Breasfeeding Challenges

An educational illustration depicting various breastfeeding challenges, including proper latching techniques, mothers providing support, and common issues like mastitis and milk supply problems.

Breastfeeding Challenges Quiz

Test your knowledge on the common challenges faced during breastfeeding and how to support mothers effectively. This quiz will help you understand the intricacies of breastfeeding and identify factors that can impact milk supply.

  • Learn about the main reasons mothers give up breastfeeding.
  • Understand the signs of mastitis and other breastfeeding issues.
  • Explore the guidelines for weaning and proper baby feeding practices.
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by NurturingMother312
What is the main cause mothers give for giving up breastfeeding?
Painful breasts/nipples?
Baby would not latch on to breast?
Insufficient milk supply?
Too tiring?
Do full breasts equate to successful breastfeeding and good supply?
Yes, full breasts mean that the mother has a good supply in order to feed her baby.
No, full breasts can result in blocked ducts and infections.
Yes, full breasts mean that lots of prolactin is produced which helps maintain milk supply.
No, if breasts are over full prolactin is unable to pass from the bloodstream into milk producing cells leading to slower milk production.
How can you be sure that a baby is actively swallowing. You may tick more than one answer.
You can hear baby swallow.
Baby should suck a number of times before you see him swallow.
There should be a pause in the baby's jaw before he continues to suck.
You should be able to see him swallowing in a rythmical pattern.
How can you support a mother to increase her milk supply?
Use skin to skin
Breast compression- When baby stops actively feeding, compress the breast with thumb and fingers, continue until baby stops feeding.
Switch feeding- switching breasts every time baby stops actively feeding.
Allow baby to suck at the breast for comfort as well as nutrition.
Nurse frequently- at least 8-12 times in 24 hours.
All of the above
Do all breastfed babies with a diagnosed tongue tie experience feeding difficulties?
Yes, as they are unable to latch on to the breast effectively.
No, many babies with a tongue tie are asymptomatic .
What other factors may you consider when supporting a mother with low milk supply?
Does she smoke?
Does she a eat a lot of chocolate?
Has she recently started taking an oral contraceptive?
Does she take any multivitamins?
Should the use of supplemenation of milk or medication for babies with poor weight gain be advised?
No, we should not be recommending any form of supplementation
Yes, we should recommend the use of top up feeds of EBM via a cup, syringe or nursing supplementer when P&A has been addressed.
Yes, we should be recommending the use of Domperidone or herbs such as Fenugreek if P&A has been assessed but no improvement has been seen.
If you answered Yes to the above question, who is able to support a mother with this?
Health Visitor?
Breastfeeding specialist?
All of the above?
Shooting pains in the breast, pain that radiates to the chest wall, inflammation of the areola and nipple are all signs of what?
Blocked ducts?
Breast abcess?
Can mastitis resolve without the use of antibiotics?
No, it is an infection, therefore antibiotics should be prescribed.
No, if left untreated then it can lead to breast abcess.
Yes, masititis often resolves without the use of antibiotics. By continuing to breastfeed from the infected breast, placing warm moist packs on affected area and nipple and by taking regular pain relief, it should resolve without antibiotics.
What is the true definition of 'weaned'?
To commence on solid foods along side breastfeeding?
To no longer have any breastmilk only solid foods?
To switch from breastmilk to formula?
When a mammal infant no longer depends on milk from its mother?
What are the correct guidelines for weaning?
Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months?
Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months then to continue until 1 year alongside complementary foods?
Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months then to continue until 2 years alongside complementary foods?
Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, thereafter for as long as mother and baby wish?
{"name":"Breasfeeding Challenges", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the common challenges faced during breastfeeding and how to support mothers effectively. This quiz will help you understand the intricacies of breastfeeding and identify factors that can impact milk supply.Learn about the main reasons mothers give up breastfeeding.Understand the signs of mastitis and other breastfeeding issues.Explore the guidelines for weaning and proper baby feeding practices.","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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