Needs Assessment Quiz

If you became sick or were injured and couldn't work, would you still receive a FULL paycheque?
Yes, I would still receive 100% of my paycheque
No, my income would stop if I took time off work
I am covered for on-the-job accidents only (workers compensation)
I have disability through work (pays up to 67% of base salary)
If you were to die tomorrow, would your family be able to maintain their standard of living? Select all which would impact your family.
They would need funds for funeral costs (10k-20k)
My income would need to be replaced
The mortgage/rent and other bills would need to be covered
I have mortgage insurance, but not life insurance
If you develop cancer, or any other critical conditions, do you have an emergency cash fund of 6 to 12 months income to help cover the cost of treatment and non-medical expenses?
Yes, I would be comfortable spending my own savings or relying on GoFundMe
No, I don't have that much saved, or I wouldn't want to spend my hard-earned savings - I would require financial assistance
I would follow the doctor's advice for treatment and would need daily income for hospitalization, treatments, and to cover expenses while off work
I would like to get a lump-sum payment so that I could take time off and do natural/alternative treatments
If you became sick or injured, would your current health insurance cover all of the costs?
I would have to pay for costs for a hospital stay (travel, hotels, parking, food, lost wages)
I would have to pay deductibles or co-payments
I would need to pay for my own ambulance fees
I have dangerous hobbies which are not covered I.e. Mountain biking, sledding, rodeo, etc.
{"name":"Needs Assessment Quiz", "url":"","txt":"If you became sick or were injured and couldn't work, would you still receive a FULL paycheque?, If you were to die tomorrow, would your family be able to maintain their standard of living? Select all which would impact your family., If you develop cancer, or any other critical conditions, do you have an emergency cash fund of 6 to 12 months income to help cover the cost of treatment and non-medical expenses?","img":""}

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EIE-R (Impacto de la Escala de Eventos, modificada )    !! Lea atentamente las instrucciones !!     !! Al finalizar, aparece la opción de correo electrónico, a efectos de investigación y de que le lleguen los datos a su correo, se le hará una pregunta, puede dar a SKIP si no lo desea, accederá directamente a los resultados obtenidos en la prueba, sin proporcionar ningún  dato !!        En la parte inferior, le van a ir apareciendo las dificultades que pueden aparecer después de eventos estresantes. Considere el EVENTO, O SITUACIÓN PASADA que piensa que lo perturba actualmente, en la realización de esta prueba, y seguidamente rellene las respuestas a las siguientes preguntas, tómese el tiempo necesario en cada una para facilitar que los resultados sean fiables. Se trata de 22 cuestiones en orden aleatorio, no hay tiempo límite, ni respuestas verdaderas o falsas, recuerde que en este test no se le evalúa a usted, sino como le está afectando el evento pasado en el presente. Se responde en unos 5 minutos. Realice un par de respiraciones, concéntrese, y valore si está en un lugar tranquilo y dispone de esos 5 minutos en estos momentos.          Por favor, lea cada ítem y luego indique cuán de perturbadora le a resultado cada dificultad DURANTE LOS ÚLTIMOS SIETE DÍAS CON RESPECTO a la SITUACIÓN QUE ESTA VALORANDO considerar como un factor post-traumático para usted.   0   NADA 1   UN POCO 2   MODESTAMENTE 3   BASTANTE 4   EXTREMADAMENTE
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