What Harry Potter Pet Are You?

You Would Prefer...
1. An Owl
2. A Cat
3. A Toad
4. A Rat
4. A Pigmy Puff
If You Had To Describe Yourself...
1. Shy
2. Confident
You Probably Get...
1. A Short Comment Or Two In The Usual Conversation
2. The Entire Conversation Is Me!
3. Nothing at all.
4. Maybe Half?
What Harry Potter Character Are You Most Like?
1. Harry James Potter
2. Ronald Billius Weasley
3. Hermione Jean Granger
3. Neville Longbottom
4. Severus Snape (I'm Misunderstood!)
5. Lavender Brown (Giggles Galore!)
6. Zacharias Smith (A Little Demanding and Grumpy)
Is Luna Lovegood Weird?
1. Of Course Not!
2. A little, yeah.
Are You Brave?
1. I hope so.
2. Always.
3. Never.
4. If The Situation Demands It.
Are You Loyal?
1. Of Course!
2. Only If My Friends Are In The Popular Group. Otherwise, I'm outta here!
3. I can't say I am.
4. I want to be.
Do You Care About What Other People Think About You?
1. No. Bring in the horseradish earrings!
2. Um, yeah. It's kind of like what I worry about day and night and everyday!
3. A little bit.
4. No, not really, but if someone teases me I turn to jelly.
What Is Your House?
1. Gryffindor
2. Slytherin
3. Ravenclaw
4. Hufflepuff
4. I'm more of an Ilvermorny person.
Who Do You Confide In Most?
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Pets (Awwww!)
4. Nobody
Your Ideal Distraction Is...
1. Books and Lessons Galore!
2. Some Nice Friends to Hang Out With
3. I don't really know.
4. Could Be Anything.
If You Were The Laughingstock Of Hogwarts For Some Reason Or Another You Would...
1. Hold your head high and do your best to appear indifferent.
2. Hide. Forever.
3. Make sure people know how you feel (terrible!). Maybe that will change their attitude.
4. Just sort of stand there not really sure what to do.
Which Is Your Favorite?
1. Twitter
2. Pinterest
3. Google Docs
4. Facebook
5. I Don't Have Any Of These / Other.
The Yule Ball Is Coming Up. Who Do You Ask?
1. The Tall, Handsome Stranger.
2. Your Best Friend (Opposite Gender Or Otherwise)
3. The Beautiful, Glamourous Stranger.
4. The Person Who Best Matches Your Personality.
5. Your Comple Opposite.
While We're On The Subject, Would You Enter The Tri-Wizard Tournament?
1. Yes
2. No
You Face A Huge Test! What Do You Do?
1. Um, blow Drooble's Best Blowing Gum? NO! STUDY!!!
2. Ask Your Friend To Help You.
3. You know, I think I'll have the flu that day.
4. Cheat.
What Is Your Favorite Quote?
1. It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget To Live.
2. Of Course It Is Happening Inside Your Head, Harry, But Why On Earth Would That Mean That It Isn't Real?
3. We Could All Have Been Killed-- Or Worse, Expelled!
4. "Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes, "A magic beyond all we do here."
5. Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustable source of magic.
I possess...
1. Love
2. Intelligence
3. Popularity
4. Indurance
5. Sincerity
What Is Beauty?
1. Means Being Nice
2. Means Looking Like A Supermodel
2. All Of The Above
And Finally, Thank You For Taking The Quiz!
Your Welcome!
{"name":"What Harry Potter Pet Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You Would Prefer..., If You Had To Describe Yourself..., You Probably Get...","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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