What's your Bookworm score? Find out now!

A cozy reading nook filled with books, a comfy chair, and warm lighting, inspiring a love for literature.

What's Your Bookworm Score?

Are you a true book lover? Discover your inner bookworm with our fun and engaging quiz! Answer a series of questions about your reading habits, preferences, and experiences to find out just how much of a bibliophile you really are.

Whether you sniff books, carry them to social gatherings, or wish fictional characters were real, this quiz will give you insight into your reading life.

  • Find out if you have a book hangover!
  • Learn your habits when it comes to book adaptations!
  • Uncover your reading preferences and more!

16 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReadingLeaf123
How often do you sniff a book?
Only when I’m hungry
I don’t think I ever have (on purpose)
Every time I open a book
How often do you carry a book with you to social gatherings?
I think that would be rude
Only when I’m in a new environment
Books are my only friends
Do you wish a character from a book would come to life?
Maybe just once
I’d give it a shot
Hell yeah! We’d be best friends
How do you feel when someone tries to borrow your book?
Of course! The more..the merrier
I'm a bit hesitant
I die inside!
Have you had a book hangover where you didn’t feel ready to read a new book?
I like to take a small break between reading books
The faster I read the more books I get to devour
It’s hard to move on!
Have you re-read a book just because you feel any book after that will let you down?
Maybe twice but I like to explore
Where's the surprise in reading it again?
There’s never too many times you can read your favourite book
Do you have a reading spot?
Umm...probably coffee shops?
On my bed with a cup of coffee
I’ve got a Few Spots!
Do you feel disappointed after you see the movie version of a book you've read?
In some cases the movie has actually been better
I usually watch the movie 1st then read the book
When has that NOT happened
If you’re going on a trip, how many books do you bring?
I prefer to enjoy the place I’m in when i'm travelling
Maybe 1 or 2
I travel with a library
Have you ever defended a character from a book like they’re your oldest friend?
I like a healthy debate
Not vehemently
All guns blazing!
Do you prefer dates with books over dates with strangers?
I try to find people with the same love of reading
Maybe we can read together
A book and a nice meal… that sounds like me!
Have you ever cried while reading a book?
Naah... They’re just characters
I empathize but I wouldn’t cry
Always! How can you not??
Do you prefer your head being buried in books or your phone? (be honest!)
My phone is my major addiction but I do like to read sometimes
A book in one hand and a phone in the other
Give me books and more books!
Have you ever been injured (and not minded it) while reading?
I’m usually on my phone
I don’t usually read while walking around
I have the ability to maneuver between crowds
Have you ever wished that you lived in the world of your favourite book instead of the real world?
I live in the moment!
I escape to these places only while reading
Wait! You mean I’m not in 19th Century France!?
{"name":"What's your Bookworm score? Find out now!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you a true book lover? Discover your inner bookworm with our fun and engaging quiz! Answer a series of questions about your reading habits, preferences, and experiences to find out just how much of a bibliophile you really are.Whether you sniff books, carry them to social gatherings, or wish fictional characters were real, this quiz will give you insight into your reading life. Find out if you have a book hangover!Learn your habits when it comes to book adaptations!Uncover your reading preferences and more!","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5102001/img-7iyxcel2owk3eycn6nzaj9mo.jpg"}
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