Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 13 Jul 21
[2107.04599] Jason T. Hinkle, Richard Mushotzky: Fundamental X-ray Corona Parameters of Swift/BAT AGN
[2107.04601] Diego Blas, Alexander C. Jenkins: Bridging the $μ$Hz gap in the gravitational-wave landscape with binary resonance
[2107.04602] I. Ferrero, M. Crocce, I. Tutusaus et al.: Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Galaxy mock catalogs for BAO analysis
[2107.04604] Jared R. Males, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Ruslan Belikov et al.: The Mysterious Lives Of Speckles. I. Residual atmospheric speckle lifetimes in ground-based coronagraphs
[2107.04606] Yizhou He, Hy Trac, Nickolay Y. Gnedin: A Hydro-Particle-Mesh Code for Efficient and Rapid Simulations of the Intracluster Medium
[2107.04607] Jaikhomba Singha, Mayuresh P Surnis, Bhal Chandra Joshi et al.: Evidence for profile changes in PSR J1713+0747 using the uGMRT
[2107.04608] Philip F. Hopkins, Anna L. Rosen, Jonathan Squire et al.: Dust in the Wind with Resonant Drag Instabilities: I. The Dynamics of Dust-Driven Outflows in GMCs and HII Regions
[2107.04609] D. J. Reardon, R. M. Shannon, A. D. Cameron et al.: The Parkes pulsar timing array second data release: Timing analysis
[2107.04611] Adam D. Hincks, Federico Radiconi, Charles Romero et al.: A high-resolution view of the filament of gas between Abell 399 and Abell 401 from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and MUSTANG-2
[2107.04612] Annika Rudolph, Žejlka Bošnjak, Andrea Palladino et al.: Multi-wavelength radiation models for low-luminosity GRBs, and the implications for UHECRs
[2107.04617] C. E. Fields, S. M. Couch: Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Simulations of Convective Nuclear Burning In Massive Stars Near Iron Core Collapse
[2107.04624] Deepak, David L. Lambert: Lithium in red giants: the roles of the He-core flash and the luminosity bump
[2107.04639] Giacomo Fragione, Bence Kocsis, Frederic A. Rasio et al.: Repeated mergers, mass-gap black holes, and formation of intermediate-mass black holes in nuclear star clusters
[2107.04646] DES Collaboration: T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, S. Allam et al.: Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: A 2.7% measurement of Baryon Acoustic Oscillation distance scale at redshift 0.835
[2107.04650] A. Erdem, D. Surgit, T. S. Banks et al.: Absolute Parameters of Young Stars: PU Pup
[2107.04703] K. P. Mooley, B. Margalit, C. J. Law et al.: Late-Time Evolution and Modeling of the Off-Axis Gamma-ray Burst Candidate FIRST J141918.9+394036
[2107.04719] Carlos A. Olano: Influencias astronómicas sobre la evolución geológica y biológica de la Tierra (parte I)
[2107.04725] Norio Ota, Aigen Li, Laszlo Nemes et al.: Magnetism of Fullerene C60 Compared with Graphene Molecule by DFT Calculation, Laboratory Experiment and Astronomical Observation
[2107.04729] Abdelkarim Boskri, Romain G. Petrov, Thami El Halkouj et al.: Potential and sky coverage for off-axis fringe tracking in optical long baseline interferometry
[2107.04745] Yan Gong, Haitao Miao, Pengjie Zhang et al.: Self-calibrating interloper bias in spectroscopic galaxy clustering surveys
[2107.04756] Mehdi Shokri, Jafar Sadeghi, Saeed Noori Gashti: Constant-roll inflation from a Lorentzian function
[2107.04784] Darshan Kumar, Akshay Rana, Deepak Jain et al.: A Model-Independent Test of Variability of Type Ia Supernova Luminosity and CDDR
[2107.04876] Daniela Grandon, Victor H. Cardenas: Studies on dark energy evolution
[2107.04913] Ayatri Singha, Jan Harms, Stefan Hild et al.: Characterization of the seismic field at Virgo and improved estimates of Newtonian-noise suppression by recesses
[2107.04944] Huichao Li, Xueshang Feng, Fengsi Wei: Is Solar Minimum 24/25 Another Unusual One?
[2107.04967] Qian Ye, Boyang Wang, Qiang Yao et al.: Deformation measurement by single spherical near-field intensity measurement for large reflector antenna
[2107.04975] Yoshiaki Sofue: Highest-Resolution Rotation Curve of the Inner Milky Way proving the Galactic Shock Wave
[2107.04979] Bratati Bhat, Prasanta Gorai, Suman Kumar Mondal et al.: Radiative transfer modeling of the observed line profiles in G31.41+0.31
[2107.05029] Guinevere Kauffmann: A study of outer disk stellar populations of face-on star-forming galaxies in SDSS-IV MaNGA: causes of H$α$ deficiency
[2107.05030] Guinevere Kauffmann: A study of the central stellar populations of galaxies in SDSS-IV MaNGA: identification of a sub-sample with unusually young and massive stars
[2107.05044] Preeti Shrivastava, A. J. Khan, G. K. Goswami et al.: The simplest parametrization of equation of state parameter in the scalar field Universe
[2107.05070] A. Chepurnov: Explicit form of the random field spectral representation and some applications
[2107.05089] O. D. S. Demangeon, S. Dalal, G. Hébrard et al.: The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XVIII: Six new cold Jupiters, including one of the most eccentric exoplanet orbits
[2107.05094] Elias R. Most, Steven P. Harris, Christopher Plumberg et al.: Projecting the likely importance of weak-interaction-driven bulk viscosity in neutron star mergers
[2107.05108] B. Kaur, N. Kanekar, M. Rafelski et al.: The nature of H{\sc i}-absorption-selected galaxies at $z \approx 4$
[2107.05179] Tiago F. L. L. Pinheiro, Rafael Sfair: Constraining the nature of the possible extrasolar PDS110b ring system
[2107.05206] Caro Derkenne, Richard M. McDermid, Adriano Poci et al.: Total mass density slopes of early-type galaxies using Jeans dynamical modelling at redshifts $0.29 < z < 0.55$
[2107.05212] Masayoshi Nobukawa, Katsuji Koyama: Spectrum Composition of Galactic Center X-ray Emission with Point and Diffuse X-ray Sources
[2107.05213] M. Takeda, Y. Hiranuma, N. Kanda et al.: Application of the Hilbert-Huang transform for analyzing SASI induced gravitational waves in a core-collapse supernova
[2107.05221] Matthias U. Kruckow, Patrick G. Neunteufel, Rosanne Di Stefano et al.: A Catalogue of Potential Post Common Envelope Binaries
[2107.05244] Jaidev Sharma, Brajesh Kumar, Anil K Malik et al.: Differential rotation of the solar transition region from STEREO/EUVI 30.4 nm images
[2107.05245] Dongming Mao, Wenfei Yu: Power spectral properties of the soft spectral states in four black hole transients
[2107.05268] Francesco Zagaria, Giovanni P. Rosotti, Giuseppe Lodato: On dust evolution in planet-forming discs in binary systems. II -- Comparison with Taurus and $ρ$ Ophiuchus (sub-)millimetre observations: d...
[2107.05286] J. Van den Eijnden, N. Degenaar, T. D. Russell et al.: A new radio census of neutron star X-ray binaries
[2107.05288] Yan Sun, Ji Yang, Qing-Zeng Yan et al.: Examinations of CO completeness based on three independent CO surveys
[2107.05313] Nils Hoyer, Nadine Neumayer, Iskren Y. Georgiev et al.: The nucleation fraction of Local Volume galaxies
[2107.05317] Gerasimos Rigopoulos, Ashley Wilkins: Inflation is always semi-classical: Diffusion domination overproduces Primordial Black Holes
[2107.05335] Fabian Schüssler, Atilla Kaan Alkan, Valentin Lefranc et al.: Astro-COLIBRI: a new platform for real-time multi-messenger astrophysics
[2107.05416] Hector J. Durand-Manterola, Alvaro Suarez-Cortés: Ejecta Speed with the Projectile Velocity less than 2 km/s
[2107.05430] A. Fukui, J. Korth, J. H. Livingston et al.: TOI-1749: an M dwarf with a Trio of Planets including a Near-Resonant Pair
[2107.05452] Pietro Scarica: Spectrophotometric correction of Vesta observations performed by the VIR Imaging spectrometer onboard Dawn mission
[2107.05477] A. Carnero Rosell, M. Rodriguez-Monroy, M. Crocce et al.: Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Galaxy Sample for BAO Measurement
[2107.05496] L. Baldini, M. Barbanera, R. Bellazzini et al.: Design, Construction, and Test of the Gas Pixel Detectors for the IXPE Mission
[2107.05513] D. M.-A. Meyer, A. Mignone, M. Petrov et al.: 3D MHD astrospheres: applications to RC-10414 and Betelgeuse
[2107.05523] M. Lokken, R. Hložek, A. van Engelen et al.: Superclustering with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and Dark Energy Survey: I. Evidence for thermal energy anisotropy using oriented stacking
[2107.05575] Wei-Jian Lu, Yi-Ping Qin: New Constraint of the Hubble Constant by Proper Motions of Radio Components Observed in AGN Twin-jets
[2107.05581] Christian Hellum Bye, Stephen K.N. Portillo, Anastasia Fialkov: 21cmVAE: A VAE-based Emulator of the 21-cm Global Signal
[2107.05586] R. Krivonos, V. Arefiev, I. Lapshov et al.: Wide-field X-ray observations of the supernova remnant Puppis A with the SRG/ART-XC telescope
[2107.05587] A.A. Lutovinov, S.S. Tsygankov, I.A. Mereminskiy et al.: SRG/ART-XC discovery of SRGA J204318.2+443815: towards the complete population of faint X-ray pulsars
[2107.05588] I.A. Mereminskiy, A.V. Dodin, A.A. Lutovinov et al.: Peculiar X-ray transient SRGA J043520.9+552226/AT2019wey discovered with SRG/ART-XC
[2107.05589] I.A. Mereminskiy, A.A. Mushtukov, A.A. Lutovinov et al.: Losing a minute every two years: SRG X-ray view on the rapidly accelerating X-ray pulsar SXP1323
[2107.05596] Luca Zampieri, Giampiero Naletto, Aleksandr Burtovoi et al.: Stellar intensity interferometry of Vega in photon counting mode
[2107.05597] Mariah G. MacDonald, Cody J. Shakespeare, Darin Ragozzine: A Five-Planet Resonant Chain: Reevaluation of the Kepler-80 System
[2107.05601] Filip Huško, Cedric G. Lacey, Carlton M. Baugh: Statistics of galaxy mergers: bridging the gap between theory and observation
[2107.05611] I. Zaznobin, S. Sazonov, R. Burenin et al.: Identification of 3 cataclysmic variables detected by the ART-XC and eROSITA telescopes aboard SRG during the all-sky X-ray survey
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