Your Specialty?
Internal Medicine
Family Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Please Specify:
How Would You Decrease Narcotics Prescribing?
Giving patients brochures or other information warning about addiction
Peer pressure (giving you data comparing you to other physicians)
Stop sending patient satisfaction surveys
Increased availability of pain specialists to handle difficult patients
National guidelines to show your narcotic demanding patients
Mandatory CME about prescribing narcotics
Law requiring physicians to review Illinois Prescription Monitoring web site before prescribing narcotics
Limiting the maximum number of pills allowed per prescription
Requiring extra record keeping when prescribing narcotics
Requiring pharmacists to call you about your prescriptions
Reviews by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)
Surprise office visits by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to review prescribing documentation
Public database showing how much of each drug a physician prescribes
Please Specify:
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