
Action or description, that describe the setting and location, describe what action the character in the shot taking, to set mood or tone
Going very, very close on someone or something in a shot.
An individual shot or who is in the shot
indicate some part of the action, character to be set in the background of the shot
It indicate that you want the character to pause briefly between pieces of dialogue.
To indicate to the storyboard artist that in this shot you want the camera to be very close on a person or thing, as indicated
(1.)At the bottom of a page on a shooting script (2.) 2. When dialogue is broken up across two pages (3.) After a character’s name and placed in parentheses
Is a TRANSITION that is used to indicate that this scene is ended and we are cutting to an entirely different scene in a different location
portion of a script consists of the character name and what the character says
is a TRANSITION that is used to indicate that this scene is ended and we are cutting to another scene with some amount of time intervening between the two (1.) it indicates that the image on the screen will slowly dissolve, to be replaced by a new image
indicate that you want a piece of dialogue to occur while a certain piece of action takes place, without breaking away from the continuous movement of that shot or cutting it down into smaller shots.
A command used in the action paragraph when you want to have one or more characters enter or leave the shot after you’ve established it.
Used in a SLUGLINE or ACTION PARAGRAPH when you’re establishing where a scene is taking place before jumping into the interior action
used at the beginning of a SLUGLINE to establish that this scene or shot is in an exte- rior location.
Fade in: is used to start the script and start each act, Fade out: is used to end each act and end the script.
One way to call out an individual shot in a script once the location or setting is established.
Used to indicate that some part of the action, an object, a character is to be set in the foreground of the shot.
is used at the beginning of a SLUGLINE to establish that this scene is in an interior location or set.
Another term that can be used when doing quick cuts back and forth between two ongoing lines of action, or a larger piece of action (such as a battle)—where there might be multiple fronts to deal with or multiple characters to follow, and where everything is happening more or less at the same time.
some element in the scene that is ending will match up to an opening element in the next scene.
This tells the storyboard artist that you want a camera movement that moves in closer to something on the screen.
It is used to the right character’s name in a dialogue to indicate that someone is speaking who is in the scene, but is not seen in that shot.
Tells the storyboard artist to draw the view of the scene as thought the camera were seing it over the shoulder of a particular character.
Refers to Horizontal camera movement
It is a extra information about the character who is speaking or making a sound. (Example: Indicating specific tone, emotion, or inflection for the voice actor.)
You’re asking the storyboard artist to draw the scene from a specific character’s point of view, to see the scene the way the character is seeing it.
This tells the storyboard artist that you want a camera movement that pulls the camera farther away from the shot or from something in the shot. See also WIDEN.
A method of intercutting (cutting back and forth) between quickly paced shots that may or may not be in the same location, but are occurring more or less instantaneously or in very quick sequence.
is to call attention to a specific sound by putting the sound in CAPS.
Always typed in CAPS. It informs the reader that this is the new scene or a new shot
€�Low voice” It means just what it says, that the character should speak in a low-volume voice as though not wanting to be overheard
A way of telling the reader and the editor—and ultimately, the viewer—that the story is shifting from one time or place to another.
This is used in the action paragraph when you want to have a shot that follows a particular char- acter, vehicle, or object while in motion.
Used in a SLUGLINE to indicate a medium shot, meaning the camera moves in close enough to frame two characters fairly tightly.
This is placed to the right of the character’s name in dialogue to indicate that the voice being heard is coming from some other location, and that the character is not present in the scene
An old script term to indicate general crowd or background voice noise.
Used in a SLUGLINE. Pretty much self-explanatory. Use it when the shot requires seeing a wider view of what’s going on.
This is used in the action paragraph to indicate to the storyboard artist a camera move to widen the frame of the shot to include something else.
A transition that is used to convey a change in location, but not time.A transition that is used to convey a change in location, but not time.
{"name":"Storyboard", "url":"","txt":"Action or description, that describe the setting and location, describe what action the character in the shot taking, to set mood or tone, Going very, very close on someone or something in a shot., an individual shot or who is in the shot","img":""}

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