Prof. Pouv Buntheoun 2nd SEM DES

1- An 18 year old boy came to the psychiatry OPD with a complaint of feeling changed from inside. He described himself as feeling strange as if he is different from his normal self. He was very tense and anxious yet could not point out the precise change in him. This phenomena is best called as:
A. Depersonalization
B . Delusional mood.
C. Over valued idea.
D. Ideas of Reference.
E. Hallucination
2- Hallucinations which occur at the 'start' of sleep is
A. Jactatio nocturna capaitis
B. Non-spcific hallucinations
C. Hypnagogic hallucinations
D. Hypnopompic hallucinations
E- Somatic Hallucination
3- Knowledge of own disease/illness in Mental status examination
A. Judgement
B. Rapport
C. Insight
D. Orientation
E – Loosening of association
4- Loss of insight is seen in
A. Mania
B. Anxiety
C. Obsessive neurosis
D. Schizophrenia
E- Boulemia
5- A person who laughs one minute and cries the next without any clear stimulus is said to have -
A. Incongruent affect
B. Euphoria
C. Labile affect
D. Split personality
E- Congruent affect
6- Impaired insight is evident in -
A. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
B. Psychosis
C. Psychosomatic disorder
D. Anxiety neurosis
E- Personality Disorder
7- Loosening of association is an example of:
A. Perseveration
B. Concrete thinking
C. Formal thought disorder
D. Schneiderian first rank symptoms
E- Intelligence
8- Acting-out in coping skill means :
A- Direct expression of an unconscious impulse in action
B- Repetitive fixed pattern of physical action
C- inability to carry out specific tasks.
D- Psychomotor agitation
E- Countertransference
9- Loosening of association is an example of:
A. Perseveration
B. Concrete thinking
C. Formal thought disorder
D. Schneiderian first rank symptom
E- Poor impulse control
10- Disorientation occurs in -
A. Mania
B. Schizophrenia
C. Organic Brain syndrome
D. Depression
E- Anxiety Disorder
11- Perceptual in psychiatry means:
A- Hallucination
B- Hypnagogic
C- Sensory awareness of the object
D- Depersonalization
E- Derealization
12- Thought process means :
A- form of magical thinking
B- Similar to that of the preoperational phase in children
C- Normally found in dreams
D- How People think
E- Suicidal behavior
13- A Psychiatric patient who, although coherent, never gets to the point has a disturbance in the form of thought called
A-Word salad
B- Circumstantiality
C- Tangentiality
D- Verbigeration
14- Emotional resulting from doing something perceived as wrong:
A- Poor Judgment
B- Grandiose Ideas
C- Guilt
D- Confabulation
E- Distractibility
15- In Schizophrenia psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganised speech and grossly disorganised or catatonic behaviours are known as:
A Negative symptoms
B- Positive symptoms
C- Mediating symptoms
D- Catastrophic symptom
E- Acting - Out
16- In Schizophrenia when an individual has an irrational conviction that he/she is in danger, this is referred to as:
A- Delusions of grandeur
B- Delusions of persecution
C- Delusions of control
D- Nihilistic delusions
E- Delusion of infidelity
17- Catatonic Behavior in Schizophrenia is characterized by which if the following:
A- Resisting attempts to be moved
B- Problems distinguishing between thoughts and ideas they generated themselves
C- Problems with memory loss
D- Problems with spatial ability
18- A 23 year – old, male living in Pursat, he come to see the Dr at KSFH on 30.6.16 This patient brought to the hospital by his mother because of strange behavior, poor sleep, talkative, paranoid ideas, wandering and disorganized speech. These problem stated for 1 week after he had conflict with his neighbor. BP : 12/70 , T : 37, Pulse : 60/mn LEAD IN QUESTION: What is the most likely appropriate treatment for this patient ?
A- Conselling
B- Antidepressant
C- Rehabilitation
D- Psychotherapy
E- Antipsychotic
19- An 18-year-old male is brought to hospital by his parents because they have noticed that he has been acting strangely recently. His parents say that the patient has just ‘lost it’ since failing his final examinations. The patient was noted to be giggling to himself, spending almost all his time in his room, and making unusual gestures with his hands. In addition, his speech has been incomprehensible and his parents cannot make any sense of it. The following patients present with a psychotic episode. Select the most appropriate diagnosis from the above that best fits with the following clinical description.
A. Acute and transient psychotic disorder
B. Bipolar affective disorder
C. Catatonic schizophrenia
D. Hebephrenic schizophrenia
E- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
20- A 22-year-old male is admitted to hospital for a psychotic illness and was commenced on an antipsychotic medication. Few days later, he complains of feeling anxious and restless. He is unable to keep his legs from moving and has been pacing up and down the corridors. He is distressed by his symptoms and has been expressing suicidal thoughts. His urine drug screen was negative. Select the most likely diagnosis from the following answer:
A. . Akathisia
B. Agoraphobia
C- Acute stress reaction
D. Anxious personality disorder
E. Benzodiazepine withdrawal
21. A 32-year-old patient is being interviewed in his physician’s office. He eventually answers each question, but he gives long answers with a great deal of tedious ( too long ) and unnecessary detail before doing so. Which of the following symptoms best describes this patient’s presentation?
A. Blocking
B. Circumstantiality
C. Tangentiality
D- Looseness of associations
E- Flight of ideas
22- A 32-year-old woman with a history of major depressive disorder is found lying on the floor in confusion, with muscles twitching, flushing, and dilated pupils. On arrival to the emergency department she is found to have a widened QRS complex. On which of the following medications did she most likely overdose?
A- Amitriptyline
B- Bupropion
C- Fluoxetine
D- Lithium
E- Perphenazine
23- A 76-year-old man is diagnosed with dementia of the Alzheimer type. Which of the following chemicals has been most commonly associated with this disease?
A- Peptide neurotransmitter
B- Epinephrine
C- Dopamine
D- Acetylcholine
E- Neurotensine
24- A 30-year-old female is brought to hospital as she has been violent and hostile to her neighbours. According to the patient, her grandfather was a successful writer and she acquired his fortunes recently. However, she believes that her neighbours have found out about it and claims that she has heard them talking about stealing her money. The following patients present with a psychotic episode. Select the most appropriate diagnosis that best fits with the following clinical description
A- Paranoid schizophrenia
B- Residual schizophrenia
C- Schizoaffective disorder
D- Schizotypal disorder
E- Bipolar affective disorder
25. A 35-year-old woman has lived in a state psychiatric hospital for the past 10 years. She spends most of her day rocking, muttering softly to herself, or looking at her reflection in a small mirror. She needs help with dressing and showering, and she often giggles and laughs for no apparent reason. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Schizophrenia
B- Delusional disorder
C- Bipolar disorder, manic phase
D- Schizoaffective disorder
E- Schizophreniform disorder
25-1- What ‘s type of Medicine should be provided to the patient in the case above
B- Butyrophenone
C- Valproic Acide
26. Impaired consciousness, visual hallucination, hyperactivity and fragmentary delusions are
A- Delirium
B- Dementia
C- Paranoid psychosis
D- Schizophrenia
E- Delusional Disorder
27 -Not a proper match
A- Auditory hallucination – Alcoholism
B- Thought broadcasting-schizophrenia
C- Delusion of infidelity – obsessive compulsive neurosis
D- Delusion of grandeur – mania
28 - A 24 year old man, occasional alcoholic has got a change in his behavior. He has become suspicious that people are trying to conspire against him though his father states that there is no reason for his fears. He is getting hallucinations of voices commenting on his actions. What is the most probable diagnosis
A- Delirium tremens
B- Alcohol induced psychosis
C- Schizophrenia
D- Delusional disorder
E- Psychotic Depression
29- Patient presents with altered behavior, delusions & hallucination suggest
A- Psychotic disorder
B- Confirms schizophrenia
C- Korsakoff’s syndrome
D- Obsessive-compulsive personality
E- Wernickee’s Syndrome
30- Kanitha , age 27 years old , female thinks her nose is ugly, her idea is fixed not shared by anyone else. Whenever she goes out of home, she hides her face with a cloth. She visits to surgeon. Next step would be
A- Investigate and then operate
B- Refer to psychiatrist
C- Reassure the patient
D- Immediate operation
E- Participated with the Rehabilitation program
31- In the absence of auditory hallucination, visual or tactile hallucinations are in favour of one the following conditions
A- Conversion disorder
B- Panic disorder
C- Manic disorder
D- Organic brain syndrome
E- Severe Depression with Psychotic Feature
32- A 30-year-old man firmly believes that the alien has put an implant in his body and he feels there is a pushing sensation on his aorta. Which types of hallucinations BEST suited his description?
A. Auditory
B. Cenesthetic
C. Gustatory
D. Kinesthetic
E. Visual.
33- Which of the following social factors is MOST LIKELY to be associated with relapse of schizophrenia after hospitalization?
A. Discrimination
B. Financial problems
C. Homelessness
D. Increased expressed emotion
E. Isolation and absence of family member.
34- Which of the following schizophrenia patients has the HIGHEST suicide risk?
A. An adolescent with prodromal symptoms and vague paranoid idea.
B. An elderly retired man with late onset schizophrenia.
C. A middle-aged man with negative symptoms.
D. A middle-aged woman who suffers from simple schizophrenia.
E. A young male university student who once had high expectations
35. A 25year old university student presented with a history of a ‘schizophrenic episode’ following a few months of social withdrawal, symptoms of paranoia and auditory hallucinations. She was given a drug which she used for a year and a half. Her thought disorder improved but according to her mother she developed strange slow movements of mouth and upper body. The following antipsychotics, which has the highest risk of causing this condition:
A. Risperidone
B- Trihexiphenydyl
C- Haloperidol
D- Clozapine
E- Olanzapine
36- A chronic Schizophrenic patient comes to the physician with irregular choreoathetoid movements of her hands and trunk, the movements get worse under stressful conditions. Which of the following medications is most likely to have caused this disorder?
A- Fluoxetine
B- Clozapine
C- Perphenazine
D- Diazepam
E- Phenobarbita
37- Anticholinergic drug should not be given routinely because they may cause:
A- Depressed mood
B- Reduction of tardive dyskinesia
C- Reduction of plasma concentration of antipsychotic and tardive dyskinesia
D- Increased manifestation of Tardive dyskinesia
E- Increased manifestation of Amnesia
38- In Schizophrenia when an individual has an irrational conviction that he/she is in danger, this is referred to as:
A- Delusions of grandeur
B- Delusions of persecution
C- Delusions of control
D- Nihilistic delusions
E- Somatic Delusion
{"name":"Prof. Pouv Buntheoun 2nd SEM DES", "url":"","txt":"1- An 18 year old boy came to the psychiatry OPD with a complaint of feeling changed from inside. He described himself as feeling strange as if he is different from his normal self. He was very tense and anxious yet could not point out the precise change in him. This phenomena is best called as:, 2- Hallucinations which occur at the 'start' of sleep is, 3- Knowledge of own disease\/illness in Mental status examination","img":""}
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