How focused are you on your goals?

Where are you in your career right now?
I have a full-time job
I have a part-time job
I'm a small business owner
I'm part of a direct sales business
I'm unemployed at the moment
Please Specify:
I am happy where I am in my business or career
Yes, I'm exactly where I want to be
Yes, and I know there's room for improvement
No, I'm on my way but not quite there yet
No, I'm not and I don't know where to start
Please Specify:
I am clear on my vision
Yes, and I'm taking consistent steps to make it a reality
Yes, but I'm I procrastinate on taking action regularly
No, I'm not quite sure where I want to be in the next 5 years
No, I've tried goal setting and it doesn't work for me
My daily habits support me in the achievement of my goals
Yes, I am focused and getting things done!
Sometimes, but I get distracted easily
No, my habits keep me from doing what I need to do
I've never really thought about it
Please Specify:
I am clear on my priorities and know how to set boundaries
Yes, I know when to say no and not feel guilty!
Yes, but I don't always enforce them
No, I let others define my priorities
No, I wouldn't even know where to start!
Please Specify:
{"name":"How focused are you on your goals?", "url":"","txt":"Are you in a direct sales business?, I am happy where I am in my business or career, I am clear on my vision","img":""}
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