Are you more principled or more professional?

Create a thought-provoking illustration featuring a balanced scale between 'Principles' and 'Professionalism', with people representing each side, in a bright, engaging style.

Principled vs. Professional: Discover Your Style

How do you approach your responsibilities and relationships? This quiz will help you explore your values and how they shape your actions in both personal and professional settings.

  • Answer 8 engaging questions
  • Find out if you lean more towards being principled or professional
  • Gain insights into your decision-making style
8 Questions2 MinutesCreated by GuidingStar47
Which sentence best describes you as a person?
I am always very fair. I think that it’s important to make sure that I don't prioritise certain things over others too much.
I take pride in being a role model for others and I strive to be a person that others look up to.
I always stand by my morals. They are something I do not compromise on.
I tend to listen to others more and understand their point of view before coming to conclusions.
What kinds of responsibilities do you normally take on in school?
I mostly encourage my friends to be the best that they can and take up leadership roles so I can better connect with my peers.
I prefer to do administrative work as I like keeping things in order so everything is done and done well.
I am a mediator. I prefer to listen to both sides of an argument and then help them come to an agreement.
I’m the one who reminds my peers to follow the rules and to make hard decisions. I’m not afraid to choose to do the right thing.
What do you think is most important when working in a group?
Making sure that we fulfil the task instructions well.
Making sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to speak and an equal workload.
Speaking up respectfully to correct each other even if I feel bad about doing it.
Encouraging everyone to put in effort and striving to be honest in the way you fulfil your task.
Imagine your friend isn’t contributing much to a group project. What would you do?
Tell the teacher - even though you are friends, responsibility must be taken and everyone should play their part.
Talk to your friend - explain that everyone must play their part and take responsibility, so that it is fair, and for the group project to be in the best state possible.
Help them with their part - while explaining that greater responsibility should be taken next time, you offer help because you understand that there may have been mistakes or challenges and believe that you should help a friend out.
Ask for reasoning - you believe there should be a valid reason for the irresponsibility as group members should play their part to ensure the best state of the project. However, you believe that you should be fair with your judgement and seek reasoning.
What kind of role do you want to play in a group?
Leader - you want to ensure that tasks are completed and of standard.
Advisor - you are the one everyone goes to when they have troubles or dilemmas with exercising their values.
Problem-solver - you are the one everyone goes to when they have troubles because you always find solutions for problems effectively.
Rule-enforcer - you are often seen reminding others to stay by their values and enforcing school rules.
What do you think is the most important value in a leader?
Working the team to produce the best work possible.
Ensuring that the team members maintain morals in their actions and interactions.
Listening and working actively with your team members as you believe in the value of teamwork.
Being just and fair in actions and working towards a conducive, effective team.
Imagine you are the leader of a group. You have a very important meeting with your teammates, but all of a sudden, your younger sibling tells you that they urgently need your help. What would you do?
I would leave the meeting to help my sibling immediately because my team can handle the meeting on their own.
I would make sure that everyone in my team is okay with me leaving and would then help my sibling.
I would ask my parents or someone else who is capable to help my sibling as I have the duty to helm the discussion.
I would ask my sibling to talk to me while I’m having the meeting or during breaks, while still making sure that I’m not inconveniencing my team.
Why is it important to take responsibility in our actions?
It is such that good work of the best quality will be produced.
It is because it is only moral and right to do so.
It is because this is only just and fair to the team by doing so.
It is because responsibility is an important value to me.
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