Which of the following statements regarding coal is NOT true?
Is found in sedimentary rock sequences
Originates from decaying plant material
Carbon content decreases as depth of burial increases
Requires increases in temperature and pressure to transform organic matter into coal
With respect to conventional oil, the U.S. Reached peak production in the 1970s
What best describes how petroleum is different than coal?
Contains considerable amounts of hydrogen
Contains more carbon atoms
Forms only in sedimentary rocks
Is a less concentrated form of energy
Is a less volatile form of energy
Which of the following is NOT a replacement for conventional oil?
Natural gas
Which of the following best defines energy efficiency?
Measures how much of the original energy goes to its intended purpose.
The goal for modern society as we transition away from our dependence on fossil fuels.
The minimum standard for new appliances.
Measures the reduction in energy usage for a given application.
Compares the amount of fossil fuel to renewable energy usage.
What represents the most effective strategy for ultimately addressing the problem of peak oil?
Reduce demand for conventional oil and increase supply of alternatives
Increase conventional oil production from remote and or protected locations
Switch over from oil to natural gas
Increase fuel efficiency of transportation vehicles
Expand supply of oil in strategic reserve
Which of the following is true regarding chemical energy?
Is stored in chemical bonds
Is the same as heat energy
is derived from the nucleus of atoms
All of the answers listed here
Comes from the flow of electrons
Which of the following statements best describes the oil window?
Amount of time it takes for oil to migrate from its source rock to a trap
temperature at which natural gas begins converting to oil.
Depth interval where temperatures allow oil to form in a source rock
Amount of time it takes for oil to form from a source rock.
amount of time a particular oil reservoir is capable of producing oil.
Approximately how much of the U.S. Energy supply consists of fossil fuels?
Economical petroleum traps are geologically rare.
Nuclear energy is often called radiant energy.
China, with its large population, has the highest per capita energy consumption in the world.
Which of the following statements regarding the peak oil theory is NOT true?
Has yet to be shown to be true for a single nation.
Predicts a production decline to follow a decline in new discoveries.
is a statistical model developed by a petroleum geologist named Hubbert.
Is based on the fact that oil is a finite resource.
predicts that world production of conventional crude will soon peak.
Which of the following is essential in order for petroleum to accumulate in a trap?
Correct all of the answers listed here.
A low permeability cap rock that prevents the escape of hydrocarbons.
Hydrocarbons must migrate from a source rock.
a porous rock to store the hydrocarbon molecules.
The source rock must generate hydrocarbon molecules
Fossil fuels are distributed fairly evenly around the globe.
What is the basic problem or issue with respect to expanding the world’s oil supply in the future?
All of the answers listed here
remaining deposits are more expensive and difficult to extract
fewer giant fields are being found today
Discoveries of new fields peaked in the 1970s
numerous smaller fields must be found to offset production declines in older fields
Which of the following is an environmental problem associated with society’s use of coal?
All of the answers listed here
Acid mine drainage
Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
Land subsidence
Acid rain
Which of the following energy sources makes up the largest percentage of the electricity produced in the U.S.?
Natural gas
If energy is the capacity to perform work or transfer heat, what is work?
When heat is lost in a mechanical system.
When friction is overcome.
Correct when an object is moved a given distance against some force.
When energy is used to produce something of value.
When energy is transformed from one form to another.
What best explains how crude oil is different from natural gas?
Is found both onshore and in marine deposits
Is a less dense form of energy
Consists of longer chains of hydrocarbon molecules
Produces less greenhouse gasses
Produces less amount of heat
{"name":"Which of the following statements regarding coal is NOT true?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which of the following statements regarding coal is NOT true?, With respect to conventional oil, the U.S. reached peak production in the 1970s, What best describes how petroleum is different than coal?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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