Hardiness Ratings

What is the purpose of hardiness ratings?
To identify the type of soil needed for the plant to grow.
To provide information about the level of cold a plant can tolerate.
To indicate the amount of sunlight and wind that the plant can handle.
Which hardiness rating is for plants that require a heated glasshouse or tropical climate that is warmer than 15ºC?
What is the temperature range for plants that are rated H7?
-10 and -5ºC
-20 and -15ºC
below -20ºC
What are some of the factors that can affect a plant's hardiness rating?
Soil type, exposure, microclimate, and watering.
Amount of rainfall, type of fertiliser, and height of the plant.
Colour of the flower, fragrance, and number of petals.
What is a hardy plant?
A plant that is weak and can't adapt to different climates and soil types.
A plant that requires a lot of maintenance and care.
A plant that is tough and able to survive in a wide range of conditions.
{"name":"Hardiness Ratings", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q7D2CXHAS","txt":"What is the purpose of hardiness ratings?, Which hardiness rating is for plants that require a heated glasshouse or tropical climate that is warmer than 15ºC?, What is the temperature range for plants that are rated H7?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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