USMLE_Diagnosis IX

A detailed illustration of a medical exam room with various diagnostic tools, focusing on a stethoscope and medical charts, in a clinical environment.

USMLE Diagnosis Quiz IX

Test your clinical knowledge with the USMLE Diagnosis IX Quiz, designed for healthcare professionals and students alike. This quiz covers a variety of medical scenarios and diagnoses, focusing on essential knowledge for the USMLE exams.


  • 30 challenging questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Topics in internal medicine, surgery, and psychiatry
100 Questions25 MinutesCreated by DiagnosingDoctor51
A 50-year-old woman presents with fatigue, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, and absence of menses for the last 5 months (secondary amenorrhea). Her urine hCG test is negative. Laboratory tests reveal decreased serum estrogen and increased serum FSH and LH levels. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this individual’s clinical signs and symptoms?
. 17-hydroxylase deficiency of the adrenal cortex
. Prolactin-secreting tumor of the anterior pituitary
. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone–secreting tumor of the hypothalamus
. Menopause
. Menarche
A 50-year-old woman undergoes screening colonoscopy at her primary care physician’s recommendation. She has no family history of colorectal cancer. A single lesion is removed during the procedure and sent for pathologic examination. Which of the following findings carries the greatest risk of malignancy?
Lymphoid polyp
Peutz-Jeghers polyp
Tubular adenoma
Tubulovillous adenoma
Villous adenoma
A 50-year-old woman with a history of essential hypertension presents to the emergency department with sudden onset of a severe headache, nausea and vomiting, and photophobia. On examination, her BP is 160/100 mmHg. She is mildly confused and has nuchal rigidity, without focal neurologic signs. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. meningitis
. Ruptured cerebral aneurysm
. Hemorrhagic stroke
. Ischemic cerebrovascular accident
. Transient ischemic attack
A 50-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis has been treated with meloxicam (Mobic). You add hydroxychloroquine. Six weeks later her arthritis is mildly improved. The same joints are still involved but she now reports only 1-hour morning stiffness. She has, however, developed epigastric burning and melena for the past 3 days. Stool is strongly positive for occult blood. Which of the following is the most likely cause for the melena in this case?
. Emotional stress over her illness resulting in acid peptic disease
. Hydroxychloroquine-induced acid peptic disease
. Gastric lymphoma associated with autoimmune disease
. NSAID gastropathy
. Meckel diverticulum
A 51-year-old Caucasian female complains of low-back pain radiating to the buttocks. She also complains of persistent muscle pain that gets worse with exercise. Physical examination reveals normal muscle strength. Her joints are not swollen, but palpation over the outer upper quadrants of the buttocks and the medial aspect of the knees elicits tenderness. Her ESR is 12mm/hr. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Seronegative spondyloarthropathy
. Polymyalgia rheumatica
. Polymyositis
. Rheumatoid arthritis
. Fibromyalgia
A 51-year-old male with a history of alcoholic pancreatitis presented to the hospital because of sudden onset severe retrosternal and upper abdominal pain. He has been vomiting for the past few hours after consuming alcohol. His temperature is 38.1C (100.9F), blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg, pulse is 120/min and respirations are 30/min. Examination shows palpable crepitus in the suprasternal notch. Lungs are clear to auscultation. The abdomen is tender to palpation mostly in the epigastrium. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his current condition?
. Spontaneous pneumothorax
. Acute pancreatitis
. Perforated duodenal ulcer
. Esophageal perforation
. Mallory-Weiss tear
A 51-year-old man describes 1 week of gradually worsening scrotal pain and dysuria. He is sexually active with his wife. His temperature is 100.1°F, HR 81 beats per minute, BP 140/75 mm Hg, and oxygen saturation is 99% on room air. On physical examination, his scrotal skin is warm and erythematous. A cremasteric reflex is present. The posterior left testicle is swollen and tender to touch. Color Doppler ultrasonography demonstrates increased testicular blood flow. Urinalysis is positive for leukocyte esterase. What is the most likely diagnosis?
. Epididymitis
. Testicular torsion
. Testicular tumor
. Varicocele
A 51-year-old man develops acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) while hospitalized for acute pancreatitis. On his third day in the intensive care unit, he is sedated, intubated, and ventilated with a PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure) of 15 cm water and FiO2 of 0.6 (60%). Suddenly his pulse increases from 100 to 140/min, systolic blood pressure drops from 120 to 90 mm Hg, and central venous pressure increases from 10 to 15 cm water. On chest auscultation, breath sounds are absent on the left side. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this sudden deterioration?
. Endotracheal tube shift into the right main bronchus
. Pulmonary thromboembolism
. Myocardial infarction
. Tension pneumothorax
. Mucous plugging and atelectasis
A 51-year-old man is admitted to the hospital because of renal failure. His past medical history is significant for recurrent episodes of bilateral flank pain over the past several years as well as nocturia 2 to 3 times per night for the past 10 years. He has no weight loss. On physical examination, his blood pressure is 160/100 mm Hg. His mucous membranes are pale. There is a palpable mass located at the right flank. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Horseshoe kidney
. Nephrolithiasis
. Papillary necrosis
. Polycystic kidney disease
. Renal cell carcinoma
A 51-year-old man is undergoing abdominal surgery and becomes hypotensive while under general anesthesia. The patient had been doing well during most of the procedure but now has a blood pressure of 80/40 mm Hg. His past medical history is significant for coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus. A pulmonary artery catheter placed prior to the procedure gives the following data: Central venous pressure 10 mmHg, Pulmonary artery pressure 60/30 mmHg, Pulmonary capillary occlusion 24 mm Hgpressure Cardiac output 2.3 L/min. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute left heart failure
Acute mitral regurgitation
Acute right heart failure
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
Sepsis syndrome
A 51-year-old woman comes to your office for a routine health maintenance examination. She says that she has been having irregular menses and occasional hot flashes for the past eight months. She has a very stressful job and drinks two to three cups of coffee every morning. She does not smoke, but drinks two to three ounces of alcohol daily. She eats a pure vegetarian diet and walks two miles on a treadmill each day. Her vital signs are within normal limits. Her BMI is 31 kg/m2 Physical examination is unremarkable. You inform her that she is probably reaching menopause, and that she will be at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis. Which of the following is the most significant risk factor for the development of osteoporosis in this patient?
. Caffeine use
. Obesity
. Excess alcohol use
. Vegetarian diet
. Excess walking
A 51-year-old woman is diagnosed with invasive cervical carcinoma by cone biopsy. Pelvic examination and rectal-vaginal examination reveal the parametrium to be free of disease, but the upper portion of the vagina is involved with tumor. Intravenous pyelography (IVP) and sigmoidoscopy are negative, but a computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen and pelvis shows grossly enlarged pelvic and periaortic nodes. This patient is classified at which of the following stages?
. IIa
. IIb
. IIIa
. IIIb
. IV
A 51-year-old woman presents to the physician’s office with a 2-month history of a right breast blood tinged nipple discharge. Past history is unremarkable. Family history is positive for postmenopausal breast cancer in a maternal grandmother. Examination reveals no palpable masses or regional adenopathy, but a serous discharge is easily elicited from a single duct in the right breast. Bilateral mammograms show no abnormalities. Cytology from the discharge was not diagnostic. A ductogram was ordered, and the results are shown: Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Invasive carcinoma
. Intraductal carcinoma
. Intraductal papilloma
. Fibrocystic disease
. Duct ectasia
A 51-year-old woman presents with an ill-defined, slightly firm area in the upper outer quadrant of her right breast. The clinician thinks this area is consistent with fibrocystic change, but a biopsy from this area has a focus of lobular carcinoma in situ. Which of the following histologic features is most characteristic of this lesion?
. Expansion of lobules by monotonous proliferation of small cells
. Large cells with clear cytoplasm within the epidermis
. Large syncytium-like sheets of pleomorphic cells surrounded by aggregates of lymphocytes
. Small individual malignant cells dispersed within extracellular pools of mucin
. Small tumor cells with little cytoplasm infiltrating in a single-file pattern
A 52-year-old African-American man with a history of smoking and asthma presents to the emergency department complaining of shortness of breath. He has alcohol on his breath and admits to drinking 3–4 beers each night plus an occasional “mixed drink.” He denies drug use and states that he has been feeling well until recently, when he began to sleep with more pillows and to become out of breath when walking. His blood pressure is 143/89 mmHg, respiratory rate is 21/min, pulse is 112/min, and he is afebrile. On physical examination he has a laterally displaced point of maximal impulse and an S3 gallop, as well as rales over his right lung base. X-ray of the chest shows cardiomegaly and a pleural effusion. Echocardiogram reveals an ejection fraction of 25%. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Asthma exacerbation
Delirium tremens
Dilated cardiomyopathy
A 52-year-old Caucasian male comes to you for a routine health check-up. You decide to do age-appropriate screening in this patient and order a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy is normal, except for a 1.5cm polyp in the left descending colon. A colonoscopic polypectomy is done and the biopsy results are pending. The patient is anxious to know the expected biopsy results and the risk of cancer. Which of the following types of polyps is considered to be most premalignant?
. Hamartomatous polyp
. Hyperplastic polyp
. Villous adenoma
. Tubulovillous adenoma
. Tubular adenoma
A 52-year-old male presents with a long history of joint pain. He describes pain and stiffness of the small joints of his hand that is worse in the morning and can last several hours. He also complains of occasional digit swelling. A picture of the patient's hands is shown on the slide below. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Enteropathic arthritis
. Rheumatoid arthritis
. Psoriatic arthritis
. Crystalline arthritis
. Sarcoidosis
A 52-year-old man has episodes of severe chest pain associated with dysphagia. He has been seen twice in the emergency room, and both times the symptoms responded to sub-lingual nitroglycerin. He then had a full cardiac evaluation including electrocardiogram (ECG), cardiac biomarkers, and an exercise stress test, which were all normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Herpetic infection
. A motor disorder
. Midesophageal cancer
. Peptic stricture
. External esophageal compression
A 52-year-old man has suffered with chronic diarrhea for several years, but has refused to see a doctor. He finally comes because he is having trouble driving at night, because of difficulty seeing. Physical examination reveals a slender, pale, unwell-looking man. He has a microcytic anemia, low calcium, and albumin levels. Which of the following is the most likely cause for his diarrhea?
. malabsorption
. Osmotic diarrhea
. Secretory diarrhea
. Inflammatory bowel disease
. Colonic tumor
A 52-year-old man is seen by a psychiatrist in the emergency room because he is complaining about hearing and seeing miniature people who tell him to kill everyone in sight. He states that these symptoms developed suddenly during the past 48 hours, but that he has had them “on and off” for years. He states that he has never previously sought treatment for the symptoms, but that this episode is particularly bad. He denies the use of any illicit substances. The patient is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. His mental status examination is normal except for his auditory and visual hallucinations. His thought process is normal. His drug toxicology screen is positive for marijuana. He is quite insistent that he needs to be “put away” in the hospital for the symptoms he is experiencing. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Substance-induced psychosis
. Schizophrenia
. Schizoaffective disorder
. Schizophreniform disorder
. Malingering
A 52-year-old man is sent to see a psychiatrist after he is disciplined at his job because he consistently turns in his assignments late. He insists that he is not about to turn in anything until it is “perfect, unlike all of my colleagues.” He has few friends because he annoys them with his demands for “precise timeliness” and because of his lack of emotional warmth. This has been a lifelong pattern for the patient, though he refuses to believe the problems have anything to do with his personal behavior. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?
. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
. Borderline personality disorder
. Bipolar disorder, mixed state
. Anxiety disorder not otherwise specified
A 52-year-old man presents to the primary care clinic for the first time. He states that he has been in good health throughout his life and takes no medications. He was once athletic but has noted a dramatic decrease in his muscle strength and exercise tolerance over the past year. On examination the patient is moderately hypertensive, with a tanned, round, plethoric face; large supraclavicular fat pads; and significant truncal obesity. He has no focal cardiovascular, pulmonary, or neurologic findings. His fasting blood sugar is 200 mg/dL. Which of the following is the most common etiology of this condition?
ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma
Adrenal tumor
Ectopic ACTH-secreting tumor
Primary adrenal hyperplasia
Small cell lung cancer
A 52-year-old man presents to your office after passing a black stool. He also describes occasional abdominal discomfort and nausea but denies hematemesis. He says that food seems to help his abdominal pain, so he eats frequently during the day and keeps some snacks on his night stand. As a consequence, he has gained 5 pounds over the last year. He admits that his diet is lacking in vegetables and fruit. He drinks one to two cans of beer nightly, but does not smoke or use illicit drugs. He says that his father died of colon cancer and his mother died from a stroke. Physical examination reveals a right-sided carotid bruit. The fecal occult blood test is positive. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his condition?
. Mesenteric ischemia
. Mallory-Weiss tear
. Inflammatory bowel disease
. Erosive gastritis
. Peptic ulcer disease
A 52-year-old nursing home worker presents with a four-week history of non-productive cough and night-time sweating. She also reports having unintentionally lost five pounds over the last month. Her medical history is significant for a mastectomy for left-sided breast cancer five years ago and hepatitis C for which she does not take treatment. She says she was last tested for HIV 6 months ago and the test was negative. She takes no medications currently. She emigrated from Mexico two years ago. She smokes one pack of cigarettes daily and consumes two bottles of beer every weekend. Chest x-ray shows a right upper lobe cavity with surrounding infiltration. Which of the following is the most important epidemiologic clue to the etiology of this patient's disease?
. Nursing home worker
. Foreign born individual
. Smoking history
. Previous breast cancer
. Hepatitis C
A 52-year-old woman comes to the physician because of hot flashes. Her last menstrual period was 1 year ago. Over the past year, she has noted a persistence of her hot flashes, which come several times each day and are associated with a feeling of heat and flushing. They also awaken her at night and interfere with her sleep. She has no medical problems, takes no medications, and has no known drug allergies. She has a family history of cardiovascular disease and she does not smoke. Physical examination is unremarkable. She is started on estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera). The addition of a progestin is most likely to decrease her risk of which of the following?
. Breast cancer
. Breast pain
. Endometrial cancer
. Mood changes
. Weight gain
A 53-year-old Caucasian female is admitted to the ER with hypotension. Her condition is considered very serious, and invasive hemodynamic monitoring is established. Blood pressure measured by intra-arterial method is 72/46 mmHg. Her heart rate is 120/min, regular. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) estimated using Swan-Ganz catheter is 6 mmHg. Mixed venous oxygen concentration (MVo2) is 16 vol% (Normal = 15.5 vol%). Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's condition?
. Cardiogenic shock
. Volume depletion
. Septic shock
. Hemorrhagic shock
. Neurogenic shock
A 53-year-old male comes to the emergency department complaining of sudden onset intense, stabbing epigastric pain. He also vomited once and a dull, aching pain then spread through his entire abdomen. He has had nonspecific epigastric pain for several months and saw a physician one month ago. He also has a history of constipation, type II diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia. He has smoked one and a half packs of cigarettes daily for 26 years. He drinks 4 oz of alcohol daily. His temperature is 38.3C (100.4F), blood pressure is 160/95 mm Hg, pulse is 100/min and respirations are 26/min. The entire abdomen is tender to palpation with rebound, but there is no guarding. No masses are palpable, and Murphy's sign elicits mild pain. Rectal examination shows no abnormalities. Abdominal ultrasound performed 2 weeks ago showed stones in the gall bladder. Upright chest x-ray is shown below: Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
. Acute cholecystitis
. Acute alcoholic pancreatitis
. Acute gallstone pancreatitis
. Perforated peptic ulcer
. Perforated diverticulitis
A 53-year-old male is brought to the emergency room after a high-speed motor vehicle accident. He was an unrestrained driver and admits to consuming a moderate amount of alcohol before driving. In the ER, he complains of bilateral chest pain and left leg pain. His past medical history is significant for emphysema, diabetes mellitus and remote drug abuse. A traumatic fracture of the left femur is evident on physical examination. His initial arterial blood gas analysis shows a pH of 7.45, p02 of 81 mmHg and pC02 of 32 mmHg. His pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is 1OmmHg. After a 2000 ml IV fluid challenge, his p02 is 76 mmHg and his pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is 12 mmHg. Chest x-ray shows alveolar opacities over the right and left lower lobes. Hours after the accident, he complains of continued chest pain and shortness of breath. Which of the following diagnoses is most likely responsible for his shortness of breath?
. Aspiration pneumonia
. Hemothorax
. Pulmonary contusion
. Myocardial contusion
. Aortic rupture
A 53-year-old man complains of "shaking" of his right hand. He first noticed this shaking while resting in an armchair and watching TV. He reports that the shaking stopped when he reached for the remote to change the channel. On physical examination, his vital signs are within normal limits and all other organ systems appear normal. Which of the following is most likely responsible?
. Physiological tremor
. Essential tremor
. Cerebellar dysfunction
. Basal ganglia dysfunction
. Corticospinal tract lesion
A 53-year-old man is brought to the emergency department by his wife because of headache and visual changes. Approximately 3 hours ago, he had the acute onset of an extremely severe posterior headache that was non-radiating but was associated with nausea and vomiting. This headache subsided, but over the past hour he has developed mild neck stiffness and pain on flexion of his neck. The patient is not cooperative, so no additional history is known; however, his wife states that he was feeling well until recently and has no allergies. The patient appears moderately uncomfortable and is complaining of the worst headache he has ever experienced. Which of the following is the most likely cause for his symptoms?
Arteriovenous malformation
Cerebellar bleed
Putamenal bleed
Ruptured berry aneurysm
Thalamic bleed
A 53-year-old man presents to the clinic with complaints of increasing shortness of breath, a nagging cough, and weight loss over several months. He reports no history of cigarette smoking but has worked underground in the New York City subway system for the past 20 years. Spirometry demonstrates an FEV1: FVC ratio of 0.7 and an FEV1 value that is 60% of expected. The FEV1 improves to 70% of expected with bronchodilator treatment. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Chronic aspiration
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A 53-year-old man presents with arthritis and bloody nasal discharge. Urinalysis reveals 4+proteinuria, RBCs, and RBC casts. ANCA is positive in a cytoplasmic pattern. Antiproteinase 3 (PR3) antibodies are present, but antimyeloperoxidase (MPO) antibodies are absent. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Behçet syndrome
. Sarcoidosis
. Wegener granulomatosis
. Henoch-Schönlein purpura
. Classic polyarteritis nodosa
A 53-year-old man presents with two episodes of hemoptysis over the last week. He describes a preceding two-year history of morning cough productive of approximately one tablespoon of yellowish sputum. During the last week his morning cough was accompanied by a small amount of blood on two occasions. He denies any dyspnea, fever, chest pain, or weight loss. He has been smoking for 30 years but has tried to cut down recently. He works in construction. His only medication is ranitidine for occasional heartburn. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his hemoptysis?
. Thrombocytopenia
. Pulmonary thromboembolism
. Bronchiectasis
. Chronic bronchitis
. Tuberculosis
A 53-year-old man with alcoholic cirrhosis presents with increasing jaundice and abdominal discomfort. He reports no fevers or chills. On examination, his blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg, pulse 100/min, temperature 38.1°C. He has a distended abdomen, peripheral edema, and shifting dullness. The abdomen is tender and bowel sounds are present. A diagnostic paracentesis is performed; the total cell count is 940/mL with polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) equal to 550/mL, Gram stain is negative, and cultures are pending. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Pancreatic ascites
Malignant ascites
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)
Secondary peritonitis
Tuberculous ascites
A 53-year-old obese, menopausal woman comes to the physician for a routine annual examination. Her last menstrual period was one year ago. Upon further questioning, she says that she sometimes experiences hot flashes of mild intensity. She is sexually active and denies vaginal dryness or dyspareunia. Her medical problems include mild hypertension managed with hydrochlorothiazide and a salt-reduced diet. Her obstetrical history is significant for an elective termination of pregnancy at 35 years of age because of an abnormal maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein. Physical examination is normal. Which of the following is a possible cause of the comparatively milder nature of the symptoms the patient is having compared to many other menopausal women with more severe symptoms?
. Peripheral adipose tissue production of estrogens
. Compensatory adrenal production of estrogens
. Conversion of adrenal androgens to estrogens by adipose tissue
. Conversion of adrenal androgens to estrogens by the liver
. Increased levels of FSH
A 53-year-old obese, postmenopausal woman presents to your office for a routine annual examination. Her last menstrual period was one year ago. Upon further questioning, she says that she sometimes experiences hot flashes of mild intensity. She is sexually active and denies vaginal dryness or dyspareunia. She has mild hypertension managed with hydrochlorothiazide and a salt-reduced diet. Her obstetrical history is significant for an elective termination of pregnancy at 35 years of age because of an abnormal MSAFP. Physical examination is normal. What is the most likely cause of the mild nature of the symptoms the patient is having?
. Peripheral fat tissue production of estrogens
. Compensatory adrenal production of estrogens
. Conversion of adrenal androgens to estrogens by fat tissue
. Conversion of adrenal androgens to estrogens by liver
. Increased levels of FSH
A 53-year-old woman comes to the physician because of concerns regarding menopause. She has a period almost every month, but her cycle is lengthening. She is worried because her mother, her two older sisters, and practically all her aunts have osteoporosis. She does not want to be on estrogen because she is concerned about cancer and thrombosis. Physical examination is within normal limits. The patient is started on raloxifene. On this medication, which of the following is this patient most likely to develop?
. Breast cancer
. Elevated cholesterol
. Endometrial hyperplasia
. Hot flashes
. Osteoporosis
A 53-year-old woman presents with weight loss and a persistent rash to her lower abdomen and perineum. She is diagnosed with necrolytic migrating erythema and additional workup demonstrates diabetes mellitus, anemia and a large mass in the tail of the pancreas. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Verner-Morrison syndrome (VIPoma)
. Glucagonoma
. Somatostatinoma
. Insulinoma
. Gastrinoma
A 54-year-old alcoholic man comes to the emergency department because of dysphagia, drooling and a fever. He has been sick for two days and has not been able to eat. His mouth is swollen and feels hot. Examination shows a pale, febrile man who is drooling. There is redness around the entire mouth extending into the floor of the mouth. A tender, symmetric and indurated swelling with palpable crepitus is present in the submandibular area. Laboratory study shows an elevated W BC count. Which of the following is the most likely source of the oral cavity infection?
. Blood
. Lungs
. Parotid gland
. Teeth
. Tonsils
A 54-year-old black male from the southeast USA presents to you with complaints of generalized malaise, fever, and a cough. He claims that he has had intermittent hemoptysis for the past six months. He denies smoking and has never had tuberculosis. Examination is unremarkable and his chest x-ray is shown below. On changing position, you notice that the part of the lesion seen on x-ray also moves. The most likely diagnosis is?
. Lung abscess
. Pulmonary embolism
. Aspergilloma
. Histoplasmosis
. Bronchiectasis
A 54-year-old Caucasian man presents to his family physician's office complaining of several months of increased fatigability. He eats meat occasionally and drinks two to three cans of beer on weekends. Physical examination reveals pale conjunctivae and hyperdynamic carotid pulses. His blood hemoglobin level is 7.7 mg/dl, WBC count is 4,500/mm3, and platelet count is 170,000/mm3 Folic acid therapy is initiated. Four weeks later the patient's hemoglobin level is 9.1 mg/dl, but he complains of new tingling in his toes. Which of the following is a likely cause of this patient's current symptoms?
. Drug toxicity
. Iron deficiency
. Vitamin deficiency
. Glucose intolerance
. Extramedullary hematopoiesis
A 54-year-old construction worker presents to your office complaining of a "funny sensation" in his right arm. He has no significant past medical history. His diet consists of mainly fast food and he drinks one to two litters of soda per day. He does not exercise regularly. He smokes 1½ pack of cigarettes per day. His BMI is 28.5 kg/m2. You ask the patient to stretch out his arms with the palms facing up and close his eyes. Five seconds later you observe the right palm turning inward and downward. Which of the following best explains the observed findings in this patient?
. Impaired proprioception
. Tactile sensation loss
. Cerebellar dysfunction
. Parietal lobe lesion
. Upper motor neuron lesion
A 54-year-old female with a 30 pack-year smoking history undergoes cholecystectomy after an episode of biliary pancreatitis. On the third postoperative day, she complains of discomfort in the upper abdomen. Though she is breathing comfortably, her oxygen saturation is 90%, compared with 98% yesterday. Her blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, heart rate is 90/min, respiratory rate is 20/min, and temperature is 98F (36C). Arterial blood gas analysis reveals the following: pH = 7.44, p02 =64 mmHg, pC02 =34 mmHg, which of the following most likely explains the observed findings?
. Aspiration of gastric secretions
. Impaired cough and deep breathing
. Bronchial wall edema and bronchospasm
. Diaphragmatic paralysis
. Ventilator-associated pneumonia
A 54-year-old female with megaloblastic anemia and ataxia is given radiolabeled cobalamin by mouth followed by an intramuscular injection of unlabeled cobalamin. The urine radioactivity level measured afterwards is determined to be normal. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's symptoms?
. Dietary cobalamin deficiency
. Atrophic gastritis
. Nontropical sprue
. Fish tapeworm infestation
. Chronic low-volume Gl bleeding
A 54-year-old male comes to the physician's office because of chronic cough and recent bloody sputum. He used to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes daily for 22 years, but he quit last month. His other symptoms are weight loss, anorexia, constipation, increased thirst, and easy fatigability. He thinks that he is depressed because his wife died 4 months ago and "life never felt the same after that." On examination, he is a slim man who appears pale. His vital signs are stable, although he appears a little irritable and short of breath. Laboratory and radiologic studies reveal: Sodium 144 mEq/dL, Potassium 4.3 mEq/dL, Chloride 98 mEq/dL, Bicarbonate 21 mEq/dL, Calcium 11.5 mg/dl, BUN 28 mg/dl, Creatinine 0.8 mg/dl. Chest x-ray hilar mass in the left lung. Biopsy of the mass would most likely reveal?
. Tuberculosis
. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung
. Oat cell carcinoma of the lung
. Sarcoidosis
. Adenocarcinoma of the lung
A 54-year-old male had undergone an emergency colonic resection following an extensive ischemic colitis. The surgery was uneventful. The patient has been on peperacillin and tazobactam (Zosyn) for the past five days. He was NPO (nothing by mouth) for the past five days. He has a significant alcoholic history. On postoperative day six, he developed bleeding from the venipuncture site. His temperature is 36.7° C (98° F), blood pressure is 120/76 mmHg, pulse is 80/min, and respirations are 16/min. Lab results are: Hb 11.5g/dL, MCV 88 fl, Platelet count 160,000/cmm, Leukocyte count 7,500/cmm, Segmented neutrophils 68%, Bands 1%, Eosinophils 1%, Lymphocytes 24%, Monocytes 6%, Prothrombin time 20 sec (INR=1.9), Partial thromboplastin time 45 sec. His family history is insignificant. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his condition?
. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
. Hemolytic uremic syndrome
. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
. Vitamin deficiency
. Medication effect
A 54-year-old male is brought to the emergency department because of severe abdominal pain and diarrhea for the past 24 hours. He is confused and crying out in pain. His temperature is 38.6°C (101.6°F), blood pressure is 82/58 mm Hg, pulse is 118/min, and respirations are 24/min. Physical examination reveals extensive abdominal distention. There is fresh blood in his stools. Intravenous administration of normal saline is started after drawing blood for the necessary laboratory tests. The results of these tests are: Sodium 136 mEq/L, Potassium 3.6 mEq/L, Bicarbonate 18 mEq/L, Blood urea nitrogen 32 mg/dL, Creatinine 1.3 mg/dL, Glucose 86 mg/dL, WBC 35,000/mm3, Hemoglobin 13.0 g/dL, Hematocrit 36%, Platelets 460,000/mm3. Leukocyte distribution:Promyelocyte 2%, Myelocytes 7%, Metamyelocytes 18%, Bands 32%, Segmented neutrophils 24%, Lymphocytes 15%. The patient's temperature continues to remain elevated during the night of admission. A broad-spectrum antibiotic is added to the IV infusion. Repeat CBC on the following morning shows a WBC count of 118,000/mm3 with essentially the same differential distribution of leukocytes. His leukocyte alkaline phosphatase score is elevated. What is the most probable diagnosis of this patient?
. CML with blast crisis
. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
. Leukemoid reaction
. Secondary polycythemia
. Myelodysplastic syndrome
A 54-year-old male presents to the emergency department with a 1-week history of abdominal pain. His other symptoms are nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever, and loss of appetite. He does not use alcohol. He has a seizure disorder, for which he takes a "prescription drug." X-ray films of his chest and abdomen show no abnormalities. His abdominal CT scan is shown below. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this patient's abdominal symptoms?
. Gall bladder pathology
. Kidney pathology
. Pancreas pathology
. Air in the stomach
. Liver pathology
A 54-year-old man comes to the physician because of edema of his right ankle. He reports heaviness and cramping in the same leg that is worse after a long day at work. The swelling is usually reduced significantly when he wakes up in the morning and worsens progressively throughout the day. He denies any other symptoms. He has no significant medical problems except hypertension, for which he takes atenolol. His temperature is 36.7C (98F), blood pressure is 120/76 mm Hg, pulse is 80/min and respirations are 16/min. JVP is normal. Lungs are clearto auscultation. There are no murmurs. There is no hepatosplenomegaly. Examination shows edema of the right ankle. Doppler examination of the leg shows no evidence of thrombosis W hich of the following is the most likely cause of his edema?
. Lymphatic obstruction
. Impaired cardiac contraction
. Reduced diastolic filling of the heart
. Increased urinary loss of protein
. Venous valve incompetence
A 54-year-old man comes to the physician because of edema of his right ankle. He reports heaviness and cramping in the same leg that is worse after a long day at work. The swelling is usually reduced significantly when he wakes up in the morning and worsens progressively throughout the day. He denies any other symptoms. He has no significant medical problems except hypertension, for which he takes atenolol. His temperature is 36.7° C (98° F), blood pressure is 120/76 mm Hg, pulse is 80/min and respirations are 16/min. JVP is normaL Lungs are clear to auscultation. There are no murmurs. There is no hepatosplenomegaly. Examination shows edema of the right ankle. Doppler examination of the leg shows no evidence of thrombosis. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his edema?
. Lymphatic obstruction
. Impaired cardiac contraction
. Reduced diastolic filling of the heart
. Increased urinary loss of protein
. Venous valve incompetence
A 54-year-old man comes to your office complaining of recurrent headaches. While observing his gait as part of your neurologic examination, you notice that he very prominently flexes his right hip and knee and his right foot slaps to the floor with each step. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this gait abnormality?
. Corticospinal tract lesion
. Basal ganglia lesion
. Cerebellar dysfunction
. L5 radiculopathy
. Tarsal tunnel syndrome
A 54-year-old man is being evaluated for shortness of breath. Examination shows dullness to percussion and increased breath sounds, particularly during expiration, in the right lower lobe. Cardiac examination reveals regular rate and rhythm with normal S1 and S2. There is no murmur. Moderate peripheral edema is present. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his shortness of breath?
. Pleural effusion
. Pneumothorax
. Emphysema
. Interstitial lung disease
. Consolidation of the lung
A 54-year-old man is brought to the emergency department 1 0 minutes after being involved in a motor vehicle collision. On arrival, he is breathing spontaneously, is non-cyanotic and has no signs of external injury. His temperature is 37C (98.6F), blood pressure is 104/50 mm Hg, pulse is 122/min and respirations are 16/min. Examination shows bilateral round and reactive pupils of 4 mm. He is making some incomprehensible sounds. He responds to his name by opening his eyes and on applying supraorbital pressure he extends his left extremity and grasps your hand with his right hand. What is the Glasgow coma scale (GCS) in this patient?
. 6
. 8
. 10
. 12
. 14
A 54-year-old man is brought to the ER three hours after the onset of severe, 10/10, tearing, substernal chest pain radiating to his back. He still complains of pain and dizziness at the time of arrival. Physical examination demonstrates a pale thin male who is anxious and diaphoretic. His blood pressure is 90/60 mmHg in the right arm and 70/40 mmHg in the left arm. There is an 18 mmHg difference in systolic blood pressure between inspiration and expiration. His jugular veins are distended while sitting. Bedside echocardiogram demonstrates a moderate amount of pericardial fluid. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Acute myocardial infarction
. Acute pericarditis
. Aortic dissection
. Pulmonary embolism
. Tension pneumothorax
A 54-year-old man presents to the emergency department on transfer from another hospital at the request of the family. He was admitted to the outside hospital 2 weeks ago with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever. He was treated with antibiotics, NG tube decompression, and TPN without significant improvement. He developed jaundice 2 days ago. His past history is pertinent for a 40 pack-year smoking history, chronic alcohol abuse, and diabetes. Examination reveals a mildly jaundiced patient with vital signs of temperature 100°F, pulse rate 95/min, and BP 110/60 mmHg. Cardiac examination is unremarkable, lung examination reveals decreased breath sounds at the bases bilaterally, and abdominal examination reveals fullness in the epigastrium with tenderness and voluntary guarding. Which one is the most likely diagnosis?
. hepatitis A
. hemolysis
. pancreatitis
. Liver metastases
. cirrhosis
A 54-year-old man with a chronic mental illness seems to be constantly chewing. He does not wear dentures. His tongue darts in and out of his mouth, and he occasionally smacks his lips. He also grimaces, frowns, and blinks excessively. Which of the following disorders is most likely in this patient?
. Tourette syndrome
. Akathisia
. Tardive dyskinesia
. Parkinson disease
. Huntington disease
A 54-year-old overweight man wakes up in the middle of the night with substernal discomfort that he describes as a burning sensation. He also complains of left-sided neck pain and feels sweaty and short of breath. He has never had similar pain before. Prior to going to bed he had eaten a big meal. His past medical history is significant for diabetes and hypertension. Which of the following physical findings is most consistent with this patient's clinical presentation?
. Fixed splitting of S2
. Ejection-type systolic murmur
. Friction rub
. Fourth heart sound
. Pulsus paradoxus
A 54-year-old retired schoolteacher comes to the physician's office because of worsening low back pain. The pain started three weeks ago. It is continuous and is worse at night. He has had little relief with over-the-counter nonsteroidal analgesics. He has no other symptoms. He had a surgical resection of a lung tumor one year ago for non-small cell carcinoma of the lung. Preoperative positron emission tomography (PET) scanning did not reveal any evidence of metastasis. His vital signs are within normal limits. Examination shows local spinal tenderness at the L4-L5 level. What is the most likely cause of his back pain?
. Lumbar strain
. Central spinal canal stenosis
. Disc herniation
. Vertebral compression fracture
. Metastatic disease
A 54-year-old woman comes to the physician for an annual examination. She has no complaints. For the past year, she has been taking tamoxifen for the prevention of breast cancer. She was started on this drug after her physician determined her to be at high risk on the basis of her strong family history, nulliparity, and early age at menarche. She takes no other medications. Examination is within normal limits. Which of the following is this patient most likely to develop while taking tamoxifen?
. Breast cancer
. Elevated LDL cholesterol
. Endometrial changes
. Myocardial infarction
. Osteoporosis
A 54-year-old woman is brought to the emergency department after a head-on automobile accident. On arrival, she is breathing well. She has multiple bruises over the chest and multiple sites of point tenderness over the ribs. X-ray films show multiple rib fractures on both sides, but the lung parenchyma is clear, and both lungs are expanded. Two days later she is in respiratory distress, and her lungs "white out" on repeat chest x-ray films. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Flail chest
Myocardial contusion
Pulmonary contusion
Tension pneumothorax
Traumatic rupture of the aorta
A 54-year-old woman presents to the ED because of a change in behavior at home. For the past 3 years, she has end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis. Her daughter states that the patient has been increasingly tired and occasionally confused for the past 3 days and has not been eating her usual diet. On examination, the patient is alert and oriented to person only. The remainder of her examination is normal. An initial 12-lead ECG is performed as seen on the following page. Which of the following electrolyte abnormalities best explains these findings?
A 55-year-old Caucasian male comes to the office because of numerous falls for the past few weeks. Yesterday, he felt so dizzy that he fell on the ground and hurt his knees. He has also noticed dry mouth, dry skin, and erectile dysfunction over this period. His past medical history is significant for the recent onset of resting tremors. He was diagnosed with diabetes six months ago, which is controlled with diet. His blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg supine, and 90/60 mmHg standing. Physical examination reveals rigidity and bradykinesia. What is the most likely diagnosis of this patient?
. Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension
. Horner's syndrome
. Familial dysautonomia (Riley-Day syndrome)
. Diabetic neuropathy
. Shy-Dragger syndrome
A 55-year-old Caucasian man comes to the emergency department because of fever and productive cough, with foul-smelling sputum. He also complains of shortness of breath. His other medical problems include hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. In the past three months, he was admitted in the hospital two times for pneumonia. He has smoked one pack of cigarettes daily for 28 years and drinks 5-6 beers daily. Family history is not significant. His medications include hydrochlorothiazide and simvastatin. His temperature is 38.9°C (102°F), blood pressure is 120/70 mmHg, pulse is 112/min, and respirations are 24/min. The patient's pulse oximetry showed 89% at room air. Examination shows crackles at the right lung base. His chest x-ray shows right, lower lobe infiltrate. A CT scan of the chest shows no mass or obstruction. Which of the following is most likely responsible for this patient's symptoms?
. Excessive smoking
. Excessive alcohol intake
. Depressed humoral immunity
. Depressed cell-mediated immunity
. Underlying malignancy
A 55-year-old male Asian immigrant presents to the physician because of recent-onset neck swelling. He also notes having several episodes of epistaxis lately. He has not sustained any trauma to the neck or nose. His past medical history is significant for syphilis and recurrent bacterial sinusitis. He drinks 2 beers daily and has a 30-pack year smoking history. He takes daily multivitamins with antioxidants. On physical examination, you note a mass in the posterior nasal cavity. Biopsy shows undifferentiated carcinoma. Which of the following is a risk factor for this cancer?
. Alcohol use
. Spirochete infection
. Bacterial infection
. Viral infection
. Vitamin supplements
A 55-year-old male comes to the physician with a history of diarrhea, weight loss, bloating, and excessive flatulence. His symptoms began soon after having "stomach surgery" two years ago. He has a history of gastric ulcers. Physical examination shows scarring associated with past surgery, and abdominal distention with identifiable succussion splash. Laboratory studies show anemia with MCV of 100fl. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Short bowel syndrome
. Bacterial overgrowth
. Peptic ulcer disease
. Crohn's disease
. Ulcerative colitis
A 55-year-old male comes to the physician's office because of chronic pain in his buttock, hip and thigh muscles. The aching pain is present in both legs and usually is associated with walking. He has multiple medical problems and takes several medications. He has a 30 pack year smoking history. His temperature is 36.7C (98F), blood pressure is 150/88 mm Hg, pulse is 80/min and respirations are 16/min. Examination shows decreased femoral, popliteal and dorsalis pedis pulses in both legs. Which of the following additional complaints is most likely in this patient?
. Snoring
. Headache
. Anorexia
. Ankle swelling
. Impotence
A 55-year-old male comes to you with complaint of fatigue for the past month. He also complains of occasional heartburn. His past medical history is significant for hepatomegaly, secondary to fatty liver. He has been drinking 3-4 shots of alcohol per day for the past 30 years. He denies smoking. His physical examination reveals pallor of skin and mucous membranes, and mild hepatomegaly. His laboratory report shows: Hb 8.5 g/dl, WBC 8,000/cmm, MCV 110 fl, Platelets 150,000/cmm, Blood glucose 118 mg/dl, BUN 16 mg/dl, Serum creatinine 1.0 mg/dl. What is the most likely cause of anemia in this patient?
. Vitamin B- 12 deficiency
. Folate deficiency
. Chronic blood loss from peptic ulcer
. Anemia of chronic disease
. Thiamine deficiency
A 55-year-old male is admitted to the ICU after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. He requires exploratory laparotomy for suspected bowel perforation. Two days after the surgery he remains hypotensive and requires both aggressive intravenous fluids and vasopressors to maintain his blood pressure. On physical examination, you note the fingertip changes pictured below. All four extremities feel cold to touch. Which of the following is most likely responsible?
. Septic emboli
. Raynaud's phenomenon
. Norepinephrine-induced vasospasm
. Cholesterol emboli
. Superior vena cava syndrome
A 55-year-old male presents to the emergency room with right-sided weakness that has persisted for the past several hours. He also complains of severe central chest pain that is "ripping" in quality and radiates to his back. He has had hypertension for the past seven years and has not been taking any anti-hypertensive medication. He has been smoking one pack of cigarettes per day for the past 25 years. His father died of coronary artery disease at age 44 years. His temperature is 37.1°C (98.6°F), pulse is 78/min, blood pressure is 180/120 mm Hg in the right arm and 110/70 mm Hg in the left arm, and respirations are 16/min. He is diaphoretic and confuse. His neurological examination is significant for decreased power and tone in the right upper and right lower extremities. The rest of his physical examination is unremarkable ECG shows left axis-deviation and a chest x ray is normal. Based on these findings, what is the most likely diagnosis?
. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
. Hemorrhagic stroke
. Paradoxical pulmonary embolism
. Myocardial infarction with thromboembolism
. Aortic dissection
A 55-year-old man comes to the office due to a sudden onset of blisters all over his body. He complains of pain in the involved areas. He first noticed the lesions in his mouth a few days ago. His pulse is 82/min, blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg, respirations are 14/min, and temperature is 36.8°C (98.4°F). On examination, there are crops of flaccid bullae over normal-appearing skin, and large erosions at sites where the bullae had ruptured. The oral mucosa shows erosions and ulcerations. Slight rubbing of the uninvolved skin causes easy separation of the epidermis. Immunofluorescence microscopy shows deposits of IgG inter cellularly in the epidermis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
. Bullous pemphigoid
. Bullous impetigo
. Pemphigus vulgaris
. Erythema multiforme
. Dermatitis herpetiformis
A 55-year-old man comes to the physician because of a 4-month history of an ulcer on the sole of his right foot. He has had no trauma and does not remember how he got the ulcer. He states the ulcer has been difficult to heal and readily gets infected. He does not use tobacco, alcohol or drugs. Examination shows the ulcer is located on the sole of his foot just below the head of the first metatarsal bone. His foot is warm and dry and appears slightly deformed. Dorsalis pedis pulses are present. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his condition?
. Venous hypertension
. Arterial spasm
. Peripheral neuropathy
. Central spinal cord lesion
. Posterior spinal cord lesion
A 55-year-old man comes to the physician because of a 4-month history of an ulcer on the sole of his right foot. He has had no trauma and does not remember how he got the ulcer. He states the ulcer has been difficult to heal and readily gets infected. He has multiple medical problems. He does not use tobacco, alcohol or drugs. Examination shows the ulcer is located on the sole of his foot just below the head of the first metatarsal bone. His foot is warm and dry and appears slightly deformed. Dorsalis pedis pulses are present. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his condition?
. Venous hypertension
. Arterial spasm
. Peripheral neuropathy
. Central spinal cord lesion
. Posterior spinal cord lesion
A 55-year-old man comes to the physician because of chronic leg problems. He has had multiple medical problems and is unable to get good medical care due to lack of insurance. A photograph of his legs is shown below. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his condition?
. Arterial thrombosis
. Arterial spasm
. Venous hypertension
. Peripheral neuropathy
. Posterior spinal cord lesion
A 55-year-old man is diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia. The patient declines pharmacologic treatment and elects to undergo transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Which of the following is the most common complication of this procedure?
Bladder neck contracture
Recurrence of symptoms
Retrograde ejaculation
A 55-year-old man presents to the ED complaining of mild diffuse abdominal pain. He states that he underwent a routine colonoscopy yesterday and was told “everything is fine.” The pain began upon waking up and is associated with some nausea. He denies fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. His BP is 143/71 mm Hg, HR is 87 beats per minute, temperature is 98.9°F, and RR is 16 breaths per minute. His abdomen is tense but only mildly tender. You order baseline laboratory tests. His chest radiograph is seen below. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Ascending cholangitis
. Acute pulmonary edema
. Acute liver failure
. Pancreatitis
. Pneumoperitoneum
A 55-year-old man presents to the emergency department with left lower quadrant abdominal pain. The pain has been present for 1 week, but has increased in intensity over the last 2 days associated with nausea, constipation, and dysuria. Past history is unremarkable. Examination reveals a temperature of 101°F, pulse rate of 95/min, BP of 130/70 mmHg, and normal heart and lung examinations. Abdominal examination reveals fullness and marked tenderness in the left lower quadrant, with voluntary guarding and decreased bowel sounds. Laboratory tests reveal a WBC count of 18,000 with a left shift and 20–50 WBCs in the urinalysis. A CT scan of the abdomen reveals a thickened sigmoid colon with pericolonic inflammation. He is admitted to the hospital for treatment. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Colon cancer with contained perforation
. Ischemic colitis
. Pseudomembranous colitis
. diverticulitis
. pyelonephritis
A 55-year-old man presents to the physician’s office with complaints of hoarseness and left neck fullness for the past month. On examination, a firm, movable, left submandibular mass is noted. Past history is pertinent for a 30 packyear smoking history with occasional alcohol intake. Which one is the most likely diagnosis?
. Thyroid carcinoma
. Cystic hygroma
. Acute suppurative lymphadenitis
. Thyroglossal duct cyst
. Laryngeal carcinoma
A 55-year-old man presents with fever and pain in the perineal region. Upon further questioning he also complains of frequency, urgency, dysuria, and a decreased urinary stream. On physical examination his abdomen is soft, nondistended, and nontender. Digital rectal examination demonstrates exquisite tenderness on the anterior aspect. Laboratory examination reveals leukocytosis and findings on urinalysis are consistent with a bacterial infection. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Urinary tract infection
. Benign prostatic hyperplasia
. Prostatitis
. Pyelonephritis
. Nephrolithiasis
A 55-year-old man was admitted to the hospital 2 weeks ago for rapid onset of cough, fatigue, and pleuritic chest pain. He has worked as a sandblaster for the past year. When first seen in the hospital, he denied hemoptysis and smoking. Currently, the patient is intubated and on assist-control ventilation. His temperature is 36.7°C (98°F), pulse is 96/min, blood pressure is 138/85 mm Hg, and respiratory rate is 18/ min. A recent arterial blood gas study showed a pH 7.42, arterial carbon dioxide pressure of 36 mm Hg, and arterial oxygen pressure of 110 mm Hg while on 100% oxygen. Physical examination is significant for diffuse crackles throughout both lung fields, a loud pulmonic component of the second heart sound, and jugular venous distention of 9 cm with a prominent A wave, a left parasternal heave, and symmetric 3+ lower extremity pitting edema. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis
A 55-year-old man with hypertension and a one-pack-per-day smoking history presents to the ED complaining of three episodes of severe heavy chest pain this morning that radiated to his left shoulder. In the past, he experienced chest discomfort after walking 20 minutes that resolved with rest. The episodes of chest pain this morning occurred while he was reading the newspaper. His BP is 155/80 mmHg, HR 76 beats per minute, and RR 15 breaths per minute. He does not have chest pain in the ED. An ECG reveals sinus rhythm with a rate of 72. A troponin I is negative. Which of the following best describes this patient’s diagnosis?
Variant angina
Stable angina
Unstable angina
Non–ST-elevation MI
ST-elevation MI (STEMI)
A 55-year-old man with hypertension and end-stage renal disease requiring hemodialysis presents with 2 days of painless hematochezia. He reports similar episodes of bleeding in the past, which were attributed to angiodysplasia. He denies abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. His vitals include HR of 90 beats per minute, BP of 145/95 mm Hg, RR of 18 breaths per minute, and temperature of 98°F. His abdomen is soft and nontender and his stool is grossly positive for blood. Which of the following statements are true regarding angiodysplasia?
. They are responsible for over 50% of acute lower GI bleeding
. They are more common in younger patients
. Angiography is the most sensitive method for identifying angiodysplasias
. They are less common in patients with end-stage renal disease
. The majority of angiodysplasias are located on the right side of the colon
A 55-year-old pig farmer is brought to the emergency department (ED) after having a seizure two hours ago. During his transit to the ED, he has another seizure. On arrival, he is unconscious, pulseless, and not breathing. Resuscitation is successful and the patient is stabilized; however, he does not do well over the next several days and is eventually declared dead. His wife says that he had been healthy most of his life, except for the past few weeks, when he was complaining of headaches. Autopsy shows multiple fluid-filled cysts in the brain parenchyma. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis of this patient?
. Neurocysticercosis
. Lymphoma
. Metastatic brain tumor
. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
. Glioblastoma multiforme
A 55-year-old postmenopausal woman shows evidence of temporal balding, clitoromegaly, and increased facial hair that began 6 months ago and had a rapid onset. She is noted to have a 5 cm unilateral, solid pelvic mass. Family history is negative for these findings. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Mucinous cystadenoma
Benign cystic teratoma
Granulosa cell tumor
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
A 55-year-old white woman has had recurrent episodes of alcoholinduced pancreatitis. Despite abstinence, the patient develops postprandial abdominal pain, bloating, weight loss despite good appetite, and bulky, foul-smelling stools. KUB shows pancreatic calcifications. In this patient, you should expect to find which of the following?
. Diabetes mellitus
. Malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins D and K
. Guaiac-positive stool
. Courvoisier sign
. Markedly elevated amylase
A 55-year-old white woman with a history of iron deficiency anemia has had intermittent trouble swallowing solids for the past few years. She denies alcohol or tobacco use. Her vital signs are stable. Her iron level is 40μg/dL and total iron binding capacity is 500 μg/dL. Other laboratory tests are within normal limits. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Barrett’s esophagus
Esophageal carcinoma
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
A 55-year-old woman comes to the physician for an annual physical examination. She has no new complaints, except fatigue. She has an 8-year history of chronic low back pain; severe degenerative joint disease has been documented on MRI. She had an anterior wall myocardial infarction four years ago. Her current medications include naproxen, acetaminophen, oxycodone, aspirin, atenolol, and simvastatin. Her blood pressure is 130/80 mm Hg and pulse is 72/min. Laboratory studies show: Hb 10 g/dl, WBC 6,000/cmm, Blood sugar 82 mg/dl, BUN 36 mg/dl, Serum creatinine 2.0 mg/dl. Urinalysis : Protein 2+, Glucose Absent, RBC AbsentWBC 10-15/HPF, Nitrite Negative, Esterase Negative, Sediment WBC casts. Serum protein electrophoresis is negative for monoclonal gammopathy. Two years ago, her BUN level was 22 mg/dl, and creatinine level was 1.6 mg/dl. Which of the following is the most likely pathology involved in this patient's renal failure?
. Acute tubular necrosis
. Chronic glomerulonephritis
. Tubulointerstitial nephritis
. Recurrent pyelonephritis
. Renal tuberculosis
A 55-year-old woman falls in the shower and hurts her right shoulder. She shows up in the emergency department with her arm held close to her body, but the forearm rotated outward as if she were going to shake hands. She is in pain and will not move the arm from that position. Her shoulder looks "square" in comparison with the rounded unhurt opposite side, and there is numbness in a small area of her shoulder over the deltoid muscle. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Acromioclavicular separation
. Anterior dislocation of the shoulder
. Fracture of the upper end of the humeral shaft
. Posterior dislocation of the shoulder
. Scapular fracture
A 55-year-old woman presents to your office for consultation regarding her symptoms of menopause. She stopped having periods 8 months ago and is having severe hot flushes. The hot flushes are causing her considerable stress. What should you tell her regarding the psychological symptoms of the climacteric?
. They are not related to her changing levels of estrogen and progesterone.
. They commonly include insomnia, irritability, frustration, and malaise.
. They are related to a drop in gonadotropin levels.
. They are not affected by environmental factors.
. They are primarily a reaction to the cessation of menstrual flow.
A 55-year-old woman presents with a 6-month history of weight loss, abdominal cramps, and intermittent nonbloody diarrhea. On examination, her abdomen is mildly distended and there is a palpable mass in the right lower quadrant. Stool cultures yield normal fecal flora. CT scan with oral contrast demonstrates an inflammatory mass in the right lower quadrant, with thickening of the terminal ileum and ileocecal valve. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Ulcerative colitis
. appendicitis
. Crohn’s disease
. Irritable bowel syndrome
. Lactose intolerance
A 55-year-old woman presents with coughing up blood and sputum. She gives a history of recurrent pneumonias and a chronic cough productive of foul-smelling purulent sputum. The sputum production is worse on lying down and in the morning. On physical examination, she appears chronically ill with clubbing of the fingers. Wet inspiratory crackles are heard at the lung bases posteriorly. There are no hepatosplenomegaly or any palpable lymph nodes. CXR shows scaring in the right lower lobe, which on chest CT scan is identified as airway dilatation, bronchial wall thickening, and grapelike cysts. Which of the following is a recognized precursor to this patient’s condition?
Bronchial asthma
Cigarette smoking
Lung infection and impairment of drainage
Lung cancer
A 55-year-old woman requires an abdominoperineal operation for rectal cancer. She has a history of stable angina. Which of the following clinical markers is most likely to predict a cardiac event during her noncardiac surgery and should prompt further cardiac workup prior to her operation?
. Abnormal electrocardiogram
. Prior stroke
. Unstable angina
. Uncontrolled hypertension
. Her age
A 55-year-old woman who has end-stage liver disease is referred to a hepatologist for evaluation. Which of the following would prevent her from being a transplantation candidate?
. Use of alcohol 3 months ago
. Two 2-cm hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) in the right lobe of the liver
. A 4-cm hepatocellular carcinoma in the right lobe of the liver
. Development of hepatorenal syndrome requiring hemodialysis
. History of breast cancer 5 years ago with no evidence of disease currently
A 55-year-old woman with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis is on prednisone 5 mg daily and etanercept (Enbrel) 50 mg subcutaneously once a week. Her arthritis is well-controlled. However, she complains of a 2-day history of headaches, chills, and spiking fevers to 39.4°C (103°F). You suspect which of the following?
. An allergic febrile reaction to etanercept
. Fever related to her underlying autoimmune disease
. A serious infection
. A viral syndrome
. An occult malignancy
A 55-year-old-woman presents to the physician’s office for evaluation of mammographic findings on a screening mammogram. She denies any breast masses, nipple discharge, pain, or skin changes. Past history is pertinent for insulin-dependent diabetes. Family history is positive for postmenopausal breast cancer in her mother. She has a normal breast examination and no axillary adenopathy. A mediolateral oblique (MLO) view of the right breast is shown: Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Milk of calcium
. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) with or without an invasive component
. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) with or without an invasive component
. Involuting fibroadenoma
. Phyllodes tumor
A 55-year-old, HIV-positive man has a fungating mass growing out of the anus. He can feel it when he wipes himself after having a bowel movement, but it is not painful. For the past 6 months, he has noticed blood on the toilet paper, and from time to time there has also been blood coating the outside of the stools. He has lost weight, and he looks emaciated and ill. On physical examination, the mass is easily visible. It measures 3.5 cm in diameter, is fixed to surrounding tissues, and appears to grow out of the anal canal. He also has rock-hard, enlarged lymph nodes on both groins, some of them as large as 2 cm in diameter. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
. Adenocarcinoma of the rectum
. Condyloma acuminata of the anus
. External hemorrhoids
. Rectal prolapse
. Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus
A 56-year-old Caucasian male complains of chronic exertional dyspnea for the past several years that has progressively worsened. He cannot remember the last time that he saw a doctor, and does not take any medications regularly. It is difficult for him to climb two flights of stairs without having to rest. His dyspnea has gotten so bad that it has severely limited his activity level, and he now spends most of his time on the couch. He also describes recurrent episodes of nocturnal dyspnea, during which he wakes up at around 2:00 AM with difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing that improve when he sits up. He usually coughs up some yellowish sputum before being able to go back to sleep. He has had no fever, chills, or chest pain. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's complaints?
. Left ventricular failure
. Bronchial asthma
. Chronic bronchitis
. Pulmonary thromboembolism
. Pulmonary fibrosis
A 56-year-old diabetic female comes to the clinic with complaints of dizziness which has been going on for 3 weeks. She denies any dyspnea or diaphoresis. She says her blood glucose is well controlled and denies any allergy. Her BP is 155/90 mmHg. Her chest-x ray is unremarkable and her blood work is normal. The ECG is recorded below. What is the most likely diagnosis?
. Mobitz type I heart block
. Mobitz type II heart block
. Complete heart block
. Atrial fibrillation
. First degree heart block
A 56-year-old female is admitted with a diagnosis of chronic renal failure from systemic lupus erythematosus and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use. She has a history of recurrent kidney stones. Laboratory studies show the following: Serum calcium 10.6 mg/dL, Serum albumin 3.9 g/L, PTH 140 pg/mL, Serum phosphorus 3.0 mg/dL. Her baseline serum creatinine level ranges from 1.6 to 1.8 mg/dL. Her bone mineral density is measured by DXA scan, revealing a T score of-2.5 at the lumbar spine, which is consistent with osteoporosis. What is the most likely cause of this patient's hypercalcemia?
. Hypercalcemia of malignancy
. Milk-alkali syndrome
. Chronic renal failure
. Sarcoidosis
. Primary hyperparathyroidism
A 56-year-old Hispanic male presents with right-sided arm weakness and speech difficulty. He expresses words slowly and with difficulty. His speech is agrammatic and the melody of speech is abnormal. He is able to comprehend words spoken to him. Which of the following is the most likely site of lesion in the above patient?
. Dominant parietal lobe
. Nondominant parietal lobe
. Dominant frontal lobe
. Nondominant frontal lobe
. Occipital lobe
A 56-year-old male comes to the emergency room because of a 2-day history of fever, chills, shortness of breath and productive cough. He also threw up once in the emergency room. He has been smoking for several years and occasionally drinks alcohol. On admission, his BP was 90/60, but with one liter of normal saline it improved to 120/80 mm Hg. His temperature is 38.8°C (102°F). His arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis is as follows: Blood pH 7.53, PaO2 70 mmHg, PaCO2 30 mmHg, HCO3- 22 mEq/L. Which of the following best describes his primary acid-base status?
. Respiratory acidosis
. Respiratory alkalosis
. Metabolic acidosis
. Metabolic alkalosis
. Normal acid base status
{"name":"USMLE_Diagnosis IX", "url":"","txt":"Test your clinical knowledge with the USMLE Diagnosis IX Quiz, designed for healthcare professionals and students alike. This quiz covers a variety of medical scenarios and diagnoses, focusing on essential knowledge for the USMLE exams.Features:30 challenging questionsMultiple choice formatTopics in internal medicine, surgery, and psychiatry","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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