Physical 201 Exam 1 Clicker Questions

You use a cord and pulley to raise boxes up to a loft, moving each box at a constant speed. You raise the first box slowly. If you raise the second box more quickly, what is true about the force exerted by the cord on the box while the box is moving upward?
The cord exerts more force on the faster-moving box.
The cord exerts the same force on both boxes.
The cord exerts less force on the faster-moving box.
The cord exerts less force on the slower-moving box.
You are in a spacecraft moving at a constant velocity. The front thruster rocket fires incorrectly, causing the craft to slow down. You try to shut it off but fail. Instead, you fire the rear thruster, which exerts a force equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the front thruster. How does the craft respond?
It Stops moving
It speeds up
It moves at a constant speed, slower than before the front thruster fired.
It continues at a constant speed, faster than before the front thruster fired.
Which car is speeding up?
You throw a ball horizontally off a roof. Assuming the ball behaves as an ideal projectile, the time until it land is determined only by
Its initial speed and the horizontal distance to the point where it lands
The height of the roof and its initial speed
The height of the roof
You and a friend throw two rocks off a bridge. Your friend throws hers with an initial direction 30º below the horizontal. You throw yours with the same initial speed but in a direction 30º above the horizontal. When the two rocks hit the water
Your friends is moving faster
Yours is moving faster
They are moving at the same speed
When you brake on dry pavement, your maximum acceleration is about three times greater than when you brake on wet pavement. For a given initial speed, how does your stopping distance x(dry) on dry pavement compare with your stopping distance x(wet) on wet pavement?
What is the average velocity over the first 4 seconds?
-2 m/s
4 m/s
1 m/s
Not enough information to decide
What is the instantaneous velocity at the fourth second?
4 m/s
0 m/s
1 m/s
Not enough information to decide
A radio-controlled model car moves 3m in one direction and then 5 in another direction. The car's resultant displacement could have a magnitude as small as
The carts in the figure are held together by ropes and are accelerating to the right. The ropes do not stretch and have negligible mass. Which of the following statements is true about the magnitudes of the tension forces exerted by the ropes of the carts?
Rope 2 pulls harder on cart B than on cart A
Rope 1 pulls harder on cart A than rope 2 pulls on cart B
Rope 2 pulls harder on cart B than rope 1 pulls on cart A
To push or to pull a sled, which is more efficient?
The sam
Depends on the magnitude of the force
{"name":"Physical 201 Exam 1 Clicker Questions", "url":"","txt":"You use a cord and pulley to raise boxes up to a loft, moving each box at a constant speed. You raise the first box slowly. If you raise the second box more quickly, what is true about the force exerted by the cord on the box while the box is moving upward?, You are in a spacecraft moving at a constant velocity. The front thruster rocket fires incorrectly, causing the craft to slow down. You try to shut it off but fail. Instead, you fire the rear thruster, which exerts a force equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the front thruster. How does the craft respond?, Which car is speeding up?","img":""}
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