ARTCHIVES - October 2017

Finished your work? We're excited to see it, since this will be your first contribution to CSJ! Let's get started!
Finished your work? We're excited to see it, since this will be your first contribution to CSJ! Let's get started!
First of all, may we know your name?
Which prompt number did you get?
If you want a caption for your artwork, or a message to the audience, type away here!
You can skip this question
If you have a separate title for your artwork too, tell us. ^^
You can skip this question
Do you want to add your portfolio's url too? You can skip this question
(e.g. Instagram URL, Twitter, Facebook, DevArt, etc.)
Alright, . Click the cute bear to submit your work. :)
Please make sure your file's name contains your prompt number.
And then click next after, to finalize your submission details.
Alright, . Click the cute bear to submit your work. :)
Please make sure your file's name contains your prompt number.
And then click next after, to finalize your submission details.
You earned 1 quest stamp! Yay!
(That's a secret for now, but yeah, you'll get what's it for, soon)
We'll contact you if we encounter any problem with your file.
If you, on the other hand, experience trouble,
kindly contact us at:
 Please do not send a message under 150 characters.
You earned 1 quest stamp! Yay!
(That's a secret for now, but yeah, you'll get what's it for, soon)
We'll contact you if we encounter any problem with your file.
If you, on the other hand, experience trouble,
kindly contact us at:
 Please do not send a message under 150 characters.
{"name":"ARTCHIVES - October 2017", "url":"","txt":"Finished your work? We're excited to see it, since this will be your first contribution to CSJ!Let's get started!, First of all, may we know your name?, Which prompt number did you get?","img":""}
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