Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 23 Jun 20
[2006.11291] Nadine Stritzelberger, Laura J. Henderson, Valentina Baccetti et al.: Entanglement harvesting with coherently delocalized matter
[2006.11301] Qidong Xu, Shadi Ali Ahmad, Alexander R. H. Smith: Gravitational waves affect vacuum entanglement
[2006.11332] Elija Perrier, Christopher Ferrie, Dacheng Tao: Quantum Geometric Machine Learning for Quantum Circuits and Control
[2006.11365] John G. Cramer, Carver A. Mead: Symmetry, Transactions, and the Mechanism of Wave Function Collapse
[2006.11396] Karl Svozil: Hardy-type "proofs" or paradoxes as true-implies-false gadgets
[2006.11402] Francesca Albertini, Domenico D'Alessandro: Subspace controllability of multi-partite spin networks
[2006.11425] Mathew R. Coleman, Kaylin G. Ingalls, John T. Kavulich et al.: Parity-based, bias-free optical quantum random number generation with min-entropy estimation
[2006.11490] Vijay Bhatt, Pradip K. Jha, Aranya B. Bhattacherjee et al.: Periodic modulation effect and entanglement in hybrid optomechanical system containing a single quantum dot
[2006.11496] Chun-Hao Chang, Yu-Chin Lu, Tzonelih Hwang: Measure-resend authenticated semi-quantum key distribution with single photons
[2006.11498] Rui-Jie Cai, Wei Zhong, Lan Zhou et al.: Ancilla-assisted frequency estimation under phase covariant noises with Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states
[2006.11506] Bibandhan Poudyal, Imran M. Mirza: Collective photon routing improvement in a dissipative quantum emitter chain strongly coupled to a chiral waveguide QED ladder
[2006.11535] Nikolett Német, Scott Parkins, Victor Canela et al.: Feedback-induced instabilities and dynamics in the Jaynes-Cummings model
[2006.11537] Warit Asavanant, Baramee Charoensombutamon, Shota Yokoyama et al.: One-hundred step measurement-based quantum computation multiplexed in the time domain with 25 MHz clock frequency
[2006.11599] Georg Enzian, John J. Price, Lars Freisem et al.: Single-Phonon Addition and Subtraction to a Mechanical Thermal State
[2006.11637] M. C. Bertin, J. R. B. Peleteiro, B. M. Pimentel et al.: Dynamical invariants and quantization of the one-dimensional time-dependent, damped, and driven harmonic oscillator
[2006.11673] Emil Viñas Boström, Andrea D'Andrea, Michele Cini et al.: Time resolved multi-photon effects in the fluorescence spectra of two-level systems at rest and in motion
[2006.11761] Pablo Antonio Moreno Casares: Circuit implementation of bucket brigade qRAM for quantum state preparation
[2006.11768] David Edward Bruschi, Frank K. Wilhelm: Self gravity affects quantum states
[2006.11770] Xinsheng Tan, Dan-Wei Zhang, Danyu Li et al.: Experimental Observation of Tensor Monopoles with a Superconducting Qudit
[2006.11775] S Ashutosh, Deepankar Sarmah, Sayantan Pramanik et al.: On Sampling and Inference using Quantum Algorithms
[2006.11860] Yuan Xu, Ji Chu, Jiahao Yuan et al.: High-fidelity, high-scalability two-qubit gate scheme for superconducting qubits
[2006.11912] Massimo Frigerio, Stefano Olivares, Matteo G. A. Paris: Nonclassical steering and the Gaussian steering triangoloids
[2006.11950] Massimo Porrati, Seth Putterman: Prediction of short time qubit readout via measurement of the next quantum jump of a coupled damped driven harmonic oscillator
[2006.11962] Yi Xia, Wei Li, Quntao Zhuang et al.: Quantum-enhanced data classification with a variational entangled sensor network
[2006.11983] Zhu Cao: Discrete-phase-randomized measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution
[2006.12025] Viraj Kulkarni, Milind Kulkarni, Aniruddha Pant: Quantum Computing Methods for Supervised Learning
[2006.12028] Hannes Leipold, Federico M. Spedalieri: Constructing Driver Hamiltonians for Several Linear Constraints
[2006.12042] Shelly Garion, Andrew W. Cross: On the Structure of the CNOT-Dihedral Group
[2006.12059] Eyuri Wakakuwa, Yoshifumi Nakata, Min-Hsiu Hsieh: One-Shot Trade-Off Bounds for State Redistribution of Classical-Quantum Sources
[2006.12103] Foti Caterina, Coppo Alessandro, Barni Giulio et al.: There is only one time
[2006.12114] M. Perarnau-Llobet, D. Malz, J. I. Cirac: Weakly invasive metrology: quantum advantage and physical implementations
[2006.12115] Daniel Cohen, Ramil Nigmatullin, Matan Eldar et al.: Confined nano-NMR spectroscopy using NV centers
[2006.12125] Yuki Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Seiichiro Tani: Efficiently generating ground states is hard for postselected quantum computation
[2006.12221] Kenneth Goodenough, David Elkouss, Stephanie Wehner: Optimising repeater schemes for the quantum internet
[2006.12270] Zainab Abohashima, Mohamed Elhosen, Essam H. Houssein et al.: Classification with Quantum Machine Learning: A Survey
[2006.12271] Nilakantha Meher, Anand K. Jha: Dependence of the photon statistics of down-converted field-modes on the photon statistics of pump field-mode
[2006.12295] Mahmoud Farout, Sameer M. Ikhdair: Momentum eigensolutions of Feinberg-Horodecki equation with time-dependent screened Kratzer-Hellmann potential
[2006.12326] Loic Henriet, Lucas Beguin, Adrien Signoles et al.: Quantum computing with neutral atoms
[2006.12331] Nikolaos Papadatos, Charis Anastopoulos: Relativistic Quantum Thermodynamics of Moving Systems
[2006.12355] D. Zhu, S. Johri, N. H. Nguyen et al.: Probing many-body localization on a noisy quantum computer
[2006.12408] Gilad Gour, Marco Tomamichel: Optimal Extensions of Resource Measures and their Applications
[2006.12412] Kirill A. Kazakov: 1/f noise and quantum indeterminacy
[2006.12432] Rodrigo Iglesias, Fernando Tohmé, Marcelo Auday: Contextuality scenarios arising from networks of stochastic processes
[2006.12436] Sooryansh Asthana, V. Ravishankar: Weak measurements, non-classicality and negative probability
[2006.12440] Michele Mosca, Priyanka Mukhopadhyay: A polynomial time and space heuristic algorithm for T-count
[2006.12445] Hao Guo, Qu-Cheng Gao, Xu-Yang Hou et al.: Ubiquity of zeros of Loschmidt amplitude for mixed states in different physical processes and their implications
[2006.12469] Peter Cha, Paul Ginsparg, Felix Wu et al.: Attention-based Quantum Tomography
[2006.12475] Yujie Zhang, Xinan Chen, Eric Chitambar: Building Multiple Access Channels with a Single Particle
[2006.12482] Benjamin Yadin, Benjamin Morris, Gerardo Adesso: Extracting work from mixing indistinguishable systems: A quantum Gibbs "paradox''
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 23 Jun 20","img":""}
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