Operative dentistry Prof. Keit Sreng

Operative Dentistry Quiz
Test your knowledge in operative dentistry with this comprehensive quiz designed for students and professionals alike. Discover the intricacies of cavity preparation, indirect pulp capping, and the effects of caries on dental structures.
- 15 questions covering essential topics
- Multiple choice format for easy selection
- Assess your understanding of dental concepts
The following statements on the depth of the cavity are correct except:
The shallow excavation is with r.d.t > 2mm. (r d t= remaining dentin
The moderate excavation is with r.d.t. 0.5mm-2mmm. thickness )
The deep excavation is with r.d.t > 0.5mm
The deep excavation is with r.d.t < 0.5mm
The following statements on the instrumentation used for tooth preparation are correct except:
During tooth preparation the produced heat may cause the pulpal inflammation.
The water cooled operative technics are mandatory and the pulpal response to heat is almost eliminated .
The intensity of pulpal response will be the same at high speed cutting with proper coolant and at low speed without coolan
When high speed are used without water coolant ,due to generation of high temperature adverse pulpal effects result.
The following statements on smear layer are correct except:
The smear layer is a uniform amorphous structural relatively smooth microcrystalline debris layer
The smear layer is formed over the remaining enamel and dentin.
The smear layer can be seen with the naked eye.
It occludes the dentin tubules
The following statements on moderate carious lesions are correct except:
Moderate carious lesion is one in which the caries penetrates the enamel and may involve one half on the dentin.
A moderate carious lesion has a remaining dentin thickness of 0.5mm to 2mm and is not to the extent of endangering the pulp.
After cavity preparation, the liner is applied to cover the axial and/or pulpal wall.
After covering the liner, permanent restoration is done.
After covering the liner, permanent restoration is done.
During cavity preparation an efficient cooling system should be used.
Fluoride varnish should be used to seal the opening of exposed dentinal tubules.
Use proper liner or base to seal the opening of exposed dentinal tubules.
Do not overdry the cavity.
The following statements on indirect pulp capping are correct except:
All the carious tissue is removed except the soft undiscolored dentin adjacent to the pulp .
If no pain this undiscolored carious dentin part can be removed .
Then the cavity is cleaned , dried , covered by calcium hydroxide and thick mix of base .
After two to three months , the cement is removed and the cavity is inspected .
The following statements on occlusal class I preparation are correct except :
The inverted cone diamond or bur are positioned parallel to the long axis of the crown .
The pulpal floor is prepared to an initial depth of 1. 5 mm as measured from the central groove.
Extensions toward cusp tips should be as much as possible.
Normally the initial depth is approximately 0.2 mm inside the d.e.j.
The following statements on occlusal class I preparation are correct except :
Facial and lingual extensions are dictated by the caries .
The strength of the cuspal and the marginal ridge areas should preserved as much as possible .
Extensions into marginal ridge should result in approximately lessthan 1.mm thickness of remainingtooth structure ( measured from mesial or distal margin to proximal surface ) for premolar.
The preparation needs the sufficient dentinal support of the marginal ridge enamel .
The following statements on peripheral seat or ledge on class 1 occlusal cavity are correct except :
If a central fissure remnant extends over most the floor the floor should be deepened to uncover the caries to a maximal preparation depth of 2 mm .
Removal of the remaining infected dentin is best accomplished using the smallest instrument that fits the carious area .
The flat floor should be at the previously described initial pulpal floor depth of 1.5 to 2mm and in sound enamel or dentin .
The peripheral seat or ledge can be circumferencial , interrupted , opposing
The class 1 occlusal tooth preparation is begun by entering the most carious pit with a punch. Cut using the n *245 carbide bur at high speed with air – water spray .
A punch cut is performed by orienting the bur so that its long axis parallels the long axis of the tooth crown
Then the bur is inserted directly into the faulty pit.
The bur should be rotating when it is applied to the tooth and should stop rotating to measure the depth .
The 1 . 5 mm pulpal depth is measured at the central groove and the depth of the external wall is 1 5 to 2mm .
The following statements on the success of indirect pulp capping are correct except :
It depends on the age of patients .
The pulp volume of young patient is large with abundant vascularity .
It depends also on the restorative procedure .
The potential for success is the same for the young and for the old patient .
The following statements on direct pulp capping are correct except:
The purpose of direct pulp capping is to preserve the vitality of the pulp.
The procedure is placing the medicament over the exposure site as to provide an environment for the healing of the pulp .
Complete excavation of carious dentin is done during which pulpal exposure may take place .
Over the exposure site glass ionomer cement is sealed .
The following statements on the success of direct pulp capping are correct except :
Young patients have greater potential for success than older one .
Mechanically done pulpal exposure has greater potential for success than exposure caused by caries .
Large exposure and small pinpoint exposure have the same potential for success .
If previous pain has not occurred in the tooth the potential for success is more .
The following statements on walls of a prepared cavity are correct except :
A wall is an enclosing side of a prepared cavity .
An internal wall is a prepared cavity surface that does not extent to the external tooth surface .
The axial and pulpal walls are external walls .
An external wall is a prepared cavity surface that extends to external tooth surface .
The following statements on cavity preparation angles are correct except :
The junction of two or more prepared cavity surfaces is referred to as an angle .
A line angle is the junction of two planal surfaces along a line .
In a class 2 cavity preparation , a line angle formed by the junction of pulpal wall and axial wall is an internal line angle .
An internal line angle is a line angle whose apex points into the tooth .An external line angle is a line angle whose apex points away from the tooth .
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