item on the list?
Atmospheric condition
The curvature of the surface of the earth
Reflection by the ionosphere
The lenght of the aerial
The type-indication of the radio set is mentioned in?
The survey of equipment
The equipment appendix
The safety certificate
Radio license
Which of the ff. VHF marine frequencies have been set aside by the IUT for the international distress, safety and calling frequency?
What is the maximum range of a VHF radio-set from ship to ship at sea?
What should you do first to correct a condition wherein a diesel engine is operating with excessively high exhaust temp. On all cylinder?
Increase the water flow
Increase the lube oil pressure
Adjust the fuel rack
Reduce the engine load
What should you include in the body radio message seeking advice for a medical emergency at sea?
The name and the owner of the ship, its position and destination
All of the above
The patient's age/sex, nature of emergency, pulse and lenght of illness, treatment given and diagnoses
The patien's name and next of kin
According to the " Regulation and Restrictions" of the mariphone licence, how would you define the mariphone?
May only be present at the place, as indicated in the licence
May be taken off the ship temporarily, only if suitable measures are taken for the prevention of the use of the mariphone
Apart from its position as indicated also be used in other places provided its call sign is at least transmitted once at the start and at the end of each transmission
The maritime radio system consisting of a series of coast stations transmitting coastal warnings is called?
You are approaching a port when you see three lights in a vertical line. The upper and lower are green and the middle white. What does this mean?
You may proceed with caution.
Vessels may proceed. One way traffic.
Vessels may proceed. Two way traffic.
A vessel may proceed only when it has received specific orders to do so.
Which one of the following report if an incident takes place involving the discharge or probable discharge of oil? (Annex I of MARPOL 73/78).
Final report
Harmful substances report
Dangerous goods report
Effective report
Squelch mode serves to suppress?
Background noise in receiving a weak FM-signal
Noise in speech-breaks in an SSB-signal
Noise in transmission
Noise in absence of an FM-signal
What is the content of table #1 of rediotelephony procedures?
All of the above
Phonetic alphabets and figure spelling
Position in code from the International code of signals
Nature of distress in code from the international code of signals
By non-reduced transmitting power in VHF is meant in power between?
25-50 watt
1-6 watt
6-25 watt
5-10 watt
What is the content of table #3 of radiotelephony procedures?
All of the above
Phonetic alphabets and figure spelling
Position in code from the International code of signals
Nature of distress in code from the International code of signals
The VHF radiotelephone calling/safety/distress frequency is?
156.7 MHz (channel 14)
156.8 MHz (channel 16)
156.65 MHz (channel 13)
156.6 MHz (channel 12)
Channel 70 for digital selective calling for Distress, for Safety and Calling frequency choose which one on the list?
158.526 MHz
156.526 MHz
159.526 MHz
157.526 MHz
The legal type VHF-antenna has a length of?
10 meters
1 meters
3.5 meters
7 meters
What does this mean By DUAL WATCH in maritime, VHF-communication is understood?
The possibility to keep radio-contact with two or more stations simultaneously
None of the above
To keep a listening watch on two channels more or less simultaneously
Automatic reduction of transmitting power
What is understood by the assigned frequency?
The upper side band (USB)
The frequency actually used by transmitter and receiver
Between high and low frequency
Frequency of the carrier wave
The holder of ship low power radiotelephone operator's permit is authorized to operate equipment or station using?
F4 emissions
A3 or F3 emissions
A1 emissions
A3 of F2 emissions
In maritime communication two international treaties are primarily involved. They are?
Solas and the international treaty of far messaging
Soles and its rules
The IMO at London and the ITU at Geneva
Both international and local rules
In maritime communication two international treaties are primarily involved.
Solas and the international traety of far messaging
Soles and its rules
The IMO at London and the ITU at Geneva
Both international and local rules
On which frequency are navigational and meteorological messages normally sent on the NAVTEX system?
Which one on the list is required before a mariphone is installed on board?
A letter of registration must be applied for
The ship must pass the port state control inspection
A license must be issued
Contribution must be paid
Which one on the list can mainly restricted the transmission range?
The length of the aerial
The curvature of the surface of the earth
Atmosphere condition
Reflection by the ionosphere
A rediotelegraph station shall be provided with __________.
Either an electric inspection lamp or a flashlight
A reliable clock with a dial not less than 12.5cm diameter, and marked to indicate silence periods
Direct access to the navigating bridge
Spare parts, tools, and testing equipment
When a licensed mariphone is replaced, what would you do?
The seller must check in the set at the authority concerned
The old mariphone must be checked in and the new one must be checked out
The old mariphone must be checked out and the new one must be checked
Nothing should be done, for a license was already issued
What is the most effective way of detecting any malfunction of machinery during their operation?
Noise alarms
Blinkering lights
Electric siren
Alarm gong
On board an accident happened. Urgent radio-medical advice is needed. Which category you choose?
For the VHF-antenna connection is used?
A 50-ohm resistance coax cable
A coax cable of proper impedance
A properly insulated copper wire of sufficient diameter
An arbitrary coax cable
For the VHF-antenna connection is used?
A 50-ohm resistance coax cable
A coax cable of proper impedance
A properly insulated copper wire of sufficient diameter
An arbitrary coax cable
For the VHF-antenna connection is used?
A 50-ohm of resistance coax cable
A coax cable of proper impedance
A properly insulated copper wire of sufficient diameter
An arbitrary coax cable
The VHF radiotelephone frequency for Channel 16 is?
156.85 MHz
156.8 MHz
156.75 MHz
156.0 MHz
By non-reduced transmitting power in VHF how many power in watt should be require?
25-50 watt
1-6 watt
6-25 watt
5-10 watt
Why does a ratio waves used in satellite communication are not affected by ionosphere?
The frequency of the radio waves is to high
The frequency of the radio waves is to very high
TDM-signals are used
A disc aerial is used
Which of the following is correct about frequency modulation?
The amplitude fluctuating an LF-rhythm
The frequency is constant
Frequency modulation is often applied in the maritime VHF-range (band)
Between high and low frequency
What is a frequency mean?
Number of vibrations per unit of time
Any of the above
Time lapse of vibrations
Number of vibrations
What is the communication within the ship's emergency organization or communication within the shore emergency response team?
Shipboard communication
Shore to ship communication
Internal communication
Give the vessel a wide berth as she is carrying dangerous goods
The HF-band is in the frequency range of?
3-30 THz
3-30 GHz
3-30 MHz
3-30 kHz
The transmitting range of an HF transmitter is mainly determined by?
Atmospheric condition
The time of day in relation to propagation
The transmitting power
The height of the transmitting antenna
How does the polarization of a radio wave can be determine?
Height of the aerial
Width of the aerial
Position of the aerial
Length of the aerial
When the vessels steering wheel on the navigation bridge is turned, the difference existing between the position of the wheel and that of the rudder is known as?
Proportional band
The error signal
The reset signal
When an engineer on duty is inspecting an UMS-mode operated engine room at night what precaution should be taken?
Do not silence the alarm so the other engineer can hear
Leave the UMS selector switch to UMS mode
Switch on the dead man alarm upon entering the control room
Switch the engineer call alarm to notify other engineers
The transmitting power of the mariphone is adjusted by setting?
High/low power
Dual watch
What is meant by frequency?
Number of vibrations per unit of time
Time lapse of vibrations
Number of vibrations
Time of propagation
Which statement concerning satellite EPIRBs is true? Remember.. Marine Engineers Question and Answers.. Eduard Sweetman Co.
Once activated, these EPIRBs continuously send up a signal for use in identifying the vessel and for determining the position of the beacon
The coded signal only identifies the vessel's name and port of registry.
If the GMDSS Radio Operator does not program the EPIRB, it will transmit default information such as the follow-on communications frequency and mode.
The coded signal identifies the nature of the the Distress situation
The typical "daylight-frequencies" fir long distance transmission are located in the?
8 or 12 MHz-band
4 or 6 MHz-band
16 or 22 MHz-band
All shops with periodically unattended machinery plants shall, in addition to the general alarm requirements should be provided with a _______________.
Engine room deadman's alarm
Engineer's assistance-needed alarm
Accomodation space communication system
Personnel alarm
In order to comply with GMDSS regulations, what is the minimum number of portable two way VHF walkie talkies to use in survival craft that should be carried onboard vessels?
2 sets
There is no requirement to carry them
1 set
3 sets
In maritime communication two international treaties are primarily involved. Identify who are they?
Solas and its rules
Both international and local rules
Solas and the international treaty of far messaging
The IMO at London and the ITU at Geneva
Which of the listed requested regarding portable radio apparatus for survival crafts do not correspond to present regulations?
Transmitter and receiver to be tested with intervals of not more than one month
The apparatus shall be capable of being dropped into the water without damage
The apparatus shall be readily portable and watertight
New equipment shall be as light-weight and compact as practicable
When all preparations have been made to ensure that the main engine is operational prior to departure what will be the final test to be carried out?
Blow indicator cocks test reversing of engine short firing kick
Put out the turning gear and turn the lubricators
Close safety valves blow indicator cocks fill air bottles
Open air to engine drain air bottles blow indicator cocks
The legal type VHF-antenna has a length of?
Vessel with an EPIRB, you must check?
The working of the charger and check the loaded condition of the battery
Check spare battery
If it is attached properly to the railing with the required line
The date that the battery must be replaced
Can you recall on the list why an Acoustic feedback can arise?
Because the loudspeaker works as a microphone
Because outside noise is amplified by the loudspeaker in the microphone
Because the volume adjustment of the speaker is too high
Because the battery is strong
Announcements and conversations from one station to another on board should be as brief as possible and consistent with ________________.
What is a Polarization of a radio wave means?
Transmission of radio wave
The propagation speed of the signal
The beam-angle of a transmitting aerial
The direction of the electrical field
Which one of the listed requirements regarding rediotelephone auto alarm do not correspond to present regulations?
Be capable of withstanding vibration, humidity and temperature changes
In presence of atmospheric or interfering signals automatically adjust itself
As far as practicable give warning of faults preventing the apparatus from performing normal functions
Be capable of withstanding variations in power supply voltages, and shall continue to operate under such conditions
In making VHF communication or test transmission, you must tell how, when, where, and why?
All of the above
First tap on the mike several times, but not more than ten times
Identify yourself with your call sign and/or ships name
With DSC use, first broadcast the carrier wave for at least three seconds
Which statement about transmitting distress messages by radiotelephone is incorrect? Analyze Marine Question and Answers.. Eduard Sweetman Co.
If no answer is received on the designated distress frequencies, repeat the distress call on any frequency available.
Distress messages should first be transmitted on 2182 kHz.
It is advisable to follow a distress message on 2182 kHz by two dashes of 10 to 15 seconds duration
Channel 16 (156.8 MHz) may be used for distress messages.
What does MUF stand for?
Highest possible frequency that will be reflected by the ionosphere
Mega/ultra high frequency
Highest possible frequency that can be made with an HF-transmitter on board
Most effective frequency to make a connection with an HF-transmitter
What item is considered the equivalent of aircraft's black box?
The ship normally carries portable VHF and UHF marine radios. They are used for internal communications and small boat operations. They are called?
Walkie talkies
Walk and talkies
Talkie and walkies
Workies talkies
Which of the following VHF marine frequencies have been set aside by the ITU for Digital Selective Calling frequency?
Moored in a harbour, transmitting with a mariphone is on what regulation?
Sometimes allowed
Allowed in consultation with the harbour-master
Not allowed
Always allowed
Squelch mode serves to suppress?
Noise in absence of an FM-signal
Noise in speech-breaks in an SSB-signal
Background noise in receiving a weak FM-signal
Noise in transmission
You see a vessel displaying the code flag "LIMA" below which is a red ball. The vessel is?
In distress
Getting ready to receive aircraft
When onboard channel 16 is used for a shore radio-connection, you always work?
When the voyage is to be of 48 hours or greater duration, which equipment must be tested NOT more than 12 hours prior to getting underway from a port?
Emergency generator
Emergency boiler start up
Emergency compressor
Emergency air compressor
You have just received a call from the watchstander in the engine room reporting that a high temperature alarm for a main engine bearing has just sounded. Your next instruction to the watchstander should be to?
Increase the speed of the lube oil supply pump
Bring the main engine speed to idle
Check the status of the lube oil coolers
Immediately notify the bridge
What dies a Modulation meant?
Controlling the wave signal
To enhance the side bands in relation to the carrier wave
Blending LF & HF signals
Detecting frequencies
The VHF-band is the frequency range of?
30-300 GHz
30-300 kHz
3-30 THz
30-300 Mhz
The VHF radiotelephone frequency for Channel 15 is?
156.75 MHz
156.0 MHz
156.7 MHz
156.8 MHz
By the degree of selectivity of a receiver is meant?
Ability to distinguish strong stations from weak stations
Ability to make strong station audible
Ability to distinguish weak stations from adjacent stronger stations
Ability to make weak stations audible
In making VHF communication or test transmission you must?
First tap on the mic several times, but not more than ten times
All of the above
Identify yourself with your call sign and/or ships name
With DSC use, first broadcast the carrier wave for at least three seconds
Which of the following types/sizes of vessels in international trade do not need to be fitted with a radiotelephone station?
Passenger ships of less than 100 tons gross
Passenger ships carrying less than 36 passengers
Cargo ships of 300-1600 tons gross
Cargo ships below 300 tons gross
Automatic amplifier regulation is used to?
Reduce noise if there is no signal
Reduce distortion of the strong incoming signal
Reduce distortion of weak incoming signals
Increase incoming signal
At what temperature in degree Celsius will safety devices called fusible plus installed in air compressor or compressed air system melts in order to prevent explosion?
Pledge of secrecy applies?
Only for those who want to send and/or receive a message
For Management Level officers only
Only to certificate holders
For everybody
Calls, announcement and conversations from one station to another on board should be as brief as possible and consistent with?
The secondary purpose of a radio installation onboard is __________.
To take part in public traffic
To communicate in distress cases
To stand by for navigational warning
To enhance the safety of lives at sea
The VHF radiotelephone frequency for Channel 14 is?
156.8 MHz
156.7 MHz
156.80 MHz
156.75 MHz
An incinerator is a waste disposal unit that will burn?
Solid material
Liquid material
Solid and all types of liquid waste
The recommended connection between antenna and VHF is __________.
Band cable connection
Single vein cable connection
Coax cable connection
Three vein cable connection
The "squelch" adjustment on the front panel of a mariphone serves to?
Adjust the noise threshold of the mariphone receiver
Adjust the transmitting power of the mariphone
None of the above
Limit the noise of the mariphone transmitter
What is meant by the degree if selectivity of a receiver?
Ability to make weak stations audible
Ability to distinguish weak stations from adjacent stronger stations
Ability to distinguish strong stations from weak staions
Ability to make strong station audible
Which channel and mode should be used when initiating a distress alert transmission?
Channel 70 DSC
Channel 13 Radiotelephony and Channel 16 DSC
Channel 6 Radiotelephony
Channel 6 DSC
Can you name of the the AM-signal?
Amplitude and frequency of the carrier wave are constant
Both amplitude and frequency of the carrier wave are variable
Amplitude is variable and frequency of carrier wave is constant
Amplitude modulation
The button or switch "dimmer" of a mariphone serves?
To regulate the transmitting power
All of the above
To suppress the noise
To regulate light
The volume button of a mariphone controls?
The transmitting power
The clarity of transmission
The squelch
The volume
Which of the listed requirements regarding two-way radiotelephone apparatus for survival crafts do not correspond to present regulations?
While at sea, the equipment shall be maintained in satisfactory condition
When necessary, the battery shall be brought to the fully charged positions or changed
The apparatus shall be capable of being operated on VHF channel 16
The apparatus shall be operated from a battery of adequate capacity to ensure operation for at least 4 hours
Which of the listed requirements regarding VHF radiotelephone installations do not correspond to present regulations?
Controls for the channels required for navigational safety shall be immediately available on the navigating bridge, convenient to the conning position
Cargo ships of less than 500 tons gross shall have the batteries located in the upper part of the ship
Facilities should be available to permit radio communication from the wings of the bridge
As far as practicable, the antenna shall have unobstructed view in all directions
How does the prefix PAN indicates in radiotelephone communications?
A ship is threatened by grave and imminent danger and requests assistance
A calling station has an urgent message about the safety of a person
The message following is a meteorological warning
The message following the prefix will be about the safety of navigation
Which channel and mode should be used when initiating a Distress alert transmission? Remember.. Marine Engineers Question and Answers.. Eduard Sweetman Co.
Channel 6 Radiotelephony
Channel 13 Radiotelephony and Channel 16 DSC
Channel 70 DSC
Channel 6 DSC
Which signal is used by a rescue unit to indicate "Avast hauling"?
Firing of a green star signal
Firing of a red star signal
Three white star rockets fired at one-minute intervals
An orange smoke signal
On board an accident happened. Urgent radio-medical advice is needed. What category you should choose?
The wavelength of a radio-signal reflected against the F-layer may be?
1.5 cm
15 cm
15 m
1.5 m
One wishes to have a telephone conversation with a person whose name is known. What type of call it is?
A personal call
A collect call
A private call
A direct call
You receive via the 8 MHz a DCS distress alert. The received DCS message is however distorted. The MMSI as well as the position are illegible. After listening at the 8 MHz telephone distress frequency, nothing is heard. This is because?
Choices presented are not possible
Telephone signals in the same frequency band are generally weaker than DCS signals
First an acknowledgement of a coastguard station must be received via the 8MHz
You should have listened on the 2182 kHz
Which system may be useful for messages, such as local storm warnings or a shore-to-ship distress alert, for which it is inappropriate to alert all ships in the satellite coverage area? Understand
You see an iceberg that has not been reported. What kind of radio message do you transmit to warn others? Apply Marine Engineers Questions & Answers.. Eduard Sweetman Co.
Safety message
Distress message
Routine message
Urgency message
{"name":"COMPETENCY 3", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of maritime communication and safety regulations with this comprehensive quiz. Featuring 162 questions, it covers essential topics such as VHF communication, distress signals, and radio wave propagation.Whether you are a student, a maritime professional, or simply interested in maritime safety, this quiz is designed to challenge your understanding and enhance your skills.Over 160 rigorously crafted questionsFocus on GMDSS and maritime safetySuitable for professionals and students alike","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}