Moo Milk Quiz

What perctange of the world's population is lactose intolerant?
A. 75%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 65%
When did humans begin consuming cow's milk?
A. early 1700s
B. late 1800s
C. early 1900s
D. late 1700s
Why was cow's milk originally toxic to human adults?
A. It contained too much calcium
B. A genetic mutation spread through Europe and made it deadly
C. Adults could not produce the lactase enzyme to break down lactose
D. It was never toxic. Cattle herders lied to keep the milk for themselves and their families
What plant-based food contains efficient calcium for the human body?
A. spinach
B. kale
C. broccoli
D. All of the above
What happens to dairy cows after they can no longer produce enough milk?
A. They enjoy a long life on the farm
B. They are sent to the slaughter house and used for meat
C. They are injected with bovine growth hormone (rBGH)
D. Both b and c
{"name":"Moo Milk Quiz", "url":"","txt":"What perctange of the world's population is lactose intolerant?, When did humans begin consuming cow's milk?, Why was cow's milk originally toxic to human adults?","img":""}
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